After resisting the urge to get one of these for – uhh – at least two years now, it finally happened. An air fryer has appeared at Chez Badass. My reasons for hesitating included (not limited to): having to surrender even more precious counter space to yet another small kitchen appliance; pondering if it was all that and a bag of (air-fried) chips i.e. being not entirely convinced it would be better than roasting things in my convection toaster oven; not liking most fried foods anyways; telling myself to “get a fucking grip” on most of my random thoughts on the daily. Meantime, I was studying air fryers…at times, intensely.

The first thing I made in my new toy kitchen appliance was sweet potato fries.

Next up – I found a package of chicken wings on sale at the grocery store (and it was the time of the Superbowl – not that I pay attention to sports – but in keeping with the situation…):

I also tried my hand at “regular” fries, learning in the process that russet potatoes make the best ones.

Alas, my success with my new toy appliance just couldn’t last. In keeping with Widow Badass tradition, I will let you in on my kitchen failure. I attempted to make a recipe with tofu. Not just any tofu but puffed tofu (something new to moi). My daughter and I had tried a delicious tofu appetizer from Shed, when we were in Tofino earlier last month, and I was hoping to recreate it at home. I found this video, which is a close contender to Shed’s version:
Now I just had to find the elusive tofu puffs.

I tried the mini-puffs first.

Unfortunately I had let them go a bit too long in the air fryer. I was left with candied air, basically. So, let’s try this again…this time with the regular sized puffs:

