The Sunday Schnauzer – Bowser Has A Houseguest

Meet Poppy:

A 14 year old Chihuahua, Poppy stayed with Bowser and Mommy and Daddy last week while his mommy was out of the country.
Poppy, showing off his BDE (Big Dog Energy). It is usually short-lived 🤣, but we love his enthusiasm.
Bowser is not a fan of the new, slower pace to our walks.
He also wonders why Poppy must pee all over the places he, Bowser, has just peed upon.
Partway through each shortened walk, Poppy starts flagging and gets zipped into Mommy’s jacket. He likes being treated like the king that he is 👑.
Bowser usually wants to play more than Poppy, which leads to Poppy becoming even more of a grumbly old man than he already is. But at least they are very good at napping together.
We have nicknamed Poppy “the coffee pot”, as he makes noises like a percolating coffee machine. A LOT. It gives us anxiety as we try to figure out what is bothering him, if in fact he is bothered. Is this a Chihuahua thing? Anyways, I like him best when he is at rest. Then I know he is relaxed.

Bowser has been spending even more time at my house this past week, to give each dog a break from the other. I can’t say that I am mad about that 😉.

Bowser and I, chillin’ like villains in front of the fire after a rainy walk.

It’s been an interesting week! Who knew Bowser could appear to be practically zen-like, in comparison? 🤣

Rock on,

The WB

My Renovation Projects – Part 2: The Fireplace

Read about Part 1, here.

Funny story about my fireplace…I can’t have a wood-burning or gas fireplace where I live so that leaves me with electric as the only other option. I’ve had an electric fireplace before, and it was…OK. Pretty, but noisy to run and very obviously fake flames. So last winter I researched electric fireplaces and decided that the Dimplex Revillusion fireplace was the realest fake on the market and the one I was most interested in. However, it is not to be found IRL (in real life) anywhere near where I live. I didn’t want to buy one sight-unseen as they are not cheap. So I shelved the idea and went on to other projects (of which you might rightfully guess I have many! 😉).

Then I went back to Ontario in June to attend a special event for a friend’s daughter and while I was there I visited my good friends Kenn and Jonathan (who now live in my old apartment, above their museum). They show me all the changes they have wrought in my old place (all magnificent!) and lo and behold they had built an electric fireplace into a wall of bookshelves and IT. IS. THE. DIMPLEX. REVILLUSION. I practically screamed when I saw it. (Another funny story: they had also bought the exact same washer/dryer unit as I did. Can you believe it? What are the chances???).

Anywho, I got to see it in action and was convinced it was the unit for me. So I ordered one in late August.

Now I had to find a mantle to fit around the firebox. I went to good ol’ Facebook Marketplace and searched and searched. Nothing would fit it exactly. Then I found one that almost fit…and it was FREE. What did I have to lose? I could try to fix it and if I failed… well, it was FREE! I picked it up.

My free find.

I had to remove the shelf in order to fit the firebox so that means I needed a new front piece. I went to Home Depot to buy a piece of wood and the helpful guy in the lumber area suggested a piece from the “FREE pile” (did you know they had one???) and he cut the perimeter to fit. So far so good! My expensive firebox is getting enclosed in a free mantle with a free front piece. Whee!!!

Shelf removed and ready for sanding.

And here’s where it started getting expensive…Home Depot couldn’t cut out the inner piece to make it snugly accommodate the firebox so I ended up buying a jigsaw so I could do it myself ($75). And then I bought some peel and stick stone tile to decorate the front (2 x $60).

Inner piece cut out by Yours Truly and her new jigsaw. The tiles I bought to finish the front piece are in the centre. The tile is called “weathered granite” for some strange reason. It sure looks like slate to me. And I am not mad about it!
It fits!!!

And then I stupidly bought way too much paint for this project ($85). But I was able to use it for the long overdue painting of my 2nd hand drop leaf dining table, and I will also use it to paint some other 2nd hand cabinets I have (yet another future project…sigh).

