Stars and Sea Stars – A West Coast Experience Part Three: The Activities – Night Skies, Zodiac Tours, Hiking

Welcome to Part Three of this series about my recent visit to Bamfield, to stay at Outer Shores Lodge. You can find Part One here, and Part Two here.

While our days were spent in and on the water, the clear nights were for observing the skies while listening to Sara and Jon talk about the universe and point out what we were seeing. Fascinating stuff!

Crappy night sky photo taken with my phone, to give you an idea…
Using the Stellarium app on my phone, and pointing it at the sky to show me what stars I was looking at.

Another option for guests at Outer Shores was a tour of the local waters, hosted by Scott. I was lucky enough to get to experience 2 of these rides! During our tours, Scott shared his knowledge of the area including showing us ancient village sites, and of course the local flora and fauna. Including whales! Humpback whales were spotted on every boat ride!

Scott took us to see “Moan-ah”, the whistle buoy we can hear (faintly) from the Lodge. Fun! Love his sense of humour.
We spent a lot of time observing the hundreds (if not thousands!) of sea lions hanging out on the rocks and cavorting in the water.
Pardon the blips in the video. I was trying to zoom in closer. Listen to Scott sharing his knowledge of these massive creatures.
Scott took us through stunning rock formations.
For my 2nd tour, the sun was out!
An example of the stunning views.
Scott, Jon and I were talking about kayaking through this natural hole in the rocks. They were only joking though, right? Right??? 😬 I mean, there were some serious waves happening!
View from the other side of the hole.

Another activity I really enjoyed was exploring West Bamfield. Scott took me on a walk to Brady’s Beach the first day there and I enjoyed it so much I went back on my own later.

Brady’s Beach is well-signed and easy to find.
Sea stacks on Brady’s Beach
Heron and gull on sea stacks.
I was obsessed with capturing the heron.
Heron preening feathers, on the rock.
While I was exploring the beach, a group of my fellow Lodge guests came kayaking by.

I also visited the West Coast Magic Park.

Including a phone of the wind. I had never heard of this before, but I can see how this would provide an outlet for people experiencing grief and loss.

And the tiniest artist’s studio I have ever seen.

I spotted beautiful fungi on my walks.

I also enjoyed walks along the boardwalk along on the east side of West Bamfield, facing the inlet.

Always a good idea to be reminded of the neighbours.

Every type of neighbour!
West Bamfield quirk and humour.
In one little garden was this sign. I wonder if the cougars and bears had any part to play in the length of these cat’s lives. This is just one example of the multiple signs along the boardwalk, detailing the history of West Bamfield.

Whew! This post turned out to be quite a long one, and if you made it this far I hope you enjoyed the visual tour of West Bamfield and surrounding waters.

Stayed tuned for Part Four, the Wrap Up!

Rock on,

The WB

22 thoughts on “Stars and Sea Stars – A West Coast Experience Part Three: The Activities – Night Skies, Zodiac Tours, Hiking

  1. Wow! A trip of a lifetime, Deb! Wonderful enticing photos and information. I will bookmark and share with Chuck. We have explored Bamfield a few times, only a few hours at a time (I believe West Bamfield?) Your entire experience, chock full of information and scenery. I will investigate their website…I look forward to Part 4! 💕 Erica

  2. The Misadventures of Widowhood

    Wow, you really know how to enjoy the great outdoors. I admire that about you more than you could know. And that phone app for finding the stars is wonderful. I could never find what I was suppose to be looking for.

    1. The app is so easy, Jean! You just hold your phone up to the sky and it shows you the stars and constellations you are pointing at. Before this technology I might recognize the Big Dipper and Orion’s Belt and that’s about it. Thank you 💕

  3. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – well you’ve taken all offers up, and done your own thing … it is just SO Vancouver Island isn’t it … so memorable. Brilliant combination of stars and seastars … what a lot of information you must have heard. Excellent hosts … but so well done on being such a thoughtful guest … cheers Hilary

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