The Story of a Painting, Part Two: With Interruptions

Well, wouldn’t you know it – the weather got better, so I got outside to walk, and painting progress has slowed considerably. Also due to the other interruptions in this thing called life.

Sunset on Mill Pond
Better weather means after-work walks to enjoy the sunset on the Mill Pond!

But here is what happened to the painting since the last time I blogged.

drawing of mermaid on canvas
Drawing traced onto canvas.
Painted outline in burnt umber and erased graphite marks.
Latest progress on mermaid painting
Starting to fill in colour. Loooong way to go yet.

I’m not expecting to get much done this week. Today I am flying to the US for a work conference.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with Joanne, at the Fashion History Museum’s Tango Tea. She’ll be writing about it soon. You should go check out her blog!

Fashion History Museum Tango Tea Event
At the Tango Tea. This event was so much fun!

Unfortunately I got some bad news while at the Tea. My late father-in-law’s girlfriend (who is 92 and much loved by me and everyone who knows her) is in hospital, suffering from a bleed into her brain with no hope of recovery. We were planning on going out for dinner when I returned from my work trip. I rushed from the Tea to the hospital and met with her family and offered what comfort I could. I also spoke with B, but she was unresponsive. They say hearing is the last sense to go, so hopefully she heard that I was there and that I love her.

And now I really have to shower and pack.

Have a great week, everyone, and rock on!

The WB

21 thoughts on “The Story of a Painting, Part Two: With Interruptions

  1. Jean R.

    Even at 92 it’s still hard to let go of someone we love. I’m sure your words got through and I’m glad you got that chance.

    Have a safe and good work trip to Kansas City. I haven’t been there or years.

    Can’t wait until part III of your painting but life does get in the way of art, doesn’t it.

  2. It was wonderful that I got to spend the afternoon with you yesterday even though your heart was hurting. I’m so glad you got to visit her and her family before you leave today. Safe travels and hope you have a great week in Kansas City!

  3. So wonderful that you could spend time with your friend before your trip. Those moments are precious. Your painting is looking great. You are talented! Safe travels to Kansas City — I think that is where Molly Totoro (another blogger who turns in these circles lives…

  4. I’m sorry about your friend and I’m sending great, big hugs from Idaho. <3 I'm keeping a close eye on this painting of yours. I've dabbled but I've never been brave enough to do anything bigger than a 4×6 canvas. Seriously. – I'm attempting to get back into the swing of things as far as my blog life goes. Other than that I'm just a frazzled mess waiting on these oncologists to tend to my sister..- Have a great weekend you gorgeous woman! 😀

  5. Thanks for sharing the process. The joy, for me, is mostly in the process. Funny I have just been sorting through my paints and brushes and am actually thinking of paint8ng again, while we are still for two seconds.

    So sorry for your loss. Never easy. Sending big love and tons of hugs your way.


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