What’s On My Bookshelf – Blast From the Past Edition

You know, I really should have predicted this would happen. I’ve been going on almost-weekly adventures with this woman, and by now I should know by now not to open my mouth around her. Case in point: we were idly browsing a favourite thrift store prior to embarking on a soggy beach walk, and I happened to notice a cook book that I used to own, placed on a table right at the front of the store. This book DID NOT – I repeat – DID NOT make the cut when I was packing for my move to the island. Seeing it in the thrift store, I had a momentary failing weakness flood of nostalgia as I gazed upon its cover – recalling flipping through it during many a Christmas Past. I remember looking for inspiration or maybe it was just an escape from the chaos that was that season at my house what with 2 young children, no money, an insufferable monster-in-law, and an unsupportive spouse. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget rampant consumerism and commercialization spoiling the season too...

Is it any surprise that my formerly insane love of this holiday got permanently squashed like a creepy bug on the bathroom floor?

Anywho…there I go digressing AGAIN. The point of my story (and this post) is that I resisted re-buying this book even though the store clerk was helpfully pointing out that it was ONLY A DOLLAR and YET somehow, someway I ended up leaving the store with this book…thanks to Donna sneakily adding it to her purchase and immediately thrusting it into my hands! I pretended to be exasperated with her (how can anyone be pissed at Donna though, really?) but secretly I was looking forward to paging through the book once more…

From 1993. A gorgeous book, truly.

The book was just as wonderful and aspirational/inspirational as I remembered it. Here is the only recipe that I recall actually trying.

The kids and I made these ornaments. I remember them smelling wonderful; even the following year when they were brought out again and rehung on the tree!

As I was flipping through the book, I kept finding pieces of paper stuck between the pages. Like these: not 1, but 2 printed copies of some woman’s fruitcake recipe.

Gosh! Two copies. Is this a sign that I should try this one?! I’m a bit suspish, as the pages are too clean. (A clear sign the recipe has not actually been attempted, in my view 😉 ).

One copy of the recipe was stuck between these 2 pages, see photo below. This recipe looks good too.

Orange? Almond? Say no more…

And then I found this piece of paper: a couple of recipes cut out from a newspaper.

No indication of date or what newspaper it came from.

But the most surprising find of all? Not a piece of paper but this recipe:


Can we take a moment to remember last Christmas’s Black Forest Trifle kerfuffle? Here is the link. Now I have the source recipe once again, it seems.

But I don’t want to attempt it again this year. The wounds are yet too fresh. However, I have been thinking about making a fruit cake (again). Those wounds have healed over, apparently. Remember this near-disaster, also from last year?

Readers, I need your help (and your votes). The poll will close on November 30th. Help a badass out, will ya?

Should I make Violet Burke's Christmas Cake?

Thank you, Donna! I may curse your name later but for now I am really happy you ignored my babblings about how I was not going to buy this damn book again, and instead bought it for me.

Rock on,

The WB

80 thoughts on “What’s On My Bookshelf – Blast From the Past Edition

  1. Well done, Donna!! That’s what friends are for … to lead you astray. I mean to support your secret longings 😉

    🎼 “On Fruit Cake, on Trifle, on Gingerbread people” 🎶
    Christmas on!!! 🎄

  2. This book is a gem. You have to make Violet Burke’s cake. That recipe is definitely a sign. [I tried to do the poll but it wouldn’t let me. Trying hard to not take it personally.]

    1. I’m sorry the poll isn’t working for you, Ally. This is my first attempt at using a poll widget and it went so smoothly I thought something had to be up. I am used to a huge struggle with all things “blogge”. It’s probably my fault. Thank you for your input! 💕

      1. Yes – can confirm! I tried voting (for my own poll. What? Is that wrong? 😉 ). A little box came up for me that asked me to choose an anonymous vote or to vote with my WordPress account. I voted anonymously and then I got a Thank you. Hoorah! The widget works!!!!

  3. I wonder if Violet’s fruitcake was so well like that she had copies printed off ready to hand off to the next person who asked? Love that you found this book & that Donna gifted it to you. A whole new chapter of life!

    1. Yes! I feel like I get a do-over, with this book…now that I am older, wiser, and have deeper pockets of cash and patience. 😉 I am so curious about this recipe…why 2 copies? Is it THAT good? Is this Violet’s book? Or did it belong to someone who really liked her fruitcake and asked for the recipe? Hmmmm….so many questions. Thanks, Lynn 💕

    1. You bring up a very good point, Maggie. I immediately noticed the lack of a certain something (booze…yes, it’s the booze) in this recipe. I may have to break out the Kraken, to punch it up. If I make it, that is. Thanks 💕

  4. Lovely One, it’s fate. (Or Donna, if you prefer.)
    Make/bake whatever you’ve a mind to! If you should be drawn toward purchasing all the ingredients for cake, go for it. If not, enjoy something baking something else!

