Don’t Tell My Physiotherapist

A few short days ago the second anniversary of me moving to Vancouver Island came and went. May 28th, to be precise. The day itself was damp, cloudy and cool (like most days this spring) so I didn’t do too much to celebrate. But TODAY my friends, was another story. Sunny and 20C by 9 in the morning?! I was off like a shot, to Neck Point Park…one of the first places in Nanaimo my daughter and son-in-law took me to, two years ago.

I know I’ve shot this view many times already, but I just never tire of the composition…

I should probably mention that I injured the IT bands on both legs a few weeks back, and am seeking treatment from a physiotherapist to help resolve the issue. The issue being burning pain on the outer sides of each knee area when I kneel down, and just very grouchy “touchy” knees in general. Knees that tire quickly and ache, especially after a hike. I am getting “dry needling” done as well as ultrasound treatment, and I am doing daily exercises at home, to help strengthen my knees and heal my IT bands. I’ve had to stop my exercise program as well as working towards the deep squatting goal (the most likely suspect) for now. And, also this –

Physiotherapist: You need to avoid walking on uneven surfaces for the time being.

Me, today:

I’ve tried to be good, I really have! But. The. Weather!!!

And this:

The “neck” of Neck Point, revealed by the outgoing tide. I really shouldn’t walk on all those slide-y stones and I really, really shouldn’t climb the rocks.
Umm. Somehow I managed to end up here, anyways. 🤷‍♀️

Other cool stuff I saw this morning:

I seal you! Lots of these guys basking in the sun and slowly cruising the waters today.

So many shades of blue.
Thimbleberries in flower.
Native trailing blackberry too.
Salal is flowering.
Blue camas is almost done flowering for this year.
Saskatoon berries still need some time.
Rocky shores.
A mackeral sky speaks of rain on the way. Quelle surprise!

Looking south.
I was enjoying the fine views and weather. Knees be damned.
Nootka rose and bee.
Typical Vancouver Island east coast shoreline.
One of the stunning views from the trail.
I might be icing my knees tonight, but I’m all smiles for now. Please don’t tell my physiotherapist.

It was so worth it, to get out to Neck Point Park today and check on all the plant life I encountered on my very first visit. Because of the cold spring, the berries aren’t ready for eating yet like they were two years ago. But I remembered where they all are, and will be back again in the weeks to come.

You might not be able to count on my knees, but you can count on that!

Rock on,

The WB

50 thoughts on “Don’t Tell My Physiotherapist

  1. retirementconfidential

    Sounds like it’s too late to save you, but I had dry needling done on my knees almost 10 years ago, and I didn’t think it was worth the pain. Anyway, I hope you continue to improve and enjoy your beautiful newish home!

  2. Hope your knees survived as it looks such a lovely walk. We were supposed to go to Vancouver Island in 2020 but you know what happened. Hoping to get to Vancouver at least to see my brother later this year.

  3. Happy Anniversary, Deb … although it’s a sad anniversary from my perspective 😏
    You live in a lovely part of the country, and getting outside on a beautiful day is medicine for the soul. Your knees will forgive you 🙂

      1. Oh dear. Your comment has been languishing for a week without response. It gives you an idea of how infrequently I peek back into the bloggy world 🙄

        It would be a wee bit more challenging for me to pack up and move across the country … but it’s crossed my mind more than a few times!! Then there would be no end to the shenanigans we could get into … redefining old age in a completely new way! But then again, I don’t think the world is quite ready for that 🤪

    1. Spoken like a true friend! The gorgeous weather (well, the sun anyways) did not last the whole day. The clouds rolled in for the afternoon. If that helps…Thanks, Donna 💕

  4. Gorgeous weather, irresistible spot to visit – tough combination! Be kind to those knees, or plan for surgery and they are never the same after surgery. It is a beautiful spot I agree though and I want to explore the area now also.

