When this post goes live I will be on the mainland (and Bowser-less), helping my sister move house. My other sister will already be there, also to help with the move. This is going to be the first time the 3 siblings have been together under one roof since 2015! Hopefully we survive the experience.
That makes the summer/fall of 2022 officially the “moving season”. I have been moving carloads of stuff and helping renovate my daughter’s side since July 1, and renovating my own place since August (still in progress). And now, gladly helping my sister as well. And when I return to the island, I will hopefully have my flooring finished so that I can finally officially move my furniture out of storage and into my new place. Just in time to pick up my first houseguest from the airport for a week of adventuring! (My kitchen won’t be finished but we will just muddle through.) Whew…I am getting tired just typing all of this. 😂
Anywho, more in upcoming posts (including before and after photos) once the dust settles (Novemberish, perhaps).
Bowser is completely healed from his recent surgery and fun and feisty as ever. I can’t stop myself from sharing some shots of the Dog Wonder (aka canine flashlight) in his headgear. Enjoy!

Rock on,
The WB