The Sunday Schnauzer – Sign of Fall

Forget falling leaves, misty mornings and pumpkin spice lattes, here is the sure sign of fall around here:

Mommy came home from the store with a new toy for Bowser. It’s Hallowe’en themed!
And it’s delicious, apparently!
Another sign of fall – Bowser is using his doggy bed again.
New toy bliss!

We hope you are enjoying the last blissful days of summer (even though it is acting like fall already around here!).

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – You Old Sea Dog

Last weekend Bowser’s daddy wanted to try to snag a salmon at Rocky Point. Of course we all came along for the fun moral support.

Bowser is already scheming how to get to Daddy, once he’s let off the leash.
It wasn’t long before someone was splashing around on the rocks.
Bowser like to run back and forth between Daddy and Mommy (and Oma).
It’s a giant head on a couple of toothpicks! 🤣
Unfortunately the only thing Daddy caught was a sea star, that I forgot to snap a picture of.
Who’s a happy ol’ sea dog?

We hope you have some fun in the sun (and water) on this long Labour Day weekend!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Clean Rug

I have one of those washable Ruggable rugs in my kitchen. Because it’s doing its job (and very well, I might add), I need to throw it into the washing machine from time to time. It always comes out beautiful. So beautiful in fact, that someone needs to claim it before I can completely unroll it onto the grippy undermat.

Thanks, Oma…it’s nice and warm from drying in the sun.
Why are you making those funny faces, Oma?
Is there a problem, Oma? I kinda feel from your face that there is.

And I thought cats were the only ones to pull this kinda shit do this sort of thing…

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Heat Wave

This past week brought high temperatures to our usually moderate coastal climate. But it didn’t stop us from heading to the creek for some fun and exploration…we adjusted our schedule to leave the house even earlier, before the sun got too high in the sky.

And I made sure we spent a lot of time cooling off by trudging through what remains of the creek.

Bowser’s mommy sent me this shot of Bowser, post-walk 🤣. Same girl, same 😉

The following day: rinse and repeat!

What a life!

We hope you stay cool, explore and relax this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Oma Is Away, Again

Bowser here. Oma is away again on another of her vacations. Mommy says she is on the west coast of the island, doing some broken kayaking….no, wait…kayaking around the Broken Islands.

So I am a bit lonely for her. But I have the rest of my pack taking me on adventures (take that, Oma!) so that is helping a lot.

Helping the pack fish and catch crabs at Roberts Memorial Park. I was here before, when I was a young pup – see this post.

I hope you are helping your pack out this weekend.

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾

p.s. Mommy says Oma probably doesn’t have internet or even cell coverage (whatever those things are) where she is, so she won’t be able to reply to any comments for a couple of days.

The Sunday Schnauzer – Critter Fest At The Creek And Beyond

It’s been very hot and dry here and the family has been walking to the ever-shrinking creek nearby, to cool off. When Bowzer’s daddy and siblings are involved, there will be critters found!

First up – a froggy friend getting a ride on Daddy’s shoulder:

Next up: a crayfish was found (and quickly released).

Bowser got brave and worked on his swimming skills (not his favourite activity, but needs must at times 😉). We were all very excited to see him actually swim in case you couldn’t figure that out 😂:

We went to our favourite tree, dubbed the Magic Tree. It seems a bit other-worldly, with all those exposed roots in the water. So many little fish love to hide and swim among these roots:

Bowser loves climbing on this tree to better watch all the water shenanigans.

Although Bowser is not a fan of swimming per se, he loves exploring the shallower parts of the creek.

Here he is, crossing the creek where it is shallow enough he doesn’t have to swim (always his first choice!):

We eventually made our way back home again, but it didn’t mean the critter fest stopped. Bowser’s big brother (henceforth to be known as The Snake Whisperer) found the most beautiful little snake in my garden. Who was quite content to wrap him/herself around his hand and observe us all. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – just saying!

All this exploring and critter-talk makes a body tired:

We hope you have some fun this weekend, and also take time to rest.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Looking Pretty

Bowser here. Oma has been pretty busy the past couple of weeks so I’ve had to stay over at Mommy and Daddy’s more than I am used to, during the day. There have been big white trucks in the front yard and strangers over at Oma’s. Here is a picture of me looking good at Oma’s – she just washed her kitchen yum-yum room mat and I am decorating it.

Not so Patiently waiting for you, Oma. Let’s do something fun please. At least drop something tasty!

Oma asked me to show you what she has been busy with.

It’s behind that solid door in her entry way. The entry way is currently in the process of being renovated as well – Oma

Here are the before/in-progress photos.

And here are the photos of after.

New ceiling lights

Oma is so happy! She says now she has another useful room in her little house.

Can we play now Oma?

Bowser says he hopes you have time to play this weekend. Oma says she will be busy painting the entryway.

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾

The Sunday Schauzer – Patio Life

When I bought my new patio furniture I knew I was going to get a lot of use and enjoyment out of it. I didn’t realize how much someone else would enjoy it as well.

Guess who hogs the best seat in the house?
I ask you: who can resist this face?
Cozying up to Donna.
These snacks are for Book Club. Book Club is for the PEOPLE who have READ the book. Capisce, Bowser?

We hope your weekend is filled with snacks and lounging in the shade.

Rock on,

The WB