(Almost) Wordless Wednesday – Camping at Miracle Beach Provincial Park

This was my home last weekend. Donna and Richard’s vehicle and set-up are behind me.
My living room.
My cozy bedroom.
Miracle Beach
My stand-up board, “Nauti”…in kayak mode.
My first time, kayaking in the ocean.
My camp coffee maker
It makes damn fine coffee.
Donna and I split up the meal duties. This was breakfast the morning I was in charge: baked oatmeal and crispy bacon. Made only AFTER watching the sunrise on the beach, of course!
And what a wonderful sunrise it was.
After breakfast it was time to go back to the beach, for a beautiful walk.
Sand dollars (living and dead) can be found all over the beach. RIP, Sand Dollar.
Time was carved out for a visit to Hammockville.
Trying out one of my homemade fire starters.
It worked very well. This was the start of a beautiful fire.
The morning we left was cloudy but dawn was still gorgeous.
These assholes sea lions woke me up with their barking at 4 am.
A deer couple came down to the shore to check out the assholes sea lions too.
Mergansers also wondering what the assholes sea lions are barking about.
Asshole sea lions aside, it was a fabulous weekend at Miracle Beach Provincial Park. I’ll be back!

Rock on,

The WB