    PS/I see nothing in either cake recipe about soaking the cake in booze. Isn’t that done for Christmas cake? Might or might not affect your decision. . . . . 😉

    1. Aha! Yes! I noticed that too, Del. What is a Christmas cake (or trifle, for that matter) without generous lashings of booze? I can see that whatever I make, there will be modifications to the original recipe 😁. Thank you 💕

    1. Donna is a true fiend….I mean…uh… “friend” indeed! I’ll have to keep my thoughts to myself and not speak them aloud in the future lest I have to move to a bigger apartment one day 😂. Thank you, Jean 💕

  5. Okay, I am going out on a limb here, but here goes. I used to volunteer in a used book shop and I developed an obsession for finding things inside the donated books. I am particularly fascinated with anything that relates to the previous owner and have unearthed previous lives of some very interesting people, just for the fun of it. So, I googled Violet Burke, Canada and sure enough, her obit appears. She died in 2011. Very interesting woman. I think you should make that cake in her honor. Just sayin’

        1. OMG, we need to come up with a backstory for this woman and her fruitcake recipe!!!!! 🤔 You’re the excellent short story writer…feeling inspired???? 😁 Thanks, Janis 💕

  6. I think it’s the luscious pictures that catch us up in those cook books. As a rule I find I’m lucky to find one good recipe per cook book.
    Leslie xoxo

    1. LOL! That is about my ratio too…but it’s because I put the book down and find my attention wandering elsewhere, usually. And then I forget to go back to it. I wish I could be more like the blogger who methodically worked her way through Julia Child’s Art of French Cooking (and profited nicely from the experience, what with the ensuing movie and all). Thanks, Leslie 💕

  7. Hi, Deb – You and Suzanne@PictureRetirement know about my propensity to fall down rabbit holes, right? Because of the two of you, I just slid another one! 😀 I looked up Violet Burke’s Obituary–and immediately found write-ups for TEN different Canadian Violet Burke’s. I settled on this one from Regina (https://leaderpost.remembering.ca/obituary/violet-burke-1066018508) simply because it mentioned that she was well-known for her wonderful cooking and baking. To hedge my bet, I then googled “Violet Burke’s Christmas Cake” (yay, rabbit holes are me). I didn’t find any info on that particular cake…but I did find this little ditty. It’s well worth a listen.
    Glad you are enjoying the book!


    1. Oooooh…maybe this is THE Violet Burke?!?! Thanks for doing the deep dive on this one, Donna💕And now I have a soundtrack playing in my head for when I finally get to baking 😄

    2. Hi Donna, she is an imposter! 🙂 I picked my Violet because she lived in Mill Bay. I figured it was likely that her stuff would end up in a thrift store on the island. So There!! I do like your cake connection though. Very compelling evidence.

      And to Janis, ever been to a white elephant party where a fruit cake was among the selection of gifts. Nuff said! Also, you should definitely write the mystery of the fruitcake lady.

  8. Jackie

    OMG I had this book! I don’t think it made the downsizing decluttering before we moved! Unless it is in the locker downstairs????

  9. Does anyone actually like fruitcake? I always thought it was just something Aunt Mabel made every year and we were forced to eat “just a bite” so we didn’t hurt her feelings. They also make excellent door stops until they start to grow mold. I would have voted for you to make the Black Forest trifle, but it wasn’t an option (obviously a rigged election, if I’ve ever seen one).

    1. Damn right it was rigged 😉. A well made fruitcake is a joy to eat. Unfortunately most of the commercial varieties are awful, as my compost bin can confirm. I had to throw one out just this past week. It looked promising but was shite, once unwrapped. Hence I am considering making my own, once again. Now as to the Black Forest trifle not making it into the “election”, that was a deliberate choice. See, I know my readers all too well (chocolate lovers, every damn one of you!😁) and chocolate cake and me…well, we are not ever going to be buddies…so there! Thanks, Janis 💕

  10. That Donna will get you every time Deb! It was a sign though seeing the book there and only costing $1. I have never made a Christmas Fruit Cake and probably never will but I’ll always try a piece if it’s offered to me – hint hint! Great fun post and I’ve included a link in my #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge post

  11. This was a fun and delightful read! My cookbooks are stuffed with other recipes, my handwritten notes, and dirty fingerprints from using the books. I prefer Panettone to fruit cake, but I have had one or two fruit cakes that were really good. I’ve never tried to make one myself. I’m looking forward to reading about your experience with it.

