I have decided once again, after a decades-long hiatus, to try my hand at sock knitting. My maternal Oma was a fabulous sock knitter and my dad refused to wear any socks not made by her – they were THAT good. I loved the ones she had made for me as well, when I was a teenager. Those socks are all long gone – naturally – except for one last very worn pair that I presciently squirreled away, for some-day inspiration.

But this is Sunday Schnauzer, you are saying to yourself right now – not a knitting blog. What gives?

I was at my daughter’s house (house-sitting with my knitting left on the arm of the couch) when I went into the kitchen to empty the dishwasher. Bowser was snoozing (OR SO I THOUGHT). I returned to the living room to see Bowser, sitting sphinx-like, with something in his front paws.

Then I heard him go “crunch, crunch” at the same time that I realized he was holding my half-finished sock.

Luckily the needle set I was using came with a spare (for just this reason?) so I was able to save the sock and continue on with it. I also found the chomped-off pieces of the wooden needle, so no need to worry that this criminal mastermind scamp was going to have digestive difficulties later on.
As my friend (who I am currently vacationing in Barbados with) likes to say about HER dog – IT’S A GOOD THING YOU’RE CUTE!
Stay out of trouble this weekend.
Rock on,
The WB
Ooops! Enjoy your vacation.
Thank you, Sheree
Bad doggie!

Maybe you should knit him an octopus…?
He needs to be fully back in my good graces first
. Thanks, Rivergirl 
Ah, doesn’t that just make the socks even more meaningful?
I hope your vacation is perfect in every way!
Thank you, my friend
our annual vacation, now dubbed Our Annual Reading Retreat, is absolutely turning out to be perfect!
Well! I’m not hitting the “LIKE” button for this one! That could have been a disaster, for your sock (and they are so much work!!) and for the little guy. Glad it turned out OK on all fronts!
Me too! Thanks, Dawn
I loved to knit—gave it up this year as my thumbs kept locking up. I could never master knitting socks, though. My hat is off to you and Bowser isn’t the first schnauzer to mess with a knitting project. They just wanted to see what we were doing up close and personal.
That explains it!
Thanks, Jean 
Uh, oh. Bowser definitely deserves the shaming on this one! As a fellow knitter, I’m happy to hear he didn’t chow down on your stitches. Had he done that, I’m not sure cuteness could’ve saved him!

But pardon me while I swoon at his mugshot.

A few stitches got dropped but I was able to fix that particular problem! Thanks, Bobi
I wear womans, medium sock size (just in case you needed that info).
Happy to hear everyone survived that incident!!! Enjoy your vacation
Thank you very much, Sharon
I bet it’s warm! We are in a snowstorm right now. Maybe I’ll fly over and join you!
I’ll save a beach lounger for you! Thanks, Kate
I love that boy!!
Me too! I just can’t be mad at him. Thanks, Karen
Bowser! You little scamp!

It IS a good thing you ARE cute!!!
Now stay outta Oma’s house whilst she off chasing turtles
Yes, please! And leave my knitting alone if Mommy brings you over. Thanks, sis
I was thinking “perforated stomach” as soon as the dog came into the knitting picture! Good thing it wasn’t that.
Yes! I worried too, but he spit out the pieces he bit off. Thanks, Bernie
Pingback: The Sunday Schnauzer – Sleep Of The Carefree And (Not So) Innocent – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG
Pingback: The Sunday Schnauzer – Is My Sock Knitting Safe? – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG