I’ve completed the A-Z Challenge every year since I’ve become a widow (and The Widow Badass), so this was #4.
This was the second time I used a theme to guide my posts. I had nothing in mind until the 11th hour, when I had a flash of A-Z inspiration and decided to have any readers of Ye Olde Blogge guess my theme from the subject matter of my posts. Each post followed the same general idea – an idea that could be summarized by the title of a popular song from when I was a kid. Every post was related to this particular song.
You know, like the game of adding “in bed” to any message found in a fortune cookie? Well, each of my posts could have “In the Summertime” added to it.
I thought that this could keep readers engaged and wanting to come back to read more, to solve the mystery! (I know I would have wanted to, if someone I was reading was doing this.) But what I couldn’t have guessed was how much fun it would be for me to do this.
I so enjoyed reading the comments from people suggesting song titles. People guessed some of “the contenders” – the songs that I was contemplating and almost chose for the challenge. People guessed songs that I loved and had forgotten about. People also guessed THE SONG, which thrilled me to no end. I really had no idea how this was going to go – I alternated between “it’ll be guessed the first post – I made it too easy” to “should I give hints if no gets it by the half-way mark?”
I think I’ll be doing this again – it was tremendous fun for me during a trying time. My summer-themed posts were the only thing that kept me going it seemed, some days.
Seriously, I think we had better weather overall in February than in April. See the proof, below:

Not only was April “the spring that never came to Ontario” (so depressing!), but I had a LOT going on at work.
Because of my work challenges, I did not get to visit other blogs from the A-Z participant list – I never even looked at the list once during the whole month. I did not link up my blog to any A-Z Challenge posts on Facebook or wherever for this reason. I could hardly promote my own posts in this way if I was not able to visit anybody else’s, I figured.
I do feel bad about that but there was nothing much I could have done about it – unless I wanted to forgo sleep. I’m looking forward to a time when I can give this challenge my full effort; however that may not be until I retire.
How do other bloggers do it? Did you participate? Did you manage to visit and comment on 10 blogs per day?
Rock on,
The WB