    1. Thank you, Deborah 💕 I like panettone as well. Yep, a clean recipe card or cookbook page or clipping tells me it was likely never used. Give me a splattered, fingerprinted recipe with the cook’s notes all over it, any day!

      1. Suz, it does indeed feel like I found the correct one. It makes one ponder what will become of what we perceive as “treasurer’s”. The thrift store in my home town had 3 of my aunt’s paintings. Her daughter said she had no idea where they came from but she didn’t want them. I framed and hung one and have 2 in other spots.

  12. I remember the trifle from last year. 😉 Maybe next year?
    I love that this Christmas book made it’s way back into your life..that, my friend, IS A SIGN.
    Maybe you and the kids can make the ornaments again?

    1. Me and the kids and the grandkids, maybe? Yes, I am starting to think it is a sign as well. Never have I had so much fun with a cookbook as I am having right now 😁. Maybe I’ll make the trifle again next year…or for Son-in-Law’s birthday…he loves Black Forest cake. Thanks, Suz 💕

  13. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – what a fun post … and oh I do love me a fruitcake … I’d make one, but I’d eat it all!! Violet Burke I’ll have to read up about her – but what a fun find … just enjoy whatever you make – and I know you will. So much fun to know Donna secreted away the Christmas book for you … you’ll now have happy memories – no transport costs, just a piece of bookshelf!! Cheers Hilary

    1. hilarymb

      I’ve no idea if my vote went through … but I did select the orange almond fruitcake – but frankly any nearly cooked, very gungy, fruit cake! Cheers H

    2. Thank you, Hilary 💕 I’ll let you in on a little secret: I am planning to make BOTH fruitcakes actually…and thank heavens they freeze well because it will be enough cake for the next several years….

  14. I totally do not know how I missed this cookbook at the time. I loved Canadian Living and still use many of those recipes. I would definitely have snagged it!
    As to fruitcake I kind of feel like someone else – we ate it to be polite. I think I should give it a second chance now that I’m an adult. I believe we are “late” to the party though as that baby should already be soaking up the rum!
    As an aside how badass a post this is – it’s about reading but really we’ve all delved into obits and food much more than anything else! Only you girl!!

    1. Thank you very much, Bernie 💕 I feel like this one post has achieved all my blogging dreams…people are communicating not only with me but with each other; there is a bit of a mystery happening; it’s evoked nostalgia in some; people are entertained…I couldn’t ask for more, really!

  15. I love this and absolutely yes you have to try Violet Burke’s fruitcake. It certainly seems as though she wanted the person who owned the book to try it so badly she gave her 2 copies – both of which, as you point out, are too clean.

  16. m2muse

    So much fun! You can always donate the book back to the next fun-loving book store browser when you’re done. I think the cake was so good that she kept copies of the recipe to pass on. Fruitcake is surely one of those retro food items from a day when fresh fruit wasn’t always available. I enjoy a slice of fruitcake with a slice of cheddar cheese.

    1. That sounds delicious! Sharp cheese and rich fruits/preserves are always a good pairing in my book. I think I will keep the book this time around. It has given me a lot of joy so far. Thank you 💕

  17. debscarey

    Oh I feel that way about Nigella Lawson’s Christmas book (the previous edition). It’s full of glorious things that have nothing to do with recipes, as well as gorgeous recipes. It’s become a book to read rather than to use, if you know what I mean. I also have Nigel Slater’s Christmas Chronicles which has become likewise one to read and reminisce.

    I voted for the Black Forest, even though I’m not a fan, but I do feel this book is a sign 😉

  18. Haha I love that a book that did NOT make the cut, and that you did NOT re buy, even for a dollar STILL made it back into your hands and home. Yup its a sign. And those recipes, not one but two of them. Fun finds. And yes, I agree with you, she never did actually make that as the papers would show SOME proof of that. Most of my cookbooks, when i had them, were very well used unless they were beautiful ones that were more for reading and enjoying but not necessarily ones I used on a regular basis. Can you tell I am messy in the kitchen?

    It would be interesting if Violet Burke were to read your blog! Hope it turns out well. Looking forward to the update.


  19. Pingback: What’s On Your Plate Blog Challenge – Bringing the Sexy Back to Fruitcake Edition – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

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