Badass Adventures at Dollarama: Drag Queen Edition

I’ve been visiting Dollarama a lot lately. Partly because the weather is great and it’s a lovely walk to my local dollar store; partly because I am gearing up for an adventure that I will document on Ye Olde Blogge within a week or so, and what I need to complete my project can be found there, on the cheap! And mostly because I think Dollarama is a great little store staffed by lovely people and there are so very many cool things to be found there.

On my latest visit, I noticed that they sold devotional or prayer candles there, and that reminded me of this thing that I came across on my internet wanderings that I really, really wanted to buy: a devotional candle with a drag queen’s face plastered on it, instead of the usual saint-type personage. Here’s what they cost at Ye Olde Amazon:

That’s right, folks. For a mere $60 and change CDN, you too can own a prayer candle with St. RuPaul adorning it.

So I got to thinking: could I make myself a drag queen prayer candle, for less? Why yes, of course I could!

Prayer candle: $1.75, with all of the labelling soaked off. Photo of one of my favourite drag queens stolen from found on the internet and printed at home: free.
Stick on “drag jewels”: $2.00
No drag queen worth her rhinestones would be caught on stage without her earrings.
Those eyes are following me.
Not today, Satan. Not today.
Total cost of my Bianca del Rio devotional candle: $3.75
Satisfaction: priceless

Thank you, Dollarama!

Well, that killed a coupla hours. Including the walk to and from Dollarama. What can I say? It’s gonna be a loooong week until the finale of Season 13 of RuPaul’s Drag Race airs…

Shantay Rock on,

The WB