The Sunday Schnauzer – Groovy, Man

My daughter got a “galaxy projector” as one of her Christmas gifts. Of course, we had to pile onto her bed after dinner and try it out. This is how Bowser reacted:

He was mesmerized!
Totally engrossed in the light show.
Definitely watching, and not snoozing.
Did the gummy kick in, Bowsie? 🤣 (JK, I would never give Bowser a gummy!)
He was like this the whole time the projector was on!

Was it the aurora moving across the ceiling? Was it the stars blinking in and out? Was it the soothing ocean sounds coming from the projector? Was it all of the above? What had entranced Bowser?

We hope you find your bliss* this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

*speaking of bliss, when this post goes live I will be traveling once again to Barbados. Fingers crossed, all goes well and I don’t have a repeat of last year’s unfortunate travel experience!

19 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Groovy, Man

  1. The Misadventures of Widowhood

    Never heard of the galaxy projector, but they sound interesting. If it helps your daughter with sleeping be sure to let us know.

    Have a great time on your vacation.

  2. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – what fun … but now enjoy that sunshine and yes I hope your travels go as you expect … cheers and Happy New Year – Hilary xo

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