The Sunday Schnauzer – Slip Sliding Away

It’s no secret that Bowser knows his place. And it’s the couch. Every couch. Mommy’s office couch has loose cushions on the back and Bowser needs to be up high, on top of them. This will not go well.

Bowser, in preferred “perch”.
Uh oh, gravity is in play here and the slide down has begun.
What does a doggo have to do to get a comfortable resting position?
Almost there.
Bowser has finished his descent and come to full nappitude.

We hope you have a restful napping place this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

31 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Slip Sliding Away

  1. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – funny old soul … but he knows he’s much loved – by his family and the wider audience – us lot! Cheers and here’s to a nap or two while it’s still chilly … cheers Hilary

    1. There’s one at Oma’s house 😉. It’s an antique from the 1920’s that I’ve had recovered and it weighs a ton. They don’t make them like that anymore! Thanks, Rivergirl 💕

  2. Nappitude! I love it.
    Our girls love sleeping on the back of the couch; I thought that was weird, like they’re cats but apparently it’s not uncommon. We have a new couch and A No Back Of Cushion Rule. I know, I’m the meanest, but I hated having to refluff the cushions all the time and they are slowing ‘getting it’. Happy Sunday!

    1. My trip was the opposite of fabulous, at the beginning and the end. The middle was better, thank goodness. We will be having a good chat as I lick my wounds. Thanks, my friend 💕

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