The Sunday Schnauzer – Crunch Crunch

I have decided once again, after a decades-long hiatus, to try my hand at sock knitting. My maternal Oma was a fabulous sock knitter and my dad refused to wear any socks not made by her – they were THAT good. I loved the ones she had made for me as well, when I was a teenager. Those socks are all long gone – naturally – except for one last very worn pair that I presciently squirreled away, for some-day inspiration.

Here is my work-in-progress.

But this is Sunday Schnauzer, you are saying to yourself right now – not a knitting blog. What gives?


I was at my daughter’s house (house-sitting with my knitting left on the arm of the couch) when I went into the kitchen to empty the dishwasher. Bowser was snoozing (OR SO I THOUGHT). I returned to the living room to see Bowser, sitting sphinx-like, with something in his front paws.

Bowser, in sphinx-mode – photo for reference. Imagine my knitting between his paws instead of his squeaky octopus.

Then I heard him go “crunch, crunch” at the same time that I realized he was holding my half-finished sock.

Dog-shaming needed to be done.

Luckily the needle set I was using came with a spare (for just this reason?) so I was able to save the sock and continue on with it. I also found the chomped-off pieces of the wooden needle, so no need to worry that this criminal mastermind scamp was going to have digestive difficulties later on.

As my friend (who I am currently vacationing in Barbados with) likes to say about HER dog – IT’S A GOOD THING YOU’RE CUTE!

Stay out of trouble this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

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