The Sunday Schnauzer – Thimbleberries

Thimbleberries are ready, and in abundance this year! This is making our daily walkies even more delightful than usual.

So many delicious berries! We are careful to only pick a few each walk, and leave plenty for the wildlife.
Someone knows what’s coming.
Hurry up, Oma!
Nom nom nom.

We hope you are enjoying the fruits of summer as much as we are.

Rock on,

The WB

24 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Thimbleberries

  1. Bobi

    Never heard of thimbleberries. After looking them up, I now know why. I live on the East coast of the U.S at an elevation of about 600′! So thanks to Professor Bowz for giving us a fun botanical lesson.🌿😎

  2. When I lived in the Keewenaw Peninsulia of the Upper Peninsulia of Michigan I picked thimbleberries. They grew on the rocky sides of dirt roads, and were pretty tall. They weren’t easy to pick because it was hard scampering up and down the roadsides. I think people said they only grew near us and in Maine. I don’t know if that is true. They weren’t my favorite fruit, I didn’t especially care for their flavor, but I did enjoy making jam with them and giving that away. And they were pretty alongside the road!

      1. Our old retreiver used to pull the branch down with his mouth, tuck it under his leg and proceed to strip the berries. I strongly discouraged this with the raspberries!

  3. Last week had “an opposite” experience on vacation in San Diego. Rental house had a huge “holly bush.” Little black berries of “holly” all over the group. We spent a good part of the week keeping the dogs and the baby from wolfing them all up. (Google said Holly berries have low toxicity but can cause stomach ache and diarrhea — what a great way to spend vacation).

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