The Sunday Schnauzer – We Saw Them, I Swear

Bowser and I continue to visit the trail near our home(s) almost daily. There is always something new to see every day so it never gets boring. One thing stays the same however.

This particular view 🤣.

I watch Bowser carefully as he is my early warning system (usually) of others in the woods. At one point during one of our walks, he stopped and stared intently across the water (of one of the side streams that feed the main creek) at the opposite bank.

I took this picture because he looked so cute and alert, not knowing what was to come.

While Bowser was looking, I heard some major rustling from over there and thought “Oh, it must be a very large dog that he sensed.” Well friends, it wasn’t a dog. It was the most magnificent buck deer I have ever encountered. He was huge with a very impressive set of antlers too. Think: Bambi’s dad; The Great Prince of the Forest-impressive. And, even though I had my phone in my hand with the camera app open, I was too gobsmacked to take a photo. Here is a re-enactment:

What are you looking at, Bowz?
OMG. He’s so beautiful!!! Oh no, now he’s leaving….
And I forgot to take a photo!!!
Try to picture Bambi’s dad’s head and shoulders peeking out from behind these ferns.
Bambi’s dad. If I was at all skilled at Photoshop if I even owned the program, I would have pasted him in my photo somehow.

The next day, we disturbed a great big bald eagle at the shore of the creek. Again, no picture!!!! But this is what he was picking at.

What’s left of a very large salmon. I think it must have come from the creek? Although I’ve never seen any fish this big in it. But I had met a couple of people on the trail recently who told me that salmon do run it, usually in October 🤷‍♀️. I do see eagles flying along the creek (at certain times of the year only), so it makes sense.

I realize there are not nearly enough Bowser shots in this post, so here are a couple more.

He loves to run and leap over fallen branches.
Don’t be sad you didn’t get any photos, Oma. Be glad you saw these things in the first place. Wise words indeed, Bowser! Thanks 💕

Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Let Go!

The other day I was looking after Bowser and doing something (can’t remember what) in another room. Bowser was in the living room and being a bit too quiet for my liking.

I got to him just in time.

He’d already made a mess of the ball of yarn, and know he was reaching for my knitting work in progress!!!
Bowser: This is the best game ever! So easy to get Oma’s attention now!!!

I should have remembered that Bowser has already demonstrated an affinity for yarn, as he did here (at his Mommy’s house).

Sometimes I think he is part cat.

We hope you stay out of trouble this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Couch Protector

I try to take Bowser out in any weather. But that doesn’t mean I want a soggy dog on my furniture when we come back inside. To protect my Bowser’s couch, I put a quilt down for him to lie upon. It covers most of the couch, leaving an unprotected space for me to sit upon. Easy to whisk off, shake off, and launder when needed.

But if I don’t get to my seat quickly enough, this happens:

You know that’s MY seat, right?!
Oh….alright! I can’t resist that face.
Going, going…
Gone. Again.

We hope you find a cozy spot for napping, too.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Toys

Some days it’s not fit for woman nor beast to be outside (for too long). For those days, I have a stash of toys to keep a certain someone outta my hair interested and amused. However I need to replenish the stash from time to time as that same certain someone is very hard on toys.

Unfortunately while I was unpacking the latest haul of toys, I accidentally made one of them squeak.

Bowser: I’d recognize that sound anywhere! Gimmee gimmee!!!
Yes. I caved and gave him one. Sigh!

And this short video gives you an indication of why the toys never last too long.

Bowser demonstrates with his favourite toy.
The toy: an inside-out deflated soccer ball, that first appeared in this post. In Bowser’s defense (and heaven knows he needs one), he did not deflate the ball. That happened when a truck delivering materials for my garden backed over it.
Bowser guarding another ball so I can’t steal it from him.
After toy time, comes Rest with Oma time. 😁

We hope you have plenty of play and rest time heading your way!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – First Frost

Believe it or not, the rain turned to snow I featured in the last post did not include a frost. That (our first frost of the season) happened the day after the snow fall (October 26). Only on Vancouver Island, you say? 😉 Yes! At least in my little corner of the world.

Frosty oregon grape leaves
The heavy rain followed by wet snow followed by frost meant that a lot of trees and tree branches now littered where we used to walk so freely.
Yesterday’s puddles now covered in a thin layer of ice.
All of that rain and snow means the creek is now almost back to the size and ferocity it was in the spring.
And our formerly dry summer crossings now involve wet feet, again.
But we don’t care. (These puddles are no longer icy because the sun was shining on them.)
So long as we are outside, together!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Rain Turns to Snow

On October 25, we woke up to snow. We had experienced an atmospheric river event the day before and as the temperatures dropped, the rain turned to the white stuff.

The morning’s walk looked like this.

