If you’ve been reading Ye Olde Blogge for a while, you may remember that I have been on a fruitless search for whale-sightings ever since Newfoundland. Either I was on the ocean and not seeing them, or I had tours booked that were cancelled at the last minute. It was kinda frustrating then, when the Thanksgiving Monday tour that had been booked with a company out of Duncan, B.C. was also cancelled at the last moment, due to not enough customers to warrant the excursion. Thanks to some quick-thinking by Donna of Retirement Reflections within moments she had us booked with Aboriginal Journeys, out of Campbell River. And thus the day was saved, in the most spectacular way, and the whale-sighting drought was over!
Let the pictures (and the videos) do the talkin’!

And you KNOW there is going to be a next time!
Rock on,
The Whale-Watchin’ WB
You ARE livin’ the life, Deb! Gorgeous photos!
It’s pretty nice here! 😁 Lots to see and do, at a moment’s notice. Thanks, Susan 💕
I got a little seasick watching that whale video. They must be amazing creatures to see in person. Looks like a fun way to spend a day.
Yeah, sorry about the erratic video. I don’t know how one keeps the camera steady when the boat rocks so much. It was a fantastic afternoon out on the Salish Sea. Thanks, TG 💕
Cool! Those sea lions make noises that sound a lot like my relatives watching football after a nice dinner! 🙂
🤣🤣🤣 Thanks, Kate 💕
So amazing! We saw pilot whales when we were in Cape Breton but would love to see humpback or orchas.🇨🇦💕
Orcas are next, on my list. (Of course, I have a list 😁). Thanks, Lynn 💕
How cool is this! I’m amazed to see your photos. While I realize the whale sighting is big news, I really like your photo of the Cormorants. The colors and textures are amazing.
Thank you, Ally 💕 Seeing all of the various sea wild life was truly wonderful 😍
I’m both amazed and ever so slightly jealous of your day. Glad you got to see the whales 😁
Thank you, Kim 💕 I get the slight jealousy. That was me whenever anybody mentioned whale sightings, before this trip 😉
How wonderfully exciting! I’m so happy that you not only saw the breech you got a picture of it too! I wasn’t so lucky. Only saw the breech, but no picture. We were returning from our whale watching excursion and someone at the back of the boat yelled out about the breech and I turned caught it as it rose to its crest then down it went. I was in the middle of the boat with no clear shot of it and too far away by then really. Still a neat thing to see, but like you there will be another whale watching trip one day.
The scenery behind you and the whales is gorgeous too! Not to mention the other fantastic critters you saw. An exciting day for sure! 😀📷
Yes! Even without any wildlife, the background scenery surrounding the Salish Sea is extraordinary in itself. Thanks, Deborah 💕
Hi Deb! What a wonderful day of whale watching. So exciting to see such large and magnificent creatures in their habitat. Congrats to you and thank you for sharing! ~Kathy
Thank you, Kathy💕 I should’ve brought a split of champagne or something to toast with, just in case we “got lucky”. I know Joanne would have thought to bring something but alas, I did not 😞
Everything about this outing is cool – from the last minute save finding a new tour operator, to what was essentially a private tour, to whales, to a breech!!! omg! what a wonderful way to break your whale drought 🙂
I loved the video – watching the cavorting in the water, but especially the fin coming out near the end doing the little pirouette. So cool!
Sometimes a day can go from disappointing to pretty good to the best of days…just like that! This was one of them, for sure! Feeling pretty blessed. Thanks, Joanne 💕
Great photos and videos — I loved the rocking motion as it made it feel like I was on the boat. When I worked in Qualicum Beach at the boat rental business (4 summers) I had lots of opportunities to see them and orcas but alas long before I owned a camera. I will never forget the orca who kept swimming under the little boat we used for running people out to their moorings. Cool but scary when you are in a tiny boat.
Thank you, Bernie💕 That’s cool you worked in Qualicum Beach at a boat rental place! Orcas are something I want to see someday too, definitely!
Just learned I couldn’t find the link to comment when I came to your post off Facebook—and trust me I looked hard. But I could find the link when I came there through my blog link.
Anyway, I love your whale sighting.
Thank you, Jean 💕 So glad you were able to comment!
When you were on the actual website (not within WordPress Reader) did you look just below the title of the blog post, where it says “44 comments”? Thats a link. Sorry if you knew this! But I remember being puzzled by this too.
