Welcome to the New(ish) Block Editor, I think?

It has come to the attention to the staff of Widow Badass Industries that there is a lot of angst out there in the blogging community, regarding the WordPress Block (alias Gutenberg) Editor. Apparently, it is not a choice anymore, but something that has been foisted (love that word) upon us. I can definitely see how this would enrage upset throw a spanner in the works complicate what a blogger might innocently approach as their next sit down and hammer out a quick post session.

Let’s face it – time is precious, people hate change, and who has the fucking time wants to add learning something new to their day, unexpectedly. Add this to everything else that is unsettling/enraging in the world right now (global pandemic, Trump presidency, climate change, flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, white supremacists…you get the picture), and this Block Editor could very well be the proverbial LAST STRAW for many of us. Don’t let it be! There is help out there. There is some help here!

Disclaimer: I am no Gutenberg expert, even after all this time. But I do have the basics down.

Here at Widow Badass Industries, the Block Editor was adopted quite a while ago (over a year at least) and I for one, would never go back to the old way. I lurves it, people! And I hope you all eventually lurves it too, as I think it is a great improvement over ye olde classique editor.

Initially for this post, I was going to take a bunch of screen shots and try to illustrate a few of the features some are having trouble finding – let alone using – in the new editor. But then I remembered what helped me so much in the beginning: watching YouTube videos on the subject! And here, my blogging friends, is a good ‘un, to get you started.

What’s lovely about video is that you can start it and stop it and watch it over and over again as you build up your skills with the new Block Editor. Pro tip: Watch it on your phone, smart TV or tablet as you do your own exploring/playing with the new editor on your laptop or desktop. Christina has already taught me some cool shit things that I had no idea the new editor can do. There are more videos of this nature on YouTube, if this one doesn’t do it for you. Just type “using the block editor” in the YouTube search bar and see what pops up, like I did!

Christina even shows people how to keep on using the classic editor. Don’t do this people, if you can help it. Might as well rip the bandage off as soon as you can. In the video she mentions that the classic editor will be “sunsetted” in 2022, so it is inevitable – you will be making the switch to the Block Editor eventually, if you stick with WordPress. Why not do it sooner rather than later? You can’t mix and mingle, shop or eat out in the normal ways anymore, anyways. Give yourself an hour and dip a toe into the shallow end of the Gutenberg pool. The water is quite fine, actually!

This public service announcement has been brought to you by the fine folk at Widow Badass Industries. Who take no prisoners responsibility for whatever happens next, to you. 😉

Rock on,

The WB