Lesson learned. When the YouTuber says to check every 4 minutes while cooking, do as he instructs!
Since I brought the air fryer home, I have used it almost every single day. In addition to the foods featured above, I have also used it to roast asparagus (delish), kabocha squash (delightful), and chicken thighs (crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside). Dare I say it: this could be my new favourite thing in the kitchen. (Sorry, pressure-cooker!) I love how quick it is to add a roasted vegetable to a meal. And using this little guy instead of heating up an oven (even my toaster oven) is much faster and therefore less wasteful of electricity, methinks. Consider me a convert!
That’s what’s on my plate for this month: anything I can cook in my new air fryer!
Please let my co-host Donna or myself know what’s on your plate at your house, in the Comments section of either of our WOYPBC posts (or both, if you are so inclined!). If you are feeling extra chatty 🙂 and have the time, please let me know if you have an air fryer, and what are your favourite tips/tricks/things to cook in one. I’d love to learn more about this wonder appliance and what it can do! Please check out Donna’s delicious March post, here.
Rock on,
The WB
That looks like a great new toy (addition to your kitchen) Deb! My daughter has just bought one too and is loving it!
The air fryer has certainly surpassed my expectations of it! It has become a great new toy…er…addition. 😉 Thanks, Debbie 💕
I know what you mean as I wrote about a new appliance too this month!
I don’t have the space for another appliance, but I wouldn’t get an air fryer. I figure it’s just a tiny oven and with The Hub and Barbarians, I don’t do tiny anything,lol.
So true….it IS a tiny oven, which wouldn’t work for a family. There are much bigger options available but they take up even more counter space than mine. Thanks, AJ 💕
I was with you right up to the tofu. 🤢 I have an air frying feature on my giant toaster oven, but I’ve only used it once. You may have inspired me to try again…
Tofu is not for everyone, but then neither is meat. I like having options at the ready for my vegetarian friends and family. Having tried it various ways, I have grown to like it. I’ve seen those toaster oven/air fryers…they even have full sized stoves on the market now with an air fryer feature built in. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
I wonder how much I would wow the family vegetarians if I served those tofu bites one day? hmmm – I’m nudging that much closer to acquiring an air dryer. Damn you, Badass! I had been so successful in avoiding one up to now! 😉
The tofu bites are so easy to whip up…if you watch the video, the presenter talks about another recipe to accompany them…Szechuan green beans…I’ve watched that video too and am going to make them one day. I bet those two would be great, paired with rice. I think you would need a bigger air fryer to feed your horde…er…family of big healthy men! Air fryers are very light weight so easy to store somewhere else when not in use. Just sayin’ 😉 Thanks, Joanne 💕
Double yes to Szechuan green beans! Please invite me over when you make them. They are one of the dishes that I most miss from China! 😀
Oh goody – then you can tell me how authentic they taste!
I promise I will. This dish along with the Tofu Puffs would be an absolutely amazing meal. I could bring wine and dessert!
Well, I have to make it happen NOW 😁
Yeah – it’s gonna happen 🙂
I did look for tofu bites at the grocery store this morning and couldn’t find any. Like you, I’ll have to check out the Chinese grocery store nearby.
I do think you could make these in a regular oven. They need constant turning and you need to ever watchful so the air fryer is definitely an easier option as you can just shake the basket.
Smooth read yet again! And I must say you are a real woman. We real women think about stuff, say no way, research it anyway, and then go, “oh why not? let’s give it a try.” 🙂 Glad your experience with your new toy worked out well. Been thinking of one myself since last year when I moved here, but reviews been so variable I stopped. Maybe……
Why, thank you kindly! I like to think of myself as a very real woman ☺️. As a single person, the air fryer is helping me make healthier, whole food meals instead of eating a bowl of cereal or a bag of popcorn for dinner because I can’t be bothered to heat up an entire oven just for little ol’ me 😁. Thank you 💕
I can’t let Malcolm read this. He will be ordering one and we definitely don’t need another space hog or gadget. The Instapot he bought two years ago has been used three times, and the pasta maker is still in the box. Potato Masher, wine icicle, don’t get me started. Nope, not gonna happen. Enjoy
Oh boy, I can relate. Which is why I held off for so long. I do love me a kitchen gadget and I’ve been really good at saying no for so long. But this air fryer now has me questioning that – between it and my toaster oven and my pressure cooker – do I even need a full sized oven any more??? I mean, other than baking the odd loaf of bread or pan of muffins or a turkey once a year…I might have to turn my big oven mostly into a storage cabinet 🤣. Thanks, Suzanne 💕
I know if I was still cooking, I’d get bit my the bug to buy an air frier. The food that comes out of them tastes so much better. I know because the CCC where I live used one a lot.
You are so right, Jean. The food does taste so much better than when roasted conventionally. Thanks 💕
My husband and daughter got an air fryer in the beginning of pandemic. They adored it! I never took to it, so when our inexpensive one broke we didn’t replace it
I think air fryers were a pandemic purchase for many when restaurants were out of the question. I know that’s when I started seriously looking at them too. Thanks, LA 💕
Oh, dear….. I must be living in a cave. I’d vaguely heard about “air fryers/fried” etc., but not experienced eating anything from one. (I’d write more about restaurants & food-to-go around here, but I’m trying to be good today. 😇) Suffice to say I hadn’t really thought about getting one. Delighted you’re enjoying yours! xx
Thank you, Del 💕 I am so surprised by HOW MUCH I am enjoying mine.
Don’t be giving me ideas now… 🤣
The holiday meal with my cousin (that happened 2 months later) involved her air fryer, I don’t have one. We settled on poutine with the works. There was an ancient fry cutter gadget in the cupboard that hadn’t been used for half a century. She brought the air fryer – new meets old. Yes, it was delicious. I’ve heard that an air fryer is a version of a convection oven? I’m on a mission to use up frozen pureed pumpkin so on the menu of late was carrot/ginger/rice soup followed by baked tortellini with pumpkin cheese sauce.
Yes, I believe the air fryer uses the same technology as a convection oven. My toaster oven is a convection oven yet when I roast meat/veggies in it, they don’t turn out as lovely as with the air fryer. The air fryer must be a convection oven on steroids 🤣. Your meal sounds delightful!!!! Thank you 💕
Now I want an air fryer too! You are the second friend to mention one – both with great experiences. And that Air Fryed Puff Tofu?! Yes, please!!! When should I drop by? 😀
Let me get some more tofu puffs in house and I would be delighted to make these for you, Donna! Thank you, and thanks for being a great co-host 💕
That sounds awesome — and if you could add in the Szechuan Green Beans I’d be in absolute Heaven!
You got it! 😁
Everything looks so yummy!
I love our air fryer! I use it more than our microwave. I’ve even air fried salmon. LOL
Oh, I wanted to use my air fryer for salmon last night but I was also using it for sweet potato fries…I couldn’t figure out how to do both and have both warm and/or ready at the same time so I ended up using my toaster oven for the salmon. I can see why double air fryer models are popular 😁. Thanks, Kari 💕
There is such thing as a double air fryer??
Yes, I have seen one – the Ninja brand.
My husband has been asking to get one. Like you, I’m concerned with the counter space it’s going to take. Countertop real estate is a hot commodity right now. I’m holding out for a sale, and I’ll probably bite the bullet.
My little guy doesn’t take up much more room than an electric kettle, and it’s light enough such that it could live inside a kitchen cabinet or pantry (where real estate is also precious!) when not in use. Of course I am using it so much that it has become a countertop fixture. Thank you 💕
The feature is built into my oven but I’m still experimenting. Haven’t gotten it to the point of saying that it’s better than roasted stuff but that maybe my technique.
When my daughter moves into the house she and her husband just bought she will become the proud owner of a brand new stove that also air-fries, dehydrates etc., etc. This stove does everything but knit socks, I tell ya! (Just a little bit jealous ☺️). It will interesting to see how it’s air frying compares to my little unit. Thanks, Kate 💕
From my very limited experience, I think you get more bang out of the buck when you are cooking for one or two to use a separate unit. Mine will do a lot at a time so it has to take more energy and maybe it takes longer too. My old (age 91) brother uses one every day and swears by it.
I think you are right, Kate!
I’ve wavered about buying an air fryer. That being said, what you’ve made with yours encourages me to get one. I mean, it looks so tasty.
It is very tasty, to me at least. Surprisingly so. I hope if you get one that you think the same. Thanks, Ally 💕
Like you, it took me years to get on board with the air fryer. I got one about 4 months ago and I use it for chicken wings and last night I made lightly breaded chicken tenders. They were amazing. I really need to try some sweet potato or russet fries like you; they look delicious.
You won’t regret either choice, I predict ! Thanks, Suz 💕
We resisted too & then one arrived on my doorstep in early January – a present from a friend. I have to admit to not using it as often as I should have, but that tofu looks worth dragging it out for.
I think it is definitely worth dragging it out for! Thanks, Jo 💕
Looks delicious Deb.
Leslie xoxo
Thank you, Leslie 💕
I’m in the same state of mind you were: I just don’t want another appliance to deal with. I have so much stuff. But a couple of weeks ago my boss — also a personal friend of many years — said they use their so much they have two. He raved. And now your post with the beautiful photos. I’m going to cave. I feel it coming. OK, I have to back up. I bought an air fryer lid for my Instant Pot. Found out too late it doesn’t fit, so now I need to sell that thing. I thought it would be perfect to just have another lid and not a whole appliance. I need to put that fail behind me and just buy the ding dang air fryer. Not sure whether to thank you yet, but I do appreciate the post.
I’ve heard of those lids for the Instant pots. I’d be tempted but my pressure cooker is a Breville so I doubt it would work. Anyways, I did cave and I am so glad I did. Thanks, Reticula 💕
Welcome to the air fryer club. Between my slow cooker and air fryer, I barely use my range.