What an experience Deb! It must have been thrilling.
Leslie xoxo
Oh, thrilling it was! Thanks, Leslie 💕
OMG, I had tears in my eyes watching the whale video. I have always wanted to see whales in person. What an amazing experience. I am so glad for you! I can hear you gasping in the video. Such a cool thing. 🙂
Thank you, Kari 💕 Yes, it was SUCH a cool thing. Nature is the coolest.
They truly are magnificent creatures! I’ve gone out on whale-watching boats here but we couldn’t get very close… and certainly didn’t see them breach like you did. What an amazing experience you had with Donna and Richard. I bettcha you’re glad you moved to the Island!
Yes, I sure am! Thanks, Janis 💕
I’m glad that Deb moved to the island, too!
It’s awesome to have another hiking/nature-loving buddy living close by. 😀
An amazing and successful excursion, Deb! Finally! 🙂 We’ve seen plenty of whales in our (sailing) lifetime, but never spotted a breaching one. One day, we shared a narrow pass through the reefs with a momma and her baby. A bit nerve-wrecking for the captain, but I was excited. Unfortunately, I missed the whole “meeting”, because I ran downstairs to grab my camera. Sometimes, being in the moment is the best thing you can do… One of my “dreams” is to swim with whales in Tonga. One day!
Wow! That sounds like an awesome dream!!! Thanks, Liesbet 💕
As I may have mentioned once or twice, I am so so envious of the wonderful life you’re having since you moved. Fab photos too Deb, thanks so much for sharing the experience.
Thank you, Deb 💕 I feel very blessed to have been able to move here, in my retirement.
When I first saw some of the whale photos, Deb, I was very excited for you. Up until now you have been whaleless. Thank goodness, Donna got on the case and made it happen. I almost suspect she conjured a whale out of thin air. She is an amazing woman. Yay! All of the photos are great! Until next time………
Thank you, Erica 💕 YES! Until next time!
Hi, Deb – I LOVE this post and the comments! I tried to reply to Erica’s comment as well but the internet gods on Quadra Island have not been kind. See you soon!
Thank you,Donna💕 And thank you especially for making my whale watching dreams come true 😁
Whales are such majestic creatures. I don’t think it matters how often you see them, it’s a sight you never get tired of. It’s the same when I see dolphins, turles or dugong.
I hope so because I plan to see them every chance I get! Thanks, AJ💕
What fabulous photos Deb. I loved experiencing this trip with you and Donna and Richard! Donna included your post in response to my #shoutoutSaturday 🙂
Thank you, Debbie 💕
Deb, I’m glad you had a great whale watching day. I always love watching the whales.
Thanks, Jude 💕 I hope it was the first of many many more sightings.
Specially like the photo of a whale breeching, taken not in profile as usual. Hooray for Kate and Richard saving the day!
Thank you, Rachel💕 I was fortunate to have captured this at all!
Hi Deb – rather late … but here – wonderful you were able to see whales – I had a trip and a sighting too … special to be out on those waters … before I left to come back to the little Isle. Take care – Hilary
Thank you, Hilary 💕
Whee! Whaleeee! I was able to look at your photos and laugh with glee for you. However I cannot look at your video because I get seasick standing on a non-moving dock. Did you not get seasick on this whale watching trip? I have seen some terrific whale‘s tails while sitting at a bar in Kauai and that’s the closest I’ll get to one. Thank you for sharing this magnificent trip.
Sorry to hear about the sea-sickness! I’ve haven’t experienced this (to date, 🤞) and I’ve been on some rough boat rides! Now carnival rides are a whole ‘nother story though…I can’t handle even the mildest one without getting queasy! Weird, eh?! Thank you 💕
That is weird but I consider you very lucky. I love being near the water and looking at the water and I think it would be a thrill to be ON the water. 😏
I just love it. I suppose you have tried anti-nausea medication, to no avail?
Yup. Every kind. I’ll go whale watching vicariously through you 💙 🐳
That is SO COOL, and I am SO JEALOUS. I went on one (failed) whale watch and cannot wait to go on another. So happy you got to see some whales!
Thank you, Akilah 💕 I hope you get to see some soon!
Finally spotted! Hurray!
Stunning photos Deb – thank you for letting us in on the adventure.
You’re welcome, Ju-Lyn. Thank you for commenting 💕
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