The colour is Potting Soil, by Behr – a deep earthy goose poop olive. I picked it to match the undertone of the slate weathered granite tile. I bought the top of the line paint-plus-primer because this piece really needed the coverage love.
Starting to look much better.
Beginning to apply the stone to the front piece and checking how it is turning out…I just love the look and gorgeous colouring of the slate…uh…I mean weathered granite. 😉
Tiling completed.
Closeup of slate weathered granite tile.
I also used the jigsaw to cut out a bit of the base of the mantle so it could fit snugly over the baseboard and against the wall.
Finished project, with Bowser photobombing once again! He MUST be in the middle of all things I do, just like a cat.
My new living room setup – a very Grandma’s cozy cottage vibe, doncha think? 😁 Future plans include perhaps some built-in looking shelves on either side of the mantle (after all, I have lots of paint! 🤣). My TV, bought for the much larger living room in my old apartment, looks a tad out of proportion here but it will have to do.
Me dreaming up new projects as I enjoy my new fireplace.

I am so pleased at how this turned out. The DIY gods were certainly smiling down at me for this project. Or maybe it was Beginner’s Luck. I hope I am this lucky with my next project: The Cloffice. Stay tuned!

Rock on,

The WB

p.s. for those wanting to know without doing the actual math:

My FREE mantle ended up costing:

  • $75 for the jigsaw
  • $120 for the peel and stick tile
  • $85 for paint
  • Priceless: pride and satisfaction

Grand total: $280

My Renovation Projects – Part 1

I’ve been in my little cottage just over a year now. During that time I’ve had the kitchen renovated,

Original kitchen.
Gutted space.
New cupboards in.
Completed, almost. At this point I was still waiting on the tile backsplash.

and new flooring laid,

A much younger Bowser inspects the work.

painted walls, and created a new laundry room and a backyard oasis. Also on my to-do list for my home this year was finishing off the unfinished entryway and getting myself a fireplace before winter.

Here is the entry way, before:

View to front door (and Bowser photobomb 😂)
View to back door.

And here it is after engaging the services of a talented family friend to finish the space, and painting the walls myself:

Facing the front door.
Facing the back door.
I’m lining the space with old furniture (including from my daughter’s teenage bedroom!) to provide me with much needed storage.
The only piece I bought for the entry is this tiny pantry cabinet, and some shoe cabinetry from IKEA.

I’m super pleased with how this turned out. And how much more spacious my entire place feels with this area finished and providing extra storage for me. My entryway is now so much cooler in the summer and I anticipate will be warmer in the winter, thanks to insulating and finishing off the ceiling and walls.

Stay tuned for Part 2, and my fireplace dream come to life!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Beach Blanket Bowser

Bowser’s Mommy is taking over ye olde blogge this week! Last weekend, Bowser went with Mommy and Daddy for an overnight camping trip to Ucluelet and to visit the beaches of Tofino. All pictures and captions courtesy of Mommy Bowser.

Mommy and Daddy took me to a place called Tofino for the first time. I’d never been to a big sandy beach before and I had SO. MUCH. FUN!
Mommy brought toys for me to play with. I keep her and Daddy on their toes by making last minute decisions about which toy I want to run away with. Come catch me!
(Mommy promptly lost my red ball, which I think upset her more than me.)

Look at me go! I ran into the water to catch this one! All the way up to my belly! Mommy was proud of me. The water was salty, but I drank it anyway – YOLO!
(This did not sit well with Bowser at 12:30 am – Mommy, whose head was almost vomited on – YOLO, I guess 🙄)
Mommy said I have “Kenergy” and my job is “Beach”. I live for Mommy’s gaze (and cleaning Daddy’s beard).
Daddy found me this awesome smelly thing called a Mermaid Purse. I also found smelly mussels and tried to roll in them. Daddy stopped me.
Look! Daddy found me a new ballie since Mommy lost my red one. He said “take a penny leave a penny” or something, whatever that means. Are pennies as fun as ballies?
Catching ballies is my favourite.
I love my pack…but where’s Oma?
Tofino tastes great!

I hope you find something that tastes great this weekend!

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾 (and Mommy!)

The Sunday Schnauzer – The Rains Are Here Again

After being in extreme drought conditions since July, the island is once again experiencing the rainy weather it is known for. And we couldn’t be happier.

