The Sunday Schnauzer – The Rains Are Here Again

After being in extreme drought conditions since July, the island is once again experiencing the rainy weather it is known for. And we couldn’t be happier.

This is my “happy to be out in the rain face”. (My hair is not wet from the rain, but still damp from the shower I took just before heading out.)
Bowser was excited to be out on the trail again. Not sure if he thought the rain was all that exciting, though. Not like he gets when it snows, that’s for sure 🤣. He matches the scenery nicely, doesn’t he?
As usual, Bowser has to trot ahead and scout things out.
And, as usual he checks back from time to time to see where I am at.
Bright leaves litter the trail, making a beautiful contrast to the rocks and soil.
Found this beautiful little mushroom. Some sort of Amanita, I think. I was hoping to see more, but this was the only one I found on this walk.
Bowser, coming back from checking on the creek – that we were happy to notice is rapidly reclaiming the dry creek bed.

We hope you are enjoying whatever the weather brings you. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my fellow Canadians!

Rock on,

The WB

30 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – The Rains Are Here Again

  1. A walk with Bowser would be a great Walktober! See my current blog post for the definition of Walktober. Your mushroom was really cool looking. And Bowser is adorable!

  2. I’ve never seen a mushroom that looks like that! Mother Nature sure does ‘variety’ well! The range of her achievements is mind-blowing. For such a little dog, Bowser sure is fearless. He’s all boy. Does he like to cuddle? My Schnauzer didn’t.

    1. Bowser loves cuddling! My Lucy did not like cuddling at all but my previous schnauzer Maxx couldn’t get enough cuddles. I had thought it might have to do with their gender (males being more cuddly) but if Levi didn’t like cuddling, I guess not! Thanks, Jean 💕

  3. debscarey

    You’re clearly a believer in the saying: there’s no such thing as bad weather – only the wrong clothes… which I tend to be in agreement with. And what a gorgeous mushroom!

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