Bowser, Wowser, Mini Schnauzer

I have a new grand doggy in my life. Bowser is an 8 week old Miniature Schnauzer puppy. He was named after the first Vancouver Island community his new Mom and Dad moved to. Plus it’s gotta be because it rhymes with schnauzer, doncha think? I am looking in on him during the day, while his parents go to work to keep him in toys and treats. Here’s a few words (and pictures) from His Royal Cuteness:

I am trying hard to be a goodest boy. Oma says I am a work in progress.
I love my new bed but…
…not as much as I love Oma’s lap.
Oma says she feels trapped but I know she loves it.
I love being outside too. Oma is always nearby to make sure I don’t get snatched up by an eagle or owl.
So many sticks and fir cones to chew on. Oma says bite these, not her please.
I am getting so good at walkies.
I walk best with my tongue out, just a little bit.
Walkies can be tiring. Oma says good!

Rock on,

The WB

57 thoughts on “Bowser, Wowser, Mini Schnauzer

  1. What a cute dog. Ps my grandmother had a dog named Towser in the 1960’s. I thought it was Bowser until I started typing then realized it was Towser and decided to go ahead and comment because rhyming.

  2. Luisa

    So lucky to have such a nice Oma (have not heard the German word since I was a child so major positive nostalgia reaction here! Enjoy each other! She’ll ultimately be a great companion on walks….

    1. One of the things I love about miniature schnauzers is that no one told them they are small dogs 🤣. I swore my late mini schnauzer Lucy saw a Rottweiler staring back at her when she looked in the mirror. Oh, I imagine Bowser might make an appearance or 300 over the next while 😁. Thanks, Janis 💕

  3. hilarymb

    Oh Deb – he’s quite delightful … what fun … and yes those teethlipegs do hurt when they grab us! I so agree with your thoughts … they give us a break and sleep, but on our lap – bang goes our ability to get away and do something else! But so much fun – enjoy him … cheers Hilary

      1. hilarymb

        Kittens, puppies … and no doubt babies – all the same … it’s a good word isn’t it – thanks! Cheers H

  4. debscarey

    Oh, oh, oh – what an absolute cutie. I’m so glad you get to have Bowser in your life while you wait until the time when you can have your very own four-pawed cutie 😀

    1. Thank you, Debs 💕. I may not even have to get my own, since Bowser and I will be next door neighbours by the end of the summer. I’m sure he’ll think we are all just one big happy family (and we will be). I’ll have to see how things unfold and if I still feel the need to get my own pup.

      1. debscarey

        How ever did I miss that you’d be next door! That would be the perfect outcome. Nicely done Deb! 🙂

  5. Cuteness overload!!!! 😍. Yeah, good luck trying to avoid excessive photo taking. It ain’t gonna happen!! I miss having a fur-baby sleeping on my lap. Enjoy the puppy-sitting Oma!! 🦴

  6. The Misadventures of Widowhood

    Few things are as cute as Schnauzer puppies. He looks just like Levi did when I got him. He will be the most spoiled grand-dog around. And his parents are lucking to have an experienced sitter when they can’t be there…so important these first few months. Hope he grows fast so the birds of prey don’t get tempted. Stay very close! They can swoop down really fast. Saw it happen with a rabbit Browser’s size.

    1. Yes, for sure Jean! I saw an owl pluck a bunny about Bowser’s size…as “takeout” for her growing family of owlets. Schnauzer puppies remind me of puppy stuffy toys…when they are sitting still…which isn’t often 🤣. I just ordered him a collapsible indoor/outdoor play tent, with a zippered mesh top…that should thwart the birds of prey somewhat. Let the Oma spoiling begin! Thanks 💕

    1. Dank u wel, Liesbet 💕 Oh, by the way my massage therapist and her husband want to go live on their sailboat and sail around the world. I sent her an Amazon link to your book!

  7. Hi Deb, Wonderful photos of Bowser! I am certain Bowser appreciates you checking in on him. Our neighbours got a new puppy a few years ago, and we became grandparents to this puppy. A time of bonding where he/we are still thrilled to see each other.💕

  8. Oh my goodness! This cutie looks just like my beloved mini schnauzer, Maxie. How I loved that pooch. My mother never liked dogs and wouldn’t let us have one as kids. When I got Maxie in 2000 for my son, my mother started buying birthday cards for the dog, signing them “Love, Grandma.” ❤️

  9. What a cutie! Oh my goodness, makes me want to have a puppy (or a kitten). Can’t do it though…just wouldn’t be safe with us wandering and having such poor balance.

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