The Sunday Schnauzer – Snugglebug, Part 1

I found out when caring for Bowser full-time just how much of a snugglebug he is in the mornings. I’d be at the computer and he would beg to be picked up and held. Of course – your wish is my command! 🤣

Note to self: run a damn comb through your hair first next time, OK?

Wait, says Bowser. Let me answer one more email!

I decided to mimic his yawn AND take this picture. Not sure why.

Heavy is the head that wears the doggy crown.

So many cute closeups of my pal! Makes my blogger’s heart very happy.

Have a happy weekend!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – April Showers

The Easter weekend was mostly a rainy one. But we didn’t let that stop us!

Bowser is off and running, leash in mouth.

Bowser says: Try and keep up, Oma!

The trails were…ahem…a delight. 😉

Bowser was not the only one getting soaked.

Home again, and ready to dry off and put the kettle on!

We hope you are staying dry and cozy, no matter the weather!

Rock on,

The WB

p.s. I just upgraded to the newest version of WordPress and now my images don’t seem to allow captioning anymore. 😩

The Sunday Schauzer – I Helps In The Garden

Oma said I could write this post as she is busy with “the garden”, whatever that means. I want to help in the garden too.

I saw this toy that Oma and Mommy were gonna play with, so I want to join in the fun too.
Oma and Mommy were beckoning me to come over so I did.
Whatcha guys doin’?
Oh, you want me to drop it here?
I don’t think so. I think you should chase me. That is the best game we can play in the garden, doncha think?

I think I was a good garden helper. Mommy and Oma were laughing a lot. That’s helping, right?

I hope you laugh a lot too!

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾

The Sunday Schnauzer – Happy Spring!

There is something new just past the entrance to the trail.

Bowser noticed right away. What are those?!?!

People tend to throw their yard waste into this area as it looks untended and abandoned. (Actually it is owned and/or managed by a logging company.) This means that any bulbs that are discarded in the waste have a good chance of coming up…blooming where they are “planted”, as it were!

I happened to catch Bowser mid-nose lick. No, he wasn’t thinking of eating them but we both enjoyed looking at the flowers and also, being out in the bright sunshine!

Hoping the weather is bright and warm wherever you are this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Haircut

Bowser’s momma took him to the “spa” recently. And then snapped this shot.

Looking jaunty, with a stick from the yard. Snow is basically all gone.
Trimmed up nicely, yet still retaining that ragamuffin charm (post-walk, hence the wet legs).

Note: I did not pose him for the 2nd photo. He did that all by himself, and luckily my phone was close to hand.

Have a lovely weekend (what’s left of it), and don’t forget to “spring forward” with your clocks.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Badass and the Snow Dog, Part 2

The day after the big snow dump, the sun came out and so did we!

Let’s go, Oma!
Got leash; will travel!
A lot of snow fell, but it’s still snow problem for the Bowz.
Will nothing stop this pupper? 🤣
Apparently he is unstoppable.
Oh, Bowser! Never change.
Another beautiful walk in the snowy woods.

All of this snow is not typical for where I live but I have to say I am enjoying it.

We hope you are having an enjoyable weekend where you are.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Badass and the Snow Dog*, Part 1

*Riffing off of the Rush song: By-Tor and the Snow Dog. The first time I listened to this album was when I was introduced to tequila shots, at a friend’s house. I don’t listen to this album anymore nor have I done tequila shots since (Does this even need further explanation as to why?!? 🤣).

This album came out in 1975 so that means I was tossing back tequila at 16 years old 🥴. Kids of today, don’t follow my lead. Do better!

It snowed this past week.

The sun tried desperately to break through.
Bowser says: This is snow problem for me, Oma!
The snow was so heavy, it bent over all the bare trees.
It was a gorgeous day to be out in the falling snow.
Bowser: There’s horse poop under here somewhere. I remember from yesterday. I want a poopsicle! (Spoiler: I didn’t let him dig any poop up.)
Bowser quickly doubled his weight with the snow he was carrying on his legs 😉.
It didn’t seem to affect his enjoyment of the day at all, though.
Nope, not one bit!
Bowser wasn’t the only one enjoying our snowy day outing.

We hope you are enjoying your weather, whatever it happens to be.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Together Again!

Oma is back! When she walked through my door, I was so excited Mommy said my tail looked like it was going to spin right off my body. Oma picked me up and I never wanted her to let me go. But she did let me go, because she had to go to bed at her house. That was OK because it was me and Mommy and Daddy’s bed time too. Soon it was the next morning and I got to go over to Oma’s house. And now we are walking on the logging roads again!

Oh boy, oh boy! Am I ever ready to go!
We’ve had a lot of rain while Oma was away. The ruts in the road are big puddles again.
The creek is low and fun to splash through, though. Even though it has been rainy.
Hurry up, Oma!
Oma keeps stopping to ooh and ahhhh at these green things that sprung up while she was away. BORING!
I, on the other hand, am doing interesting things like sniffing bushes.
Here is Oma. She says to tell you that she is not drunk; she is just exhausted from her trip. In case you wonder why she can’t open her eyes all the way.
It’s so much fun to run around the roads and play in the creek with Oma again.

We hope you are having fun this weekend (and Oma says “getting some rest too!”).

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾

The Sunday Schnauzer – Exploring the Creek

Mommy says Oma will be home in a few more sleeps. I can’t wait. In the meantime, I am remembering fun walkies with Oma. Here are some pictures Oma took of one where we crossed the channel and explored a spit of land between the channel and the big creek.

Peekaboo, Oma!
You found me!
That dang yellow harness gave me away. Otherwise Oma wouldn’t be able to see me against these rocks!
Oma says “Don’t even think about going into that water!” Silly Oma. I would never do that (on purpose 😉).

See you soon, Oma! I hope everyone else reading is having happy memories too.

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