I get it, Bernadette! Thanks for welcoming me to the club 💕
Oh nooooooo Deb, here’s another thing I’ve been avoiding – firmly. And then you go and produce proof that I’d love it. I’d be suggesting we get one to Himself as soon as he comes home, if it wasn’t for the fact that yet another piece of coffee paraphernalia was delivered yesterday, and I’m pretty certain we’ve not got the counter space for anything.
Well, not until I persuade him that the (now) back-up grinder and (previous) espresso maker could get put into boxes and stored, in case the new stuff dies. I’ll move on to them being sold later….
Baby steps, right? Been there, done that with both of my husbands 🤣. The things we have to do to get them to our (the right!) way of thinking. Thanks for my morning laugh, Debs 💕
Huh. I am like you were….hesitant to add anything to my counter But maybe I should at least consider…….
I’m glad I considered and found room on the counter for the air fryer. I am using it almost daily! Thanks, Dawn 💕
I’ve been waiting and watching on the air fryer front since they came out. Yours is the first review that makes me want to get one.
Thank you, Donna 💕 I consider that high praise indeed!
What a coincidence, my wife just bought an air fryer a few weeks ago. Technically, it’s a pressure cooker, but it can also be used as an air fryer. The first thing she tried was chicken wings, and I must say, they were delicious. She burned the first batch, but I still liked them, even though they were a little rubbery. The second batch was cooked just right. I think they were the best chicken wings I’ve ever had.
In fact, any meat dish seems to come out very well, whether it be steak, pork, a hamburger, or hot dogs. The shish-kabobs she made a few days ago were to die for. My conclusion is that air fryers work best with meat.
We’re not very impressed with french fries. And she did use russet potatoes. They came out okay, but for our tastes, they’re not as good as the fries that are sinfully boiled in a vat of oil.
I get that the fries are not as good as actually deep-fried ones. I am not a french fry lover…if given the option I will take any other side over fries. Unless my stomach is actually cramping from hunger because I waited too long between meals, fries hold very little appeal for me. Well roasted potatoes and vegetables are my jam however, and the air fryer does such an excellent job on these! And I agree with you about the meat as well. Thanks, TG 💕
My friend has one and we used it but let’s say that the tequila bottle had more impact than what we ate to try and sober up! I’m quite — HM — counter conscious and only the knife block lives on the counter. So it would have to live in the pantry like the pressure cooker. Number one kitchen item for cooking in our house is a cast iron skillet with lid. Bernie
🤣 🌵🥃 🤣 I love my cast iron skillet as well. Thanks, Bernie 💕
I think one of the items was chicken wings but if they were good I can not say…😉
I didn’t have any luck with the two air fryers I tried previously, but I bought this one on your say-so. If it doesn’t work for me, ON YOUR HEAD BE IT! 😀
🤣🤣🤣 thank goodness I have a rather large and hard head 😁 Thanks for making me laugh, Marian 💕
Not a fan of tofu, but those look pretty good. I read that an air fryer was just a convection oven by a different name… is that so? I would like to get a small convection oven for smaller meals so I don’t have to heat up the big oven. Maybe I should look into it – but I think I’d get the kind that have a door rather then a drawer.
My toaster oven is a convection oven, and I used to have a large convection oven in the stove I left behind in Ontario. I find the air fryer makes food crispier than either of those other convection ovens…though I am sure it is the same technology…I think the air fryer is “beefier” at “convecting”, if that’s the right word?!?! Thanks, Janis 💕
I don’t cook but I may learn how to fry. But puffed tofu sounds like the Asian version of shit on a shingle.
I’ve heard of shit on a shingle but don’t really know what it is. But if you say that’s what puffed tofu sounds like to you, that’s good enough for me! Thanks, Kieran 💕
Chipped beef on toast was called shit on a shingle. Very accurate for my cooking
Oh do I relate, Deb! I said no way to getting an air fryer, then ended up buying one. I love it and use it regularly.
Oh goody! I think a lot of us said no way and now we can’t live without them 😁. Thanks, HG 💕
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I lost count of the number of times I nodded my head vigorously in agreement with something you said …. I came to the air-fryer game very late as well (despite ALL my friends extolling its virtures). In my head, it was just for reheating leftovers, and well, I have my microwave for that, right?
Like you, I use it every single day now (sometimes several times in a day), and we’re now on to our 2nd air-fryer. No, not because it broke down, but because Older Child moved out and took it along!
Well, that makes me feel a lot better! 😄 Thank you, Ju-Lyn 💕
Great post. I’ve been wanting one of these. I’m all for easy! 🙂
Who isn’t? 😁 Thanks, Marsha 💕
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Oooh, I’m glad the air fryer didn’t disappoint this time, Marian! I made the most deliciously crispy chicken thighs in mine last night – just seasoned them – did not need to add any oil or breading – and you would swear they were coated and deep fried. I could never get them that way in a regular oven. I am even more of an air fryer convert than before. 😍
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