Badass Adventures at Dollarama: Drag Queen Edition

I’ve been visiting Dollarama a lot lately. Partly because the weather is great and it’s a lovely walk to my local dollar store; partly because I am gearing up for an adventure that I will document on Ye Olde Blogge within a week or so, and what I need to complete my project can be found there, on the cheap! And mostly because I think Dollarama is a great little store staffed by lovely people and there are so very many cool things to be found there.

On my latest visit, I noticed that they sold devotional or prayer candles there, and that reminded me of this thing that I came across on my internet wanderings that I really, really wanted to buy: a devotional candle with a drag queen’s face plastered on it, instead of the usual saint-type personage. Here’s what they cost at Ye Olde Amazon:

That’s right, folks. For a mere $60 and change CDN, you too can own a prayer candle with St. RuPaul adorning it.

So I got to thinking: could I make myself a drag queen prayer candle, for less? Why yes, of course I could!

Prayer candle: $1.75, with all of the labelling soaked off. Photo of one of my favourite drag queens stolen from found on the internet and printed at home: free.
Stick on “drag jewels”: $2.00
No drag queen worth her rhinestones would be caught on stage without her earrings.
Those eyes are following me.
Not today, Satan. Not today.
Total cost of my Bianca del Rio devotional candle: $3.75
Satisfaction: priceless

Thank you, Dollarama!

Well, that killed a coupla hours. Including the walk to and from Dollarama. What can I say? It’s gonna be a loooong week until the finale of Season 13 of RuPaul’s Drag Race airs…

Shantay Rock on,

The WB

87 thoughts on “Badass Adventures at Dollarama: Drag Queen Edition

  1. AJ Blythe

    We don’t have Stan, which is the streaming service with Ru Paul on it in Oz. So I have only seen the first 2 series (such a long time ago) and then I think I got to see the 2019(? – the one where there was a disqualification) series. But it was such a difference making a big jump – their language has changed considerably, as has drag fashion. It’s a lot of fun though so I enjoy watching.

    Great work with the candle, it looks fab.

    1. I believe Drag Race Australia is about to start, AJ. Hopefully it will be available to you! I don’t think I’ll be able to watch it, in its entirety. Only snippets on YouTube. Thank you 💕

      1. AJ Blythe

        Oooh, I hadn’t heard that! I hope I get to watch it (Stan is owned by a local channel so they might air it on their free-to-air).

  2. I loved the dollar store long before I retired, Jean. Like I’ve told people who asked how I was finding retirement: “I was born for this role!” 🤣 I didn’t use any glue – just some scotch tape where the paper edges meet around the outside of the candle holder. Thanks! 💕

  3. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – well done … that’s such fun … while I well remember Dollorama fondly! Looking forward to seeing more … cheers Hilary

      1. Did you happen to see the new HBO series We’re Here? 3 drag queens roll into small towns, meet the locals and put on a show. It’s a blast, with some poignant moments about diversity and equality as well. It started last year but Covid put a halt to filming.

        1. My sister mentioned it to me. I can’t access that show without paying for yet another streaming service so I’ve resisted so far…but I would love to see it someday.

  4. jonathanwalford

    ‘Not Today Satan’ devotional Del Rio candles…. I think you might have a VERY viable product there!

      1. jonathanwalford

        However, if you write them with your idea, they can’t create the products without some financial compensation to you… seriously! I think you should write Rupaul – there could be a series of them: Bianca ‘Not Today Satan’; Shangela ‘Halleloo’; Tatiana ‘Choices’; Jaida ‘Look Over There!’; Latrice ‘Good God Girl, Get a Grip’; Jan ‘You’re Safe’….

        1. Yes, you are right I believe. And great ideas for taglines, btw…I would have to use original artwork, instead of…um…”borrowing” an image from the internet. There are already these types of candles out there…that’s how I got inspired to make my own…it’s hardly an original idea so I don’t think I would get compensation for it. OTOH, I could make it my own…I’d better start practicing drawing drag queens…oh, who am I kidding? This sounds like me taking on another job and I am supposed to be retired!!!

  5. This is great. Soooo much classier than anything you could buy online. I do like the bling. Have never seen bling on a candle before. I feel rather devoted to the idea.