    1. I’ve been told my knees themselves are in good shape. No damage, no arthritis (yet). It’s the damn IT bands that are causing the grief. I hope I never need knee surgery. Thanks 💕

  5. Marcia Brinkley

    I’m new here but not new to knee pain. Different shoes might help. Keen’s give me enough cushion to walk on rough surfaces and on the beach (I can even snorkel in mine but not all Keens are water-compatible). My knee surgery years ago caused me to walk a bit off crooked, which has now affected my hip, but good shoes have helped with both. Still kicking along at 70

    1. Thanks, Marcia 💕 I love my Tevas for exploring in warmer weather. I am a big believer in wearing minimalist shoes in order to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the feet and legs – it is how I recovered faster from a severe ankle injury. That being said, these particular Tevas offer plenty of support and are not minimalist in my opinion. I’ve worn Keens before…they are good shoes also. Keep kickin’! 😁

  6. Oh wow! These photos bring back fond memories of our trip to Vancouver Island many years ago. I am addicted to blackberries and I ate my weight in them that trip. Just love that they grow wild there. We drove up in our pickup and camper for the World’s Fair in Seattle and then took ferries to Vancouver. We had breakfast at this little cafe across the street from one of the more popular rock climbing sites. Just a magnificent view–loved our trip and sadly don’t expect I’ll be able to return there in this lifetime. Thanks for sharing!!!

  7. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – beautiful views … stunning advert for Vancouver Island – gorgeous photos. I do hope the knees improve and stay healthy … good to get out, but necessary to keep looking after them. Cheers Hilary

  8. The Misadventures of Widowhood

    I can’t believe you’ve been in your slice of heaven two years already! It’s a wonderful life you’ve carved out for yourself. But please be careful! Do many people there hike with open toed shoes with no ankle support? That seems like an accident waiting to happen. Either way, happy anniversary!

    1. This “hike” is in a city park and very civilized. It’s only when you go off trail that the ground gets uneven. My Tevas are very well secured onto my feet, never fear Jean! I like to wear minimalist footwear to strengthen the muscles and tendons in my feet and legs. I severely injured my ankle 2 years ago wearing expensive full support, full coverage hiking boots and ditched them to speed my healing. Thank you 💕 I will be careful. 😁

  9. So beautiful. I have one bad knee so I sympathize with the damn it I’m still hiking mentality. No worries, you’re secret is safe with me.

  10. Ah those views! So worth it. I won’t rat you if you won’t rat me! Seems like a nice slow walk for lots of pictures which are lovely. My husband loves those blackberries!

  11. Your secret is safe with me. I have weak knees and hilly terrain does me in, but like you I keep walking on it. Ice is my friend– and yours I suspect.

  12. Lovely hike and photos. I hope your knees didn’t complain later! What a beautiful spot you live in. Vancouver and surrounds are on my bucket list.

  13. debscarey

    Oh where would we be without our ice packs?! It sounds absolutely gorgeous and I totally understand your decision. I’m the same way with the shingle on beaches as it kills me, but I love the seaside too much to forgo it. Happy 2nd anniversary – that time has raced by 🙂

  14. Oh my. Your poor knees! You’re trying to wear them out. 😳 I can hardly blame you though; those views are spectacular! And the bee. So cute! Oh, and poppies in the wild: I’ve never seen them like that!
    I hope you aren’t in too much pain my friend. Rest up.

    1. I’m happy to report no ill effects whatsoever from my outing. Not even a sunburn (thank you SPF50!). My IT bands still burn if I rest on my knees though…that’s gonna take some time. Thanks, Suz 💕

      1. That’s great!
        I forgot to mention that I made the shawarma chicken on Thursday and we loved it! I’m going up add it to my rotation of keepers!

  15. Hi Deb, I ‘get it’ when you go back to similar settings, yet never tire of the view. Darn it, on your knees. Darn it, on the uneven surfaces…difficult to avoid. Stunning photos! Ha, ha…”I seal you…” You remind me how sometimes it is worthwhile keeping our souls healthy….versus concerned about our soles………hey…..I just made that up…….somewhat lame……..yet, you know what I mean……💕

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