The Sunday Schnauzer – This and That

Nothing much to report here (or is there? 😉)…

At the time of writing this post, there is still snow on the ground although the incoming rain and warmer temps will probably have melted it all by the time this post goes live.

In the meantime we have been enjoying our daily walks on the snowy terrain.
And enjoying Mother Nature’s frosty designs on the foliage.
And seeing signs of overnight carnage – not as enjoyable but this too is life. A bunny did not make it through the night.
Bowser has started kicking the snow/soil after he does his business. This is something all dogs will do but is new for him. I read somewhere that it is a power move. Can anybody fill me in on why dogs do this?
Why now Bowsie? Are you feeling very powerful these days?

Here’s something else new. We’ve had a hot tub installed on the property – a big endeavour as it also involved an electrical upgrade. But so worth it, especially after these chilly walks.

Enjoying the new family spa (especially fun when it is snowy out!). Bowser is completely uninterested.

What’s new with you?

Rock on,

The WB

20 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – This and That

  1. I’m heading off on a South Pacific cruise next weekend with a girl friend (leaving the Hub and Barbarians at home). Hopefully I will be as relaxed as you look in the spa!

  2. Hi, Deb – As far as I can see out my front window, our snow is all melted in here. Just in time for me to head out to Montreal and exchange +10C temps for -10C temps. What was I thinking! 😀
    Your new hottub looks fantastic and is very well deserved.

  3. A walk in the woods on a snowy afternoon (or morning) is always so fun. I haven’t taken Penny on one of those in a long time. The snow is so deep! This is the most snow she’s ever seen. But we’re having fun in the back yard. She spent today visiting her breeder and playing with her niece in a snowy fenced in yard where they could run and run an run! A play date! She’s been wanting to do that for weeks. Her mom and dad are so boring.

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