Thank you, Mama Ru. You made the only right choice.
Bowser says make good choices this long weekend (Family Day in Canada; Presidents Day in the US).
Rock on,
The WB
I recently came back from a 3 week winter vacation (more about that at some point…) and my reunion with family was joyous. However, I did notice that Bowser was a bit more…um…substantial than when I left.
In Bowser’s defense, the island experienced ALL THE WEATHER while I was away. Snow storms, atmospheric rivers, and wind storms. Which made for less than ideal dog walking conditions.
There is only one cure for our Bowser’s chonkiness.
We hope you are having a great weekend, and are able to enjoy the great outdoors (and keep the winter chonkies at bay 😉).
Rock on,
The WB
It’s no secret that Bowser knows his place. And it’s the couch. Every couch. Mommy’s office couch has loose cushions on the back and Bowser needs to be up high, on top of them. This will not go well.
We hope you have a restful napping place this weekend.
Rock on,
The WB
Miniature Schnauzers are not known to be dogs that love water, and Bowser is no different. He won’t swim unless his only other option is being left behind, but he has no qualms about trudging through the water at any time of year.
We hope you have some fun explorations this weekend.
Rock on,
The WB
By the time this post goes live, I will be away on my annual winter holiday and missing apres hike snuggles with my buddy. So here is a couple of shots my daughter took when we were chatting on my couch after one such hike, with Bowser snoozing between us.
That’s it for this week! I am planning to have a few more posts lined up (with older photos), to maintain consistency while I am away. But I am not bringing my laptop on this trip so wish me luck with the Jetpack phone app if things happen to go awry! Looking at you, WordPress 🤨.
Rock on,
The WB
I have a bin of clean socks in my closet, that is Bowser-accessible. When he wanders out of sight, I can usually find him in my bedroom, having helped himself to a pair of them.
We hope you are staying out of trouble this weekend!
Rock on,
The WB
Bowser here, sharing my goals for the New Year!
Rock on (Oma makes me says this, every time!),
The Bowz 🐾
After a good long ramble in the woods, comes a good long nap.
Wishing everyone a calm and peaceful midwinter’s nap along with many happy moments with family and friends!
Rock on,
The WB and Bowser 🐾
Everyone likes to look their best for the season, and Bowser is no exception.
Are you getting a holiday glow up? We know it’s a busy time of year but there should always be time for some pampering too! (Bowser wants me to add that his idea of pampering is NOT going to the groomers; it’s being petted until he falls asleep.)
Rock on,
The WB
Bowser and I continue to visit the trail near our home(s) almost daily. There is always something new to see every day so it never gets boring. One thing stays the same however.
I watch Bowser carefully as he is my early warning system (usually) of others in the woods. At one point during one of our walks, he stopped and stared intently across the water (of one of the side streams that feed the main creek) at the opposite bank.
While Bowser was looking, I heard some major rustling from over there and thought “Oh, it must be a very large dog that he sensed.” Well friends, it wasn’t a dog. It was the most magnificent buck deer I have ever encountered. He was huge with a very impressive set of antlers too. Think: Bambi’s dad; The Great Prince of the Forest-impressive. And, even though I had my phone in my hand with the camera app open, I was too gobsmacked to take a photo. Here is a re-enactment:
The next day, we disturbed a great big bald eagle at the shore of the creek. Again, no picture!!!! But this is what he was picking at.
I realize there are not nearly enough Bowser shots in this post, so here are a couple more.
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!
Rock on,
The WB