What’s On Your Plate Blog Challenge – Subscription Box Edition

At the beginning of January, I received an unexpected delivery of a mysterious package. The outside was decorated with cute symbols of food in red and white and it proclaimed it was from a company called Universal Yums. Curious, I opened it up and looked for some kind of note or explanation as to who sent it but there was nothing to be found inside except some packages of snacks, a score card and a booklet. So I looked at the outside of the package again and there it was, partially obscured by the shipping label.

Mystery solved!

What a lovely gift, from my good friends back in Ontario: Jonathan and Kenn!!! Clearly the package was supposed to arrive in December, but what with all the weather difficulties and highway closures it couldn’t make it to my door until early January.

Snack contents of the box: popcorn from Taiwan, truffles from France, candies from the UK, “plum” cake from Argentina, baklava from Jordan, and potato chips from another region of France.
Scorecard and guidebook from box

As you can see, the December box is a collection of snacks from around the world. The regular monthly boxes contain snacks from one country, only.

Of course, you know I couldn’t just snack (and score) all by myself…so I called someone whose food judgement I trust implicitly.

Donna is clearly taking this project as seriously as I am. 😉 What concentration! What focus!

And so we began. One by one, we carefully sampled each snack and wrote our thoughts down on the scorecard.

And here are the results of our scoring:

Your happy judgy McJudgersons judging panel (photo by Donna).

This was a whole lotta fun. And I get to do it every month for a whole year! Don’t worry, I won’t post it on WOYPBC each month…just this first time. While I was waiting to get together with Donna to do the scoring, my January box arrived:

Hmmm….what country am I going on a snack holiday to, next?
It’s Poland! (Which has bison, apparently…who knew???)

I am so tickled by this subscription. I really love the scoring aspect of it. Something fun to do with friends and family. I think it is both a great idea for a gift to give, and also a joy to receive!

Once again, my co-host Donna and I are using a linkup for people to share their posts on. Please find it here:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Not sure why InLinkz hates me. What have I ever done to it??? If the button doesn’t want to work, you can always join up at Retirement Reflections or try this link HERE.

Of course, you are still more than welcome to let Donna or myself know what’s on your plate at your house, in the Comments of either Donna’s or my post (or both, if you are so inclined!). Please check out Donna’s mouth-watering February post, here!

Happy Groundhog Day!

Rock on,

The WB

76 thoughts on “What’s On Your Plate Blog Challenge – Subscription Box Edition

  1. AJ Blythe

    That’s such a fun gift! I am now very curious to know what treats Poland has, so please don’t feel you can’t post here 😉 I wonder if you’ll get an Aussie box, and what would be in it… vegemite, cherry ripe, timtams, macadamias ??

    1. Oh, I’d love an Aussie box! Well, I didn’t want to bore people with the box contents every month but if enough people are interested I suppose I could dash off a quick post….Thanks, AJ 💕

    1. #6 – the baklava was our #1 favourite yum. See the Team Rating panel on the scorecard. At least we could agree on that 😁. Thanks, Joanne 💕 I will take your vote into consideration!

  2. hilarymb

    Hi you two – interesting tasting session … with fun reviews – doesn’t look too successful does it … Christmas plums are dried grapes or raisins – is that what was in that one? Interesting that the one from Jordan won out … thoroughly enjoyed that post – but would love to have a brief review each month?! Thank you – cheers Hilary

    1. There were NO PLUMS in the plum cake. Only a dulce de leche filling. So strange! I will take everyone’s comments into consideration regarding a monthly review as it was a fun post to create. Thanks, Hilary 💕

  3. debscarey

    What a brilliant gift! Himself would’ve voted for the Baklava for sure. I’m more inclined towards savoury & salty so would expect to score the Chevre chips top, so I’m sad they weren’t fresh. I, too, vote for a monthly update please 🙂

    1. I’m sad they weren’t fresh either as I love me a salty snack! I am taking your and others comments seriously regarding a monthly post. Here it is February and I haven’t tried the January box yet…feeling the pressure 😉…perhaps this weekend! Thanks, Debs 💕

  4. I love this! And you should post about it every month so we can take the culinary tour with you. Sorry there were so many duds this time. What won? Please tell me it was the baklava.

    1. Yes! It was the baklava. I thought it was obvious from the scorecard but apparently the pictures of the snacks are too small to make out properly on some screens. I will do a better job next time, promise! Thanks, Rivergirl 💕

    1. I’m hearing everyone loud and clear on this one! I think I will have to post every month (just not always for WOYPBC…that would get boring, I feel). Thanks, Deborah 💕

  5. Deb, what a fun gift to receive. I’m not a big snack person, but I can see that receiving one per month from a different country would be entertaining. What do people snack on in other countries? Well, now you will know.

    1. I say I am not a big snack person too…but partly it is because if I have potato chips or popcorn in the house I can call it a meal. How lazy is that??? I do prefer real meals but often leave it too late at night for supper and then I don’t want to cook…This wasn’t ever a problem when I was married. (Why do we take care of others better than we take care of ourselves? Rhetorical musing…) The team and game aspect of these boxes will keep me from going down the snack-as-a-meal road, I think. Thanks, Suzanne 💕

  6. m2muse

    So fun! I think the surprise element is what adds to a gift box or even meal. Imagine sitting down to a meal that someone else has prepared and being “surprised” each and every time. There’s leftover sheet pan dinner in the fridge – lemon potatoes, brussels sprouts & salmon. Next: chickpea kale curry stuffed spaghetti squash. I’m baking cookies today – chocolate chip for my neighbor who did snow removal yesterday & sugar cookie dough for Valentine cookies for the grandkids.

