The Sunday Schauzer – Puppy Dog Eyes

Bowser is becoming more and more of a cuddlebug the more he matures. I’m not complaining – I much prefer this to when he was a velociraptor wild fanged beast puppy. He only had 2 modes then – off and bitey. Remember the Thunderdome Days? Oh boy, I do!

We have apparently entered a new era.

Those head and neck scritches must feel good.
He is irresistible when he’s like this. He even makes little grunty and sighing noises. I swear he is trying to purr like a cat.
Bowser has learned that giving me the puppy dog eyes pays off.

We hope you get some scritches this weekend too.

Rock on,

The WB

4 thoughts on “The Sunday Schauzer – Puppy Dog Eyes

  1. Oh, Gosh, Deb, melt my heart! Not sure about the scritches around here, except from the grandchildren and the elderly man who wanders around the house.😀 Happy Sunday, Funday.💕Erica

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