The Sunday Schnauzer – First Howl’oween

Bowser was pretty excited for his first Halloween Howl’oween. He wanted to get into costume right away!

But it was such a beautiful morning, we just had to get out for a romp.

Followed by this:

Finally it was time to get things ready for the kiddos. I got to use my new firebowl for the first time.

Waiting not-so-patiently for the kids.

Our street was pretty dark and scary. We are surrounded by 3 mobile home parks so that’s where the bulk of the kids went (higher efficiency in candy scrounging 😉). We could hear them laughing and screaming but only 4 intrepid souls came to our yard all night.

Still, we enjoyed a pleasant Howl’oween by the fire.

We hope you had a lovely October 31st as well.

Rock on,

The WB

35 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – First Howl’oween

  1. hilarymb

    Hi Bowser – well after that romp and the effort in carving that perfect pumpkin you deserve your rest … you’re lucky it was only Halloween night – here your poor species have to endure fireworks galore – even this human in her home jumped at a couple of explosions … your pals, no doubt those cat four-leggeds, and of course the birds all are rather unhappy at the goings on of your mistress and her like – but I know you’re happy at home with her and her sort and they look after you rather well!! Have a happy week … we’re in for a wet one, still a change from drought! Cheers Hilary

    1. Halloween fireworks are a real thing here on the island, as you may remember. The volunteer fire department put on a great show right around the corner from us. Bowser wasn’t bothered by the noise, fortunately. I like fireworks and also understand the concerns of pet owners regarding them. I feel they should be limited to public displays only and that backyard fireworks should not be allowed. Thanks, Hilary 💕

  2. I wish I could sleep like that!
    If you had four kids hit Halloween you had your more than we did. Living in the country has its charms, but trick or treaters isn’t one of them.

    1. It really is amazing how deeply Bowser can sleep, and in any position! Yes, living in the country or on the outskirts of town means travelling to be or see trick’n treaters. I always had to go to my suburban friends’ neighbourhood for Halloween, growing up. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕

      1. Yikes! I don’t know how I missed that (and three other message beside it). I just saw it now. I am so sorry about the house attack. All was fine here. We lost power for a couple hours and traffic lights lost power for over 24! 🙁

        1. I’m so surprised we didn’t lose power. Honestly I thought the house was being attacked – so many broken branches hitting the walls, windows, and roof!!! Luckily no damage…

    1. I had enough for 50 kids and let the 4 take as much as they wanted so yeah, lots left over…but somehow the rest all disappeared between the 3 of us 😉. Thanks, Kate 💕

    1. The rising number of peanut allergies is weird, isn’t it? I never had any allergies growing up and neither did their dad, but both kids have allergies to animals (cats, dogs, horses…). Thanks, Janis 💕

  3. I love his sleeping position while possessively keeping your shoe handy!! Ah the joys of rural life and Halloween. We only ever get our grandkids and even that is hit and miss! Bernie

  4. debscarey

    Gorgeous firepit! Bowzer looks fab, as ever. Pity about the limited number of trick or treaters after you made the effort, but glad you had some to limit your generous supply of candy. We had none, haven’t had any since moving into apartments – but then the UK doesn’t do it in a big way.

    1. Halloween is HUGE here on the island which is not surprising given its reputation as a haven for pagans and hippie burnouts 😄. People go crazy for fireworks as well as spending lots to decorate their houses. It’s kinda fun, and I like it! Thanks, Debs 💕

  5. I like Halloween, it calls to my Celtic ancestry I suppose. Bowser looks lovely and I like your simple jack-o-lantern. It’s a refreshing, reminding me of my childhood when all carved pumpkins looked like that. Cheerful

    1. Thanks, Ally 💕. I decided to go with a simple pumpkin this year and I liked the look of it too. Didn’t even take the time to draw a face on first; just went at it with the paring knife. Gutsy, no? 😉

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