Oma is back! When she walked through my door, I was so excited Mommy said my tail looked like it was going to spin right off my body. Oma picked me up and I never wanted her to let me go. But she did let me go, because she had to go to bed at her house. That was OK because it was me and Mommy and Daddy’s bed time too. Soon it was the next morning and I got to go over to Oma’s house. And now we are walking on the logging roads again!
Oh boy, oh boy! Am I ever ready to go!We’ve had a lot of rain while Oma was away. The ruts in the road are big puddles again.The creek is low and fun to splash through, though. Even though it has been rainy.Hurry up, Oma!Oma keeps stopping to ooh and ahhhh at these green things that sprung up while she was away. BORING!I, on the other hand, am doing interesting things like sniffing bushes.Here is Oma. She says to tell you that she is not drunk; she is just exhausted from her trip. In case you wonder why she can’t open her eyes all the way. It’s so much fun to run around the roads and play in the creek with Oma again.
We hope you are having fun this weekend (and Oma says “getting some rest too!”).
Mommy says Oma will be home in a few more sleeps. I can’t wait. In the meantime, I am remembering fun walkies with Oma. Here are some pictures Oma took of one where we crossed the channel and explored a spit of land between the channel and the big creek.
Peekaboo, Oma!You found me!That dang yellow harness gave me away. Otherwise Oma wouldn’t be able to see me against these rocks!Oma says “Don’t even think about going into that water!” Silly Oma. I would never do that (on purpose 😉).
See you soon, Oma! I hope everyone else reading is having happy memories too.
Mommy said I could take over Oma’s blog while she is abandoning me on vacation. Oma forgot to tell you that Mommy and Daddy got me a thing called a raincoat, for Christmas.
At first I thought the tag was the present.I love my new tag but I am not sure about the thing attached to it.I guess I can tolerate wearing this if it means “walkies”.On second thought, talk to the butt because the face don’t care much about this raincoat thingy.
I hope you are having a good weekend, and that Oma is missing me as much as I miss her.
Oma has gone away. Mommy says she is ON VACATION. Mommy explained what vacation is, and how vacation IS my everyday life. I am a lucky dog. Still, I miss Oma. I hope she comes back soon.
Me and Oma in the Together Times.Oma, please come back soonest.
I had a close call a couple of weeks ago, where I couldn’t find Bowser’s harness and leash next door when I wanted to take him for a walk. I imagined that it was in my daughter’s car, parked at her work. It wasn’t. Her hubs had hung it up in a different place from it’s proper home usual spot, so I had to make do with his baby leash and a collar.
That prompted me to do some looking around for a harness to keep at my place, so I wouldn’t have to worry about a cancelled walkies anytime in the future. I didn’t need a leash as I had found a really cute (and high quality) one on one of our walks.
It was hanging up in a tree just off the logging road, and we kept walking by it every day. After a full week, I decided whoever lost/left it wasn’t coming back for it so it came home with us. Now my son-in-law is joking that I will be posted on neighbourhood crime watch Facebook page as a leash thief…
Anywhoodles, here is Bowser modelling his new harness:
Somebody be stylin’!It goes well with the found leash, doncha think? Of course I had to buy my own poop bag purse and poop bags. Don’t want to be caught without those. And yes, Bowser likes to carry this one around in his mouth too. Weirdo.Bowser took to the new harness like a champ.Note “grab handle”, so handy for hauling pups outta icy creeks….ahem!Yeah, I’m talking about you, Bowzie.
And in case you were wondering about me in all my sartorial splendour on that rainy walk?
Well, at least the dog looks put together!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, what’s left of it!
Bowser has a bone that he stolefound that was gifted to him by our across-the-street neighbours and their dogs. Well, perhaps not willingly by the dogs…I dunno. There is not much left to this bone but Bowser seems pleased nonetheless.
It seems to bring him much comfort.There might even be a little flavour left in it.He just likes to hold it in his mouth sometimes.Or just between his front paws.Bowser and his bone – adorbs!
We hope you are spending time with something/someone you love this weekend.
I was busy doing something (probably haus-frauing) in my place and Bowser was playing outside with one of his new favourite squeaky toys when suddenly he started barking and would not stop. Now, he usually barks once or twice when he sees something he feels should be noticed (and I usually take no notice as I am wise to the Ways of the Schnauzer) but this was unusual.
I took a look outside and this is what I saw:
Bowser, in flinging Mr. Squeaky Chicken around, had gotten him stuck in the wisteria bush.Soon he was dancing madly around, in an attempt to free the toy.He even tried biting the wisteria, in an attempt to get it to LET GO OF MR. SQUEAKY CHICKEN.
Of course, before going out to free Mr. Squeaky Chicken and relieve Bowser of his misery I HAD to take pictures of all this drama.
After all, it was much more amusing than haus-frauing 😉.
Mommy and I came over to visit Oma using the back yard entrance, and her boots were within reach. Time to switch into Evil Villain mode!!!
I am wearing my Good Puppy disguise, to throw people off. Look at my innocent face.Not innocent for long! Also, does this boot make my butt look big?Must pick up boot……And carry it to my top secret Evil Villain lair.In order to complete my mission!That is to extract the insole to destroy chew on.
Alas, my mission was interrupted when Mommy reclaimed her boot from my lair.
We had another big snow dump this past week. It wasn’t safe to drive, but it was perfectly safe to go for a walk in the woods. Or so I thought…
Bowser leads the way, as usual.Having fun exploring.Rosehips brought some delightful colour to our walk.There was a lot of snow tasting going on.I decided to join in the fun. And wisely decided only to taste the snow before it hit the ground.It was so beautiful out, we walked all the way down to the channel coming off of Haslam Creek.Bowser exploring the creek edge.I had just taken this picture when IT happened.
Bowser either tried to walk on the very thin ice or fell off of the bank into the channel! He was completely submerged for the longest millisecond of my life. Then he popped back up and tried to grab onto a nearby branch that was in the water although even further from land. Meanwhile I ran like a rocket to his location and coaxed him back to the bank, whereupon I grabbed him by the harness and hauled him back onto land. All the while agonizing how I was going to get this dog back home without him turning into a pupsicle in this -8 degrees C weather. (Obviously no pictures were taken of all this drama.)
Turns out I had nothing to fear. Bowser’s instincts kicked in and I was treated to the “snow zoomies”.
Snow Zoomies: running and diving and rolling into the snow to get warm and somewhat dry.Zoomies over, we were back to running, jumping and exploring all the way back home. Like nothing ever happened. Huh! What about that?!He never even shivered once. What a dog!
I doubt future walks will find us near the creek, for the time being! Bowser got over his dunking in no time at all, but I am still traumatized recovering.
Good Yule, Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah! However and wherever you celebrate, hug your loved ones (and stay away from icy creeks).
Bowser loves the daybed in the TV/studio/guest/everything room in my new place (still under construction). He loves to lean back in the pillows and look out the window for passers-by, cats, and other assorted ne’er do wells.
Hmmmm…the neighbourhood SEEMS secure, but you never know…How about joining me for a nap, Oma? I’m tired from all the hard work of being a watchdog.I can’t hold out much longer, Oma. Please hurry.Just checking that you are for sure planted on this here dog bed daybed.OK, now I can rest.