Well, my friends – all good mediocre just OK things must come to an end and my co-host/partner-in-crime/good friend Donna and I have agreed that this will be the final WOYPBC post that we will do. Hard to believe that we have kept this going for almost 4 years now, but Donna has the stats detailed on her post and you can’t argue with that! It’s been an enjoyable ride and I have so loved seeing all of your posts, reading your comments, and getting so much inspiration (and hunger pangs!) from them.
For my last post on this subject, I humbly submit a Holiday Tale of Two Trifles:
My daughter started the trifle tradition at Chez Badass. Actually, my late mother started it when she brought a fruit trifle to my daughter’s 1st birthday celebration and we watched in amusement as my infant daughter gleefully chowed down on the dessert. Flash forward ~ 30 years later to when my daughter offhandedly remarked “What about a trifle instead of a birthday cake, for my birthday?” And we have been a trifle household ever since. To the point that my daughter (who, may I remind you, started all of this) says “I’m over trifle at Christmas. Let’s have tiramisu instead.” Then she sends me an Instagram reel detailing something called a Tiramisu Trifle, probably thinking it will quell the disappoint of her trifle-obsessed mad convert mate. I won’t share the recipe here because dear readers, I did make it – and although tasty – it was OVERKILL. Trust me – I think this recipe was designed just to sell product from a shop, and not because it was in any way better than a well-made tiramisu.

We had decided that it was too decadent – even for us – and it will not grace the table again. Luckily, the grandson’s birthday falls 2 days after Christmas, and I had a chance to redeem myself with my regular trifle. Like father, like son…my grandson is also a trifle-obsessed mad convert.

I can’t post a recipe for this trifle either. It’s cake spread with jam and cut up into cubes, layered between fruit, and also layers of vanilla custard. Topped with real whipped cream. Oh, and don’t forget the sherry! I usually put it in with the fruit. You can also soak the cake with sherry but mostly I don’t anymore because minors will be eating it and I don’t want to be THAT grandma (the one that boozed up the grandkids). Cough*black forest trifle of 2020*cough!
Trifle is a centuries-old dessert. I don’t know who invented it, but to me it seems like a good way to use up stale cake and I wonder if some thrifty cook in a medieval castle concocted it for that purpose. Like bread pudding, you know?
Anyways, that’s a wrap! I’d love to see what’s been cooking at your house, in the Comments.
Anyone is welcome to pick up our torch and continue to run with it or some variation thereof. If you feel so inclined...
Rock on,
The WB