The Sunday Schauzer – Puppy Dog Eyes

Bowser is becoming more and more of a cuddlebug the more he matures. I’m not complaining – I much prefer this to when he was a velociraptor wild fanged beast puppy. He only had 2 modes then – off and bitey. Remember the Thunderdome Days? Oh boy, I do!

We have apparently entered a new era.

Those head and neck scritches must feel good.
He is irresistible when he’s like this. He even makes little grunty and sighing noises. I swear he is trying to purr like a cat.
Bowser has learned that giving me the puppy dog eyes pays off.

We hope you get some scritches this weekend too.

Rock on,

The WB

17 thoughts on “The Sunday Schauzer – Puppy Dog Eyes

  1. Oh, Gosh, Deb, melt my heart! Not sure about the scritches around here, except from the grandchildren and the elderly man who wanders around the house.😀 Happy Sunday, Funday.💕Erica

    1. My daughter says only domesticated dogs do the puppy dog eyes – they have learned how to manipulate us well! I can’t speak for babies but I believe it’s the adults who are hard-wired to melt in their presence 😂. Thanks, Kieran 💕

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