The Sunday Schnauzer – Cuteness Break

Just in case you are feeling overwhelmed with holiday preparations, situations, or the assorted craziness/drama/blues that can happen – especially at this time of year – take a couple of minutes to rest your eyes on this little guy.

The Bowz is sympathetic to your feelings. Crawl into bed and rest your head on a pillow for a moment.
Going for a walk outside can be very good for your nerves.
As can taking a long hot bath or shower. Bowser had rolled in something smelly. Not recommended.
Bowz hopes you’ll be sitting pretty and perky again like him soon, after some self-care.

This has been a Bowser-approved PSA.

Rock on,

The WB

24 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Cuteness Break

  1. Ha, ha. Yesterday, I felt like I rolled in something stinky—precooking onions for our Christmas day French onion soup.

    Good advice here from Bowzer. He looks relaxed and ready for the holidays. I hope you are too. Merry Christmas.

  2. The Misadventures of Widowhood

    Hope Bowser gets something special under that tree when everyone is opening their gifts. Have a great Christmas!

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