The Sunday Schnauzer – Critter Fest At The Creek And Beyond

It’s been very hot and dry here and the family has been walking to the ever-shrinking creek nearby, to cool off. When Bowzer’s daddy and siblings are involved, there will be critters found!

First up – a froggy friend getting a ride on Daddy’s shoulder:

Next up: a crayfish was found (and quickly released).

Bowser got brave and worked on his swimming skills (not his favourite activity, but needs must at times 😉). We were all very excited to see him actually swim in case you couldn’t figure that out 😂:

We went to our favourite tree, dubbed the Magic Tree. It seems a bit other-worldly, with all those exposed roots in the water. So many little fish love to hide and swim among these roots:

Bowser loves climbing on this tree to better watch all the water shenanigans.

Although Bowser is not a fan of swimming per se, he loves exploring the shallower parts of the creek.

Here he is, crossing the creek where it is shallow enough he doesn’t have to swim (always his first choice!):

We eventually made our way back home again, but it didn’t mean the critter fest stopped. Bowser’s big brother (henceforth to be known as The Snake Whisperer) found the most beautiful little snake in my garden. Who was quite content to wrap him/herself around his hand and observe us all. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – just saying!

All this exploring and critter-talk makes a body tired:

We hope you have some fun this weekend, and also take time to rest.

Rock on,

The WB

39 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Critter Fest At The Creek And Beyond

  1. I bet Bowser loves taking his family on walks!! And splashing in the water is a great way to cool off – even if minimal swimming is required 😂 Love the videos, especially how he nestled himself in at the end ❤

  2. Awww Bowser, what a great life you have! So much adventure! I love your picture on the tree root. Katie used to go exploring like that. She says to tell you to enjoy every minute of it!

  3. Ted Shaw

    We look forward every Sunday to keep up with Bowser’s adventures on the other side of Canada! 🧡🧡🐾🐾

  4. hilarymb

    It is a magical place to live … that I have to agree with – and living as close as you do to the water makes it extra special – lots of walks and choices to make… suitable to one and all – love the little frog and the crayfish … rather good to eat (perhaps not that one) – snakes I can easily leave – but I do admire their evolutionary traits. Cheers Hilary

    1. The Snake Whisperer has seen (and picked up) a few snakes on his walks (naturally!). I’ve seen the odd one, but they were more startled by me than vice versa. The snake pictured in the blog post came from my garden!!!! Thanks, Donna 💕

  5. That creek area looks like so much fun. I’m sure the water was refreshing for Bowser and the humans. I could set up a life near that Magic Tree! I think the snake and frog are cute…not gonna say anything nice about the crayfish. 😜😜

    1. It’s been a hot one but – HALLELUJAH – today it has rained all day today! It’s been about six weeks since my garden had rainfall. I thought I lived in a rainforest?!?! Thanks, Bernie 💕

      1. We had an 1 1/4 last week and we all did the happy dance. I am not happy dancing though about your blog because I have to go searching for your posts. WP is annoying me….😕

        1. It’s annoying to me too. Have you been blogging? Because I haven’t been receiving notifications from you or some others lately. I just assumed people were on a summer break…

          1. I’ve blogged 4 times I think this month. I assumed you were on a break until I went to look. I think WordPress is on a break or the fritz .

  6. Pingback: The Sunday Schnauzer – Walktober 2024 – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

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