Everyone mothers someone, amiright? And everyone has a mother. So it’s a great day for everybody – enjoy!
This is my 3rd motherless mother’s day. I wrote about my first one here.
Mom, if you’re reading, I miss you and hope you are in a better place.
You’d be happy to see what I’ve done with my rooftop patio – I know you loved sitting out here, and now I’ve given it (with help) the spruce-up I’ve been imagining for weeks already. Behold:
View of newly fixed up patioSitting down view – Mizz J and her boyfriend helped me repaint my patio furniture last night. And IKEA helped with new colourful cushions, lanterns, and draperies.New for 2018 – a water feature!Kevin also helped craft these gorgeous Jasper tablecloth weights, symbolizing earth.More tablecloth weightsFire (fire pot, candle) and water!Wind feature (wind chime, created by Mizz J). Dragonfly plaque – my mom gave it to me, years ago.
Earth, wind, water and fire – this badass patio has it all!
Looking forward to many days and nights enjoying my outdoor space this season, starting this afternoon with my family.
Wishing you a lovely Sunday, however you choose to spend it.
I’ve completed the A-Z Challenge every year since I’ve become a widow (and The Widow Badass), so this was #4.
This was the second time I used a theme to guide my posts. I had nothing in mind until the 11th hour, when I had a flash of A-Z inspiration and decided to have any readers of Ye Olde Blogge guess my theme from the subject matter of my posts. Each post followed the same general idea – an idea that could be summarized by the title of a popular song from when I was a kid. Every post was related to this particular song.
You know, like the game of adding “in bed” to any message found in a fortune cookie? Well, each of my posts could have “In the Summertime” added to it.
I thought that this could keep readers engaged and wanting to come back to read more, to solve the mystery! (I know I would have wanted to, if someone I was reading was doing this.) But what I couldn’t have guessed was how much fun it would be for me to do this.
I so enjoyed reading the comments from people suggesting song titles. People guessed some of “the contenders” – the songs that I was contemplating and almost chose for the challenge. People guessed songs that I loved and had forgotten about. People also guessed THE SONG, which thrilled me to no end. I really had no idea how this was going to go – I alternated between “it’ll be guessed the first post – I made it too easy” to “should I give hints if no gets it by the half-way mark?”
I think I’ll be doing this again – it was tremendous fun for me during a trying time. My summer-themed posts were the only thing that kept me going it seemed, some days.
Seriously, I think we had better weather overall in February than in April. See the proof, below:
February 25, 2018April 15, 2018 – Day 2 of the Ice Storm
Not only was April “the spring that never came to Ontario” (so depressing!), but I had a LOT going on at work.
Because of my work challenges, I did not get to visit other blogs from the A-Z participant list – I never even looked at the list once during the whole month. I did not link up my blog to any A-Z Challenge posts on Facebook or wherever for this reason. I could hardly promote my own posts in this way if I was not able to visit anybody else’s, I figured.
I do feel bad about that but there was nothing much I could have done about it – unless I wanted to forgo sleep. I’m looking forward to a time when I can give this challenge my full effort; however that may not be until I retire.
How do other bloggers do it? Did you participate? Did you manage to visit and comment on 10 blogs per day?
Congratulations, Karen! You win a new car….bragging rights!!!!
But Karen wasn’t the only one to guess this song. Both Susan and Joanne guessed it here.
I don’t know about you guys but I had TONS of fun with this challenge and having you guess at my theme. This may become an annual event!
There were great guesses! And you reminded me of so many songs that I’ve loved, and could have chosen for my theme as well.
I especially loved one of Joanne’s many guesses (and this song – I was a huge 3 Dog Night fan at one time):
In coming up with a song for the challenge, I almost chose “My Favourite Things”, Sarah’s (from Travels with Choppy) guess from my F post.
But I had summer on the brain, so the song had to be focused on that.
I also seriously thought about using this one, that Karen guessed on my L post:
Every time I hear this song, I am transported back to long summer days in the yard, playing with my sisters and hearing it coming from the radio in my dad’s man cave workshop attached to the garage.
(I kinda hate this clip though, with Nat King Cole singing to only white people. Where is everybody else, having “fun in the sun”, huh?)
I hope you all enjoyed the A-Z Challenge posts and guessing my theme as much I enjoyed writing them and reading your comments.
Sign indicating where ziplining takes place over the Elora Gorge. I love how the stick figure has it’s arm flung out confidently and joyously. I imagine it going “Wooohoooo!” Or maybe that’s just my interpretation. Others might interpret the figure signalling for help, in a panic. I prefer my version. 😉
The weekend after our horrible ice storm weekend, I made it out to Elora Gorge where – although the weather had warmed up a bit – there was still plenty of ice and snow on the ground.
I found signs posted for a fun summer activity in the Gorge – well, actually over the Gorge. This gorge:
Peeking through the trees at the Elora Gorge – April 22
Start having fun a-this-a-way!
Doesn’t this look cool?
This is on my agenda for Summer 2018.
What about you? Have you ever ziplined? Would you?
Aaaaand, that’s a wrap for this year’s A-Z Challenge! Have you guessed my theme yet?
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s theme reveal!
Rock on,
The WB
Can you guess my theme for this year’s A-Z Challenge? All of my A-Z posts this month will be tied into my theme, which is represented by the title of a song that was popular when I was a child. Can you figure it out as the days (and posts) go by? Leave your guesses (one per day only, please) in the comments. At the end of the challenge, I will reveal the theme. Have fun!
Spring is dragging its heels. And to add insult to injury, we had an ice storm that lasted 2 days in the middle of the month!
Watching the freezing rain accumulate on my patio table. April 15Ice accumulation on my roof reflects the street light – April 15
Despite all of this, the flowers are still trying to bloom.
Crocuses – April 21
And we took advantage of sunny weather and warmish temps on April 22, to get out for hike at the Elora Gorge. The icy ground made our walk treacherous at times. I had to grab my hiking pools out of the back of Edward II, for stability.
Interesting stone wall at trail entranceLots of ice on the ground – April 22Spring waters rushing through the Elora GorgeAdmiring a statue while enjoying a post-walk gelato in the spring sun – Elora
Today is sunny but still cool and with a bitter wind, to boot. I did get out for a short walk, however, and saw these beauties.
Daffodils – April 29
All this cold weather has one benefit – keeping me playing in the studio.
Tiny canvas – Seed of Life
Can’t say I’m sorry to see the back end of April. Hopefully May brings a return to warmer temperatures!
The Changing Seasons is a monthly challenge hosted by Su Leslie at Zimmerbitch.
The late, great Mizz Lucy, enjoying time outside in the summer. She was 9 years old in these photos.
There is just something about the warm weather that makes it more than OK to slow down and spend a lot of time doing nothing.
In olden days, they used to call it “enjoying time”.
Whatcha doing? Nothin’ much, just enjoying time.
Think about it. Not racing time or trying to beat time or fit more time into the day…just enjoying time.
Whatcha doing Mizz Lucy? Going in for DA LOVE and enjoying time.
Nothing but sitting and observing and enjoying life and simply being, instead of always doing. As I have mentioned before in this challenge, animals are great at this. We should all be more like our animals.
Keep going; don’t stop scratching my ears now!
And, if you start yawning and then find yourself drifting into a doze as the cicadas hum in the background, you, my friend, have officially reached the pinnacle of enjoying time: summer nirvana. Bonus points if you have a dog at your feet or a cat in your lap. Or a dog in your lap (but I hope it’s a small one, like Mizz Lucy…hehehe).
Let’s make a plan to enjoy time this summer.
Rock (and yawn) on,
The WB
Can you guess my theme for this year’s A-Z Challenge? All of my A-Z posts this month will be tied into my theme, which is represented by the title of a song that was popular when I was a child. Can you figure it out as the days (and posts) go by? Leave your guesses (one per day only, please) in the comments. At the end of the challenge, I will reveal the theme. Have fun!
It feels like I haven’t had a spontaneous adventure in a long, long time. The last one that sticks out in my memory is recalled here – way back when Ye Olde Blogge was known as The Next Year of My Life – on September 14, 2009. (Thank you dear Bloggie, for being my memory-in-chief!)
I veered from my plan to run home from work that day, to take an unknown (to me) trail I came across instead. I had an absolute blast and felt my most badass, wildest self that day. Until my husband-to-be came home and ragged on me for what seemed like hours when I told him, rapturously, of what I did and felt.
He thought I was being reckless and foolhardy. By exploring following the river home instead of taking the road?!? The river that runs through the village where I live?!? In broad daylight?!?
Well, I didn’t agree with him then, and I still don’t now. But, because I loved him and didn’t want to upset him, I stopped doing stuff like that. Then we got married, and continued to live in his Crazytown (which I became the de facto Mayor of); then he got sick and died and I became the CEO of Everything; then I spent the next 4 years cleaning up his mess and restoring the building he let slide into disrepair and creating a new life/home for myself. No time or energy for much of anything outside of that, really.
And now here we are and I am looking forward to bringing back more exploration and adventure to my life. Starting this summer.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but what I experienced on my little river trail exploration was a microadventure.
Author and speaker Alistair Humphreys has coined the phrase, and also written a good book about it. You can learn more about microadventures here.
Have you ever taken a microadventure? Does the idea hold any appeal?
Rock on,
The WB
Can you guess my theme for this year’s A-Z Challenge? All of my A-Z posts this month will be tied into my theme, which is represented by the title of a song that was popular when I was a child. Can you figure it out as the days (and posts) go by? Leave your guesses (one per day only, please) in the comments. At the end of the challenge, I will reveal the theme. Have fun!
Taking photographs of water never gets old for me. It moves, it reflects, it attracts wildlife.
It is never the same twice. You can take a photo a day or an hour of a pond, lake or river and it will always be different from the one before.
Summer finds me near water, as I mentioned here, and with my camera or camera phone always handy. Here are some of my favourite shots taken, of water (that haven’t made it to Ye Olde Blogge as yet).
Rolled out of bed and ran straight to the dock to capture this one. On Corry Lake.On a summer’s early morning walk in the Village.Village Heron in the Mist. Blew the photo up so much, it looks like a painting instead of a photograph. I like that effect.Village Swan.Mist from the Village Dam.Mill Pond Clouds and Reflection.Reflected Sunset, Mill Pond.
Looking back at San Francisco. Love the long shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Sun setting on Lake Erie.Cleveland under a full moon.
This summer no doubt I will be filling up my camera with yet more water scenes. Can’t wait!
What are your favourite subjects for photography?
Rock on,
The WB
Can you guess my theme for this year’s A-Z Challenge? All of my A-Z posts this month will be tied into my theme, which is represented by the title of a song that was popular when I was a child. Can you figure it out as the days (and posts) go by? Leave your guesses (one per day only, please) in the comments. At the end of the challenge, I will reveal the theme. Have fun!
Having a favourite beer or cooler to bring to a summer barbecue or other social gathering is practically de riguer around here. I don’t much like coolers though, because I find them too sweet. Then, last summer, I discovered a cooler-type drink that is perfect for me. No sugar, but plenty of fizz and refreshing in flavour. I tried my first SoCIAL Lite, and I was hooked.
THE drink of last summer
And so were many others apparently, because it was hard to find in stock at the liquor store. So, what’s poor badass widow to do? Well, I improvised.
Let’s call this Anti-SoCIAL Lite, shall we?
Not as convenient to take somewhere, but more than adequate for having people in, or enjoying alone on the patio (of course) with a good book. Hopefully this year, it will be easier to find the premixed version in stock, to take along when visiting. (Are you reading this, SoCIAL Lite?)
What is your favourite summer drink?
Rock on,
The WB
Can you guess my theme for this year’s A-Z Challenge? All of my A-Z posts this month will be tied into my theme, which is represented by the title of a song that was popular when I was a child. Can you figure it out as the days (and posts) go by? Leave your guesses (one per day only, please) in the comments. At the end of the challenge, I will reveal the theme. Have fun!
And nothing is easier than wearing a summer uniform.
I have 2 pairs of short loose-legged pants…not sure what the proper term is…culottes, cropped pants? Whatever. I love them. But they are old. At least 10 years old. And I anticipate they won’t last much longer and I don’t know where to find their replacements, in terms of quality and fabric.
Love these cropped pants. I also have an identical pair in black. They are both in the wash every week in the summer. Also note the Birks – part of the year-round summer uniform.
These pants travel like a dream. They can be hand washed in a hotel room sink, wrung out, and be dry and wrinkle-free in the morning. I once spent 2 weeks on the road in California, Oregon and Washington State with only these 2 pair of pants, 2 tops, a sweater, and a jean jacket.
They weren’t anything fancy or expensive when I picked them up at the mall. Not touted as some techno-marvel travel pants. Yet that’s exactly what they turned out to be.
I also love these Crocs sandals. I wear them until the tread is worn so thin they are absolutely life-threatening dangerous to wear on a slick surface.
My second pair of this type. Needs replacing this summer.
And that is the state that this current pair is in. I hope Crocs are still making them because I want to purchase pair #3 this summer.
Any suggestions on where to get some light-weight, easy-care cropped pants for summer? What clothes/shoes make up a “summer uniform” for you?
Rock on,
The WB
Can you guess my theme for this year’s A-Z Challenge? All of my A-Z posts this month will be tied into my theme, which is represented by the title of a song that was popular when I was a child. Can you figure it out as the days (and posts) go by? Leave your guesses (one per day only, please) in the comments. At the end of the challenge, I will reveal the theme. Have fun!