A week from now I’ll be celebrating my 59th birthday. I plan on spending the actual day of at a luxurious spa with some fellow bloggers – 2 kindred spirits I have come to know and befriend. I can’t think of a better way to kick off another year.
A week from now I will be only 1 year away from officially starting my “third act”.
59 – that is also the official start of my 60th year of life. If I die after next week, the obit will read “…in her 60th year…”.
I’m doing a lot of reflecting lately – even more so than usual – and this is a short list of events that helped shape me during this last, past decade.
In my 50s, I (not always in chronological order):
- Became engaged (on my 49th birthday, so technically right at the start of my 50th year of life)
- Started blogging again, for realz this time (on September 3rd, 2009. The Blogger blog was called The Next Year of My Life. I wanted to capture all of my thoughts and plans leading up to my 2nd marriage)
- Got married again, at age 51, on September 3rd, 2010
- Became a widow, 3 years later, on November 14, 2013
- Found out in January 2014 that my late husband had cheated on me with another woman (for 18 months!) while we were living together
- Ran 4 more half-marathons (1st one was when I was 48)
- Went to the Netherlands 3 times
- Went to Barbados 3 times
- Had 2 mini-strokes and was diagnosed with high blood pressure
- Had laser eye surgery
- Straightened my teeth with Invisalign
- Lost my mother, my father-in-law, and my dog (all in the same year)
- Sold my house and moved into my late husband’s building
- Spent a year cleaning up the mess left behind by my late husband’s hoarding
- Completely repaired/renovated the building’s exterior doors, lights, roofs, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling
- Completely renovated my new living space – new kitchen and bathrooms, floors, electrical, laundry, etc.
- Became a commercial landlord, to a museum!
- Completed a Master of Business Administration degree
- Was diagnosed with underactive thyroid (as if all of the above wasn’t enough to explain my tiredness 😉 )
- Became the Widow Badass
Wow. That sounds like a lot as I read it. But is it really? I wonder if we look back on any given decade, if we don’t find that an awful lot of life has happened to us, while we were busy making other plans (thanks, John Lennon).
What all will happen during my next decade? Will I get a next decade? What will be a result of my intentions, and what will be my reactions to things that happen to me that are out of my control? Hmmmm.

As per my painting, I am getting close to entering the final third of my life. So naturally I’ve been thinking a lot about life’s third act – MY life’s third act and how I want it to look. I intend the spend the next year working on some ideas for the final third, if I’m lucky enough to be here for it.
Jane has given me a lot to think about. I hope you take the time to watch the video below, and that you enjoy it.
What are some of your plans for your third act?
Do tell and rock on,
The WB