Theme Reveal With a Twist #AtoZChallenge

I’ve been thinking a lot about my plan to have no plan and to be freewheelin’ the A-Z Challenge once again, for this year.

And about ultimately how this is going to be adding more stress to this challenge than necessary. And how I don’t need any MORE stress in my life than I currently have going on (*cough*still working for a living*cough*bad week*cough*).

And so I say unto ye: this bullet shall be dodged.

Oh yes! Brothers and sisters, I have seen the light – the theme-revealing, plan ahead-ing, less stress-inducing, editorial calendar-ing light!


And I also say unto ye:  I am NOT going to reveal my theme NOW, OR at the beginning OR at any point throughout the challenge.

Because I want YOU to reveal my theme!

That’s right. I’m making a game of it.

As A-Z progresses in April, let me know in the comments what you think my theme is, as you read through my daily, alphabetically-inspired posts.

Here again, is the calendar for the challenge:

Calendar of Posts

Rules: You are allowed one guess per day. And the guesses have to be posted on Ye Olde Blogge, as a comment. I’m not accepting any guesses made on Ye Olde Blogge’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages.

Make it easy on yourself – subscribe to Ye Olde Blogge (subscription box on right sidebar) and let the posts come to you every day via your Inbox. It’s super easy and efficient and I won’t spam you or use your information for nefarious purposes, ever! That’s a Badass™ promise.

I won’t be commenting one way or the other on the daily guesses, other than maybe to say thanks for the guess – so I don’t spoil things for anyone commenting later in the game.

After the challenge I will reveal my theme and sum up how people did. Who guessed it first, who next, craziest most interesting guesses etc., etc.

Here is a hint:

My theme is a song title and this song was popular when I was a kid.

I feel like I’ve already said too much. I’m excited to see how many of you can figure it out, and how soon!

Rock (and guess) on,

The WB