What’s On Your Plate* Blog Challenge – Summer Drinkies Mocktail Edition

* This should really be renamed What’s In Your Glass 😉

I don’t know about you, but as I am getting older I am finding that drinking alcohol is sometimes more trouble than it’s worth. It disrupts my sleep at night – even one glass of wine after supper! Which means the only alternative is day drinking finding substitutes that provide the same refreshment without the befuddlement buzz and the dreaded 2 am wakey-wakey.

I did find (thanks to my non-drinking family) some superior non-alcoholic alternatives for purchase (more on that later in this post) and I also made homemade Ribenaof a sort – from my own garden! I found a recipe here.

Into the double boiler goes this year’s harvest of blackcurrants. Along with last year’s dried blackcurrants, and for good measure: last year’s elderberries, that have been languishing in my freezer. Why the heck not?! 🤭
I mashed ’em up real good, and strained the juice through many layers of cheese cloth. Back in the pot for cooking until the sugar dissolves.
Assembling the ingredients for my first taste.
Blackcurrant syrup over ice.
Adding tonic water.
Delicious AND refreshing.
I’ve also come to enjoy an iced coffee in the morning. My daughter found these protein drinks at Costco. (Not a mocktail per se, but thought I’d throw it in for good measure.)
Here are 2 of my favourite non-alcoholic drinks for this summer.
This is incredibly refreshing and tasty. I don’t miss the alcohol in this Corona at all. In fact, I prefer it to the regular version. I can order one of these when I’m out and not have to worry about driving afterwards.
Assembling the ingredients for my sinless sangria…I’ve thrown a few of the raspberries from my garden into the glass along with the ice.
Looking (and smelling) good so far!
Oh yeah, baby! Come to Mama 😁.
This goes down so good after a long hot afternoon of swimming in the river or the ocean with the grandkids. It retains the complex flavour profile that I love about wine. Although red sangria is my favourite, I would love to try a white version. I don’t know if they sell one yet but Atypique also makes other sinless adult beverages. I’ve enjoyed their mojito and amaretto sour as well.

Thanks for reading this far! Hopefully I didn’t make you too thirsty, although it is important to keep hydrated – especially in hot weather 👍.

As always, please join my co-host Donna and myself by sharing what’s on your plate (or in your glass) in the Comments or in the Link Party.

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Rock on,

The WB

30 thoughts on “What’s On Your Plate* Blog Challenge – Summer Drinkies Mocktail Edition

        1. I do enjoy a glass of wine now and then, but I have noticed that the alcohol makes me much more wozzy than it used to. I like your non-alcoholic alternatives. We have a ton of blueberries in the freezer leftover from this year’s crop… now I know what I’ll do with some of them.

  1. I love that the Corona gives you Vitamin D. Makes it therapeutic! I have the same issues with alcohol that you do. My beloved margarita makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and sleep.

  2. Joanne

    I’ve never really acquired a taste for alcoholic drinks so I’m all about the mocktails. Your first drink in particular really caught my eye!

  3. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – those look delicious … I’m still in the drinking mode – but no doubt the time will come … I don’t drive any more, so from that point of view that’s solved. Love the thought of those blackcurrants too … well done – cheers Hilary

  4. I love my raspberry vinegar with club soda. Similar to the blackberry one you made. I find sangria too sweet but maybe this wouldn’t be. I still enjoy a beer occasionally but sadly haven’t found a non alcoholic IPA alternative that is as good as an IPA. My son calls me a beer snob. Water is still and always will be my beverage of choice so I am definitely staying hydrated.

    1. Yay for good ole water!!! This sangria is not sweet, for my taste anyway…and I am not a lover of sweet drinks. I am going to have to try your raspberry vinegar drink. Sounds refreshing. Thanks, Bernie 💕

  5. Thanks for promoting some delicious NA drink options. Although I do like wine, Fever Tree is my go to for a NA drink – straight up or mixed with something else. I’m very happy they sell in the U.S.

  6. Your drinks (and dragonfly glasses) are beautiful. Thank you for the recommendations. I can vouch for the tastiness of the Atypique Red Sangria and the 0 Corona. Vitamin D?! That’s a definite bonus! <3

  7. While I continue to drink alcohol, I do also like a delicious mocktail or alcohol-free beer. I’ve not seen the Corona one around here, but do like the Heineken one.

  8. janine

    I really enjoy wine and beer but sadly my body is the same as yours and not quite as accepting of it. Your non-alcoholic alternatives look very inviting. Thanks for sharing.

  9. How fun Deb, I love sangria and this sinl;ess version sounds perfect! I’ve included a Hot Toddy recipe in my post so we kinda match you with summer drinks and me with a winter one 🙂

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