    1. Sheet pan dinner? Chickpea kale curry over spaghetti squash? Fresh made cookies? These things sound amazing!!! Can I come over to your house? 😉 Thank you for commenting, Mona 💕

  7. Hi, Deb – Thank you so much for including me in your first official Universal Yums tasting session. How fun was that?! I’m delighted to hear that the people have spoken and that they request a box review each month, I am avaiable to be part of your judging panel anytime – rain or shine!

    1. Thank you for your impartial and enthusiastic judging, Donna 💕 I think you and I will be doing this on the regular 😁. We are already behind as it’s February and January’s box is as yet untouched! Aaach! The pressure….

      1. Hoorah!!!! I am happy to sample the January box anytime. If we sample a box here – I am happy to serve tea and break out the good china! Oh, and I am happy to sample leftovers if J and K get in first. Hey, wait a minute, what am I saying. Leftovers if K’s been there?! I temporarily lost my head for a moment! 😀

        1. So true! Leftovers is a bit of a swear word around my Son-in-Law – he of the bottomless pit of appetite…hehehe! I hope we can get together as planned next week, and I will bring the box! (I checked and it’s full of wheat-filled goodies which means my daughter can’t partake). I know there will be plenty of snacks still, even after our judging, which I am happy to dump on SIL, afterwards!

      1. I never heard of that. I almost joined a “cheese” club. You got a selection of cheeses every month. It was pricey and I’m the only cheese connoisseur in this house so it wouldn’t all get eaten. I fantasized about it though.

  8. retirementconfidential

    I could see how it would be fun, but I already put enough junk in my body! However, I will admit the snacky items at the Asian market intrigue me …

    1. I hear that! I like the game aspect of it. It means I only partake enough to judge, and then I can pass on the remains of the snack box to my very active son-in-law, who I am becoming convinced harbours a tape worm. 😉 Thanks, Donna 💕

  9. What a clever gift idea. My niece gave me a month subscription to seasonal Japanese snacks by a company called “Bokksu.” https://www.bokksu.com. Most of the things were delicious! Too bad I didn’t think of blogging about it and those snacks are long gone…..I am going to try to “play” this month’s challenge though.

  10. The Misadventures of Widowhood

    I used to belong to one of those treats from around the world subscriptions. It really was fun.

  11. Coraline got a gift subscription from her aunt and uncle for Christmas and it was the best gift ever! The one she got in January was the one from Poland so we’re planning a Polish dinner with the pierogi recipe they sent and some apple sauce and roast pork. I highly recommend it.

    1. Don’t feel too bad – I just went to comment on your blog and suddenly WordPress doesn’t know who I am 🤬. Anyways, lovely post – glad to read that you are finding your way around your new town, and Death by Pizza has got my curiousity stirred up! Thanks for joining in, Tracey 💕

  12. What a delightful and delicious way to “travel” around the world safely, especially during the pandemic 🙂 No wonder you and Donna get along so well… you agree on one of the most important things in life: snacking preferences (based on your scoring) 🙂

  13. “Imagine a twinkie stuffed with caramel, in lieu of a photo.” 😂

    That gift box is very cool AND it seems like a lot of fun to share with a friend. Win-win and an extra win because it comes every month. NICE.

  14. What a fun gift! I’m going to have to find something like that in the US, because I’m always struggling what to get folks. I was given a monthly spices from around the world as a gift. It was fun, but so many I just had no idea what to do with them, even with looking for recipes. Snacks on the other hand… I know what to do with snacks.

  15. Hi Deb what a lovely surprise and aren’t you lucky to have a co-host and co-judge in Donna. I recently received a Maggie Beer hamper from a friend. It is a one-off but contains some of my favourite goodies. It is so special to receive a surprise delivery isn’t it? Thanks so much for hosting What’s On Your Plate? Blog Challenge and see you next month. I wonder what your February Subscription Box will contain??

    1. Yes, very special! If all goes according to plan, Donna and I will sample the January/Poland box on Monday and then we will be all caught up and ready for when the February box arrives. Thanks, Sue 💕

    1. I have new upstairs neighbours – the Stompy’s moved out (thank heavens), and I don’t know where they went. My new neighbours are very friendly and very quiet! If ever any snacks were left over, I would certainly take them upstairs! Thank you 💕

  16. What a fun (and thoughtful) gift! Hours (?) of entertainment! with another 11 (or is it 12) to go!

    I have to ask: what was #4 that both of you didn’t care for?

    1. I loved #4 (which surprised me to no end, as it was chocolate). Popcorn flavoured chocolate truffles, from France. Donna did not like them, which also surprised me as she is a chocolate lover. Yes, so much entertainment within each box! Thanks, Ju-Lyn 💕

  17. Pingback: doughnut, anyone? – Touring My Backyard

  18. Pingback: Because You Asked: A Snack Trip to Poland – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

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