This is my “happy to be out in the rain face”. (My hair is not wet from the rain, but still damp from the shower I took just before heading out.)
Bowser was excited to be out on the trail again. Not sure if he thought the rain was all that exciting, though. Not like he gets when it snows, that’s for sure 🤣. He matches the scenery nicely, doesn’t he?
As usual, Bowser has to trot ahead and scout things out.
And, as usual he checks back from time to time to see where I am at.
Bright leaves litter the trail, making a beautiful contrast to the rocks and soil.
Found this beautiful little mushroom. Some sort of Amanita, I think. I was hoping to see more, but this was the only one I found on this walk.
Bowser, coming back from checking on the creek – that we were happy to notice is rapidly reclaiming the dry creek bed.

We hope you are enjoying whatever the weather brings you. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my fellow Canadians!

Rock on,

The WB

What’s On Your Plate Blogging Challenge – The Tried and True Edition

Well! This month came and went in a flash as evidenced by the lack of journal entries AND lack of progress on my To-Do list for September:

As you can see, I did take a stab at a few things, and they were mostly of the big and multi-layered variety…🙄

In my defense, my TV died suddenly at the beginning of the month and that got me to thinking all sorts of thoughts…like:

  • Do I even want to replace it if it can’t be repaired? (at this moment it looks like it is repairable)
  • If it can be repaired do I want it back in the same spot, in my studio space? (the answer is no)
  • If I move it, then that opens up all kinds of possibilities in the 2 main living spaces in my place. (at the moment, I am planning on turning a closet into a “cloffice”, freeing up more space for other things in my studio/guest space aka The Everything Room 😁)
  • Why am I piling even more projects on my To-Do list?!?!?!

Also, I received much-anticipated guests at my place part-way through the month (and we had a blast whilst together, so much so that I don’t have any pictures of what was on my plate during this time).

All of this to say: I was relying on past favourite recipes – my tried and trues – to feed myself and my houseguests.

Such as Greek potatoes and Air Fried Chicken. Both were received very well. I also made a killer beef roast in the slow cooker…no recipe, really. Just brown the meat (blade roast or cross-cut rib is best), then throw it in the slow cooker with beef broth, fresh ground pepper, lots of garlic, generous lashings of Worcestershire sauce, and let cook on low for at least 8 hours.

That’s it for me for this time! Pardon me as I have a free fireplace mantle to paint (more on that coming up on the blog if it turns out OK).

I would love to read what you’ve been eating, in the Comments. And please join my co-host Donna as she managed to put together a delicious dish in her challenging month as well!

Here is the Link Up party link, should you care to visit there:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Dream On

I had some lovely company (my childhood-and-STILL friend and her sister) come to visit me recently, so I gave up my bed and the day bed to them and headed next door to sleep at my daughter and son-in-law’s place. Bowser was so excited that this was happening that he wouldn’t settle any longer in their bedroom, so his dog bed and his little self moved into the room I was occupying. He stayed in his bed all night, but in the morning it was a different story!

How can you get up and leave me Oma? I am irresistible, after all.
And, I am still sleepy.
I am so not ready to get up.
So, you’re really gonna leave me?!?! The nerve!

Once Bowser determined I was absolutely not going to rejoin him in the bed, he quickly changed tactics and followed me over to my house…no doubt hoping some of our breakfast would be dropped in his general direction. Dream on, Bowser. Dream on.

Rock and dream on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Summer’s Last Gasp

The past week was mostly sunny and warm during the day and Bowser and I made sure to make the most of it.

The sun is much lower in the sky now, leading to long shadows even at 10 in the morning.
I love the smell of the woods at this time of year, and apparently Bowser does too.
Bowser needs to add his own smells to the mix.
Bowser casts his own long shadows.
I wish we could spend all day out on days like this, but chores at home are calling my name. I used to say I only cleaned house on rainy days, but given our drought this summer I’ve had to rethink that strategy 😉.

Are you ready for and welcoming autumn? Did you enjoy the last week of Summer 2023?

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Yet Another Glow Up

Bowser went to the groomers last week.


Canis lupus shaggicus; hoping against hope that he’s going somewhere fun. Hehehe!

And after:

Such a sleepy face! Someone missed his afternoon nappies whilst at the spa.

Here’s a better shot, a few days (and adventures) later:

Waiting patiently for Mommy to join us on our morning walk.

We hope you clean up as nicely, and are having adventures this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB