Just in case you are feeling overwhelmed with holiday preparations, situations, or the assorted craziness/drama/blues that can happen – especially at this time of year – take a couple of minutes to rest your eyes on this little guy.
The Bowz is sympathetic to your feelings. Crawl into bed and rest your head on a pillow for a moment.Going for a walk outside can be very good for your nerves.As can taking a long hot bath or shower. Bowser had rolled in something smelly. Not recommended.Bowz hopes you’ll be sitting pretty and perky again like him soon, after some self-care.
This is all excellent advice from Bowser. I’m down for it all (except for rolling in the stinky stuff that is).
Wishing you all a very warm and happy holiday!
Bowz is the sweetest little guy.

Just seeing him makes me feel better…
That’s good to read! Hope you and Hubs make a full recovery soon. Thanks, Rivergirl
Very good advice for this crazy time of year!
Bowser is great at giving advice! Thanks, Dawn
Ha, ha. Yesterday, I felt like I rolled in something stinky—precooking onions for our Christmas day French onion soup.
Good advice here from Bowzer. He looks relaxed and ready for the holidays. I hope you are too. Merry Christmas.
Thank you very much, Suzanne. Same to you and Malcolm
He rolled in something smelly? But he did it for you!
The gift that keeps on giving
. Thanks, Kate 
Yeah, like soft poop on the butt fur.
Suddenly I feel so much better, thanks Bowser
Bowser says you are most welcome! Thanks, Sheree
Just what I needed! I can never get enough Bowser!

Same girl, same! Thanks, Bobi
Hope Bowser gets something special under that tree when everyone is opening their gifts. Have a great Christmas!
Thank you, Jean
Same to you!
His head on the pillow!
Gets me every time I look at that photo! Thanks, Kari
Ahhhhhh, just the cuteness break I needed
I’m feeling in a funk over the state of the world these days so I’m especially happy to see your post!!
Bowser is so happy that he is helping! Thank you, Sharon
This is all excellent advice from Bowser. I’m down for it all (except for rolling in the stinky stuff that is).
Wishing you all a very warm and happy holiday!
Thank you, my friend
Same to you and yours!
Bowser is a self-care guru and adorable cheerer-upper!

That he is! Thank you, Natalie