  6. I love this so much.
    And I don’t know what people are equating dollar stores to retirement but I love it! I’ve been frequenting dollar stores since my twenties. So I guess I’m rehearsing for my retirement role. 😉

    I would love to see this lit at night too!

    Your blog brings me so much joy. It’s also inspiring me to move my entire family and friends to your neck of the woods. I’m not even joking. 🙂

    1. Yeah, I didn’t realize that about dollar stores either. I’ve always loved them…along with thrift shops. I used to go to Value Village when it was still great, and also very uncool (just ask my kids!). Thank you very much for your kind words, Kari 💕

  7. Dollarama is my favourite store too Deb, you can buy a French press coffee jug for $4.00. I’ve paid anywhere up to $60.00 for the same darned thing elsewhere (the Bay).
    Good for you on that drag-queen transformation. It’s brilliant!
    Leslie xoxo

      1. me too Deb…I save a dollar on our tooth paste and they have the best deal on Yardley Lavender soap. It just makes you realize the sizeable markup everywhere else….

  8. Hey Deb! FAB-U-LAS Da-ling! This could be a valuable addition to your altar. What? Don’t have one yet? I’m guess that your dollar store visits could create something that would light up any part of your house in a fun and creative way. Looking forward to seeing this one (and more) when we visit!!! ~Kathy

    1. I do have a little altar set up in my bedroom, Kathy. And Bianca will make a fine addition, for when I need to meditate on/channel some of her sassiness (and heart). Thanks 💕

  9. What a riot! Years ago I bought my wife this most gaudy Jesus prayer candle as a joke. Since then we point out to one another all the really over-the-top religious ones in stores. But I don’t think she’s aware of a RuPaul one. Thanks for sharing this; I will now plan a surprise for her! – Marty

    1. Wonderful! I hope the surprise makes it to your blog, Marty. I’d love to see what you find. There are prayer candles for sale depicting all manner of celebrities and other role models. Thanks 💕

  10. God bless the Dollar Store! As I’m sharing in an upcoming posts, there are actually whole YouTube channels dedicated to dollar crafting and decor and I am deep, way to deep, into some of them.

  11. I read this post when it first arrived in my email and I realized I have not commented, yet, Deb. A striking, creative work of art. $3.75 minimal cost…..the result and the fun…priceless!💞

  12. debscarey

    I’m clearly fortunate in having missed the devotional candle experience, but your Drag Race candle is absolutely divine darling 😀 Seriously, it is great. Retirement and VI is clearly suiting you very well – rock on indeed.

    PS: I am a teeny tiny bit envious of your new life 😉

  13. As a former Dollarama employee myself, i can attest to how popular these candles are; they sold like religious hotcakes when I was responsible for restocking them.

  14. Now you’ve got me wondering about the strangest things you can find in a dollar store. The UK equivalent is called the “Pound Shop” (which has unfortunate connotations if you have the mind of a 15 year old boy). I think the weirdest thing I’ve seen is a toilet brush with orange bristles, where the handle was made to resemble donald trump…

    1. I don’t get the “pound” reference but am guessing it has something to do with sex. No further explanation needed 🤣. Oh, I’d like to have seen one of those toilet scrubbers! I probably would have bought one. Thanks, Jonathan 😁

  15. I can see a whole product line of “badass prayer candles” ~ it can be a thing! Very creative pimping of your prayer candle and for a few coins to boot. Bravo. Soon the photos will be flooding your inbox with requests for personalized votive candles. Great business idea.


    1. Haha! Yes! For one brief moment in my mind (at least) I had opened up my own Etsy shop and was shipping these candles world-wide 😁. And then I remembered why I wanted to leave my well-paying corporate job with great benefits…and it wasn’t to go into business for myself, but for the business of finally being myself. It’s good to know I could find ways to make more money if I ever needed to, but I’m very happy just to live my life the way I am doing now. Thank you, Peta 💕

  16. Pingback: 73 – Candles – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

  17. So glad I stopped by (courtesy of Frank’s post today 🙂 ) Every day should start with a smile and some wonderful creativity, so thank you very much!

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