Hey Bowser, do you remember snow from last year?
Between heavily laden tree branches bent down low and the deep ruts turning into mini-ponds, it was a tough slog at times on our normally open trail.
Bowser of course was up to any challenge.
Adventure boy!

We hope you are having adventurous weather too (but not too adventurous!).

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Fall Colours #walktober

Nature has a more limited colour palette here in the west, than it does in the eastern part of Canada. But Bowser and I are appreciating every day, just the same.

Big Leaf Maple leaf.
I believe this is called toadflax. One of the few plants flowering at this time of year.
The odd bit of red comes from dying salal leaves.
It’s hard to get close-ups of Bowser as he is eager to trot ahead and explore.
Oh, looks like he finally remembered I am on this walk too 🤣.
Brilliant blue skies provide a great backdrop for the changing colours.
Bronzy ferns.
The rains mean return of puddles in all the ruts.
Still plenty of green to be seen.

We hope you are having a great and colourful weekend! This is my post for Change is Hard’s Walktober Challenge.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Bowser Has A Houseguest

Meet Poppy:

A 14 year old Chihuahua, Poppy stayed with Bowser and Mommy and Daddy last week while his mommy was out of the country.
Poppy, showing off his BDE (Big Dog Energy). It is usually short-lived 🤣, but we love his enthusiasm.
Bowser is not a fan of the new, slower pace to our walks.
He also wonders why Poppy must pee all over the places he, Bowser, has just peed upon.
Partway through each shortened walk, Poppy starts flagging and gets zipped into Mommy’s jacket. He likes being treated like the king that he is 👑.
Bowser usually wants to play more than Poppy, which leads to Poppy becoming even more of a grumbly old man than he already is. But at least they are very good at napping together.
We have nicknamed Poppy “the coffee pot”, as he makes noises like a percolating coffee machine. A LOT. It gives us anxiety as we try to figure out what is bothering him, if in fact he is bothered. Is this a Chihuahua thing? Anyways, I like him best when he is at rest. Then I know he is relaxed.

Bowser has been spending even more time at my house this past week, to give each dog a break from the other. I can’t say that I am mad about that 😉.

Bowser and I, chillin’ like villains in front of the fire after a rainy walk.

It’s been an interesting week! Who knew Bowser could appear to be practically zen-like, in comparison? 🤣

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Beach Blanket Bowser

Bowser’s Mommy is taking over ye olde blogge this week! Last weekend, Bowser went with Mommy and Daddy for an overnight camping trip to Ucluelet and to visit the beaches of Tofino. All pictures and captions courtesy of Mommy Bowser.

Mommy and Daddy took me to a place called Tofino for the first time. I’d never been to a big sandy beach before and I had SO. MUCH. FUN!
Mommy brought toys for me to play with. I keep her and Daddy on their toes by making last minute decisions about which toy I want to run away with. Come catch me!
(Mommy promptly lost my red ball, which I think upset her more than me.)

Look at me go! I ran into the water to catch this one! All the way up to my belly! Mommy was proud of me. The water was salty, but I drank it anyway – YOLO!
(This did not sit well with Bowser at 12:30 am – Mommy, whose head was almost vomited on – YOLO, I guess 🙄)
Mommy said I have “Kenergy” and my job is “Beach”. I live for Mommy’s gaze (and cleaning Daddy’s beard).
Daddy found me this awesome smelly thing called a Mermaid Purse. I also found smelly mussels and tried to roll in them. Daddy stopped me.
Look! Daddy found me a new ballie since Mommy lost my red one. He said “take a penny leave a penny” or something, whatever that means. Are pennies as fun as ballies?
Catching ballies is my favourite.
I love my pack…but where’s Oma?
Tofino tastes great!

I hope you find something that tastes great this weekend!

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾 (and Mommy!)

The Sunday Schnauzer – The Rains Are Here Again

After being in extreme drought conditions since July, the island is once again experiencing the rainy weather it is known for. And we couldn’t be happier.

This is my “happy to be out in the rain face”. (My hair is not wet from the rain, but still damp from the shower I took just before heading out.)
Bowser was excited to be out on the trail again. Not sure if he thought the rain was all that exciting, though. Not like he gets when it snows, that’s for sure 🤣. He matches the scenery nicely, doesn’t he?
As usual, Bowser has to trot ahead and scout things out.
And, as usual he checks back from time to time to see where I am at.
Bright leaves litter the trail, making a beautiful contrast to the rocks and soil.
Found this beautiful little mushroom. Some sort of Amanita, I think. I was hoping to see more, but this was the only one I found on this walk.
Bowser, coming back from checking on the creek – that we were happy to notice is rapidly reclaiming the dry creek bed.

We hope you are enjoying whatever the weather brings you. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my fellow Canadians!

Rock on,

The WB