Believe it or not I am still eating vegetables I grew last summer, from my little garden. Even as I am planning to start seeds for this year’s eventual harvest, I have a few delicious squash remaining in my unheated entry way. They are waiting their turn to be transformed into something yummy, as in today’s recipe: Curried Lentil Stew with Butternut, Kale and Coconut.

Although it doesn’t look like much on the plate, the flavour is amazing. The recipe doesn’t refer to it as such but I believe it is a dal-type dish…a delicious Indian lentil “gravy” that is indeed cooked-up comfort.
Please join my co-host Donna and myself as we both explored meatless meals. No surprise for long-term readers of Donna’s blog, but this is the 2nd month in a row for me!
As always we’d love to hear from you and learn what’s on your plate, either in the Comments or using the Link Party link:
Rock on,
The WB
Looks good! love veggie dishes.
Me too! Especially ones with legumes or pulses. Happy tummy food, I call it. Thanks, Kate 💕
It looks lovely, and I do enjoy a good curry… but you know you lost me with kale.
Same girl, same. That’s why I sub baby spinach instead! Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
We est meatless about once a week. As we farmgate all our meat except the fish, I feel good about rotating it thru my menu and my body as I know how it was raised. But the lentils we eat are also local so that’s also a good thing. I will definitely try this one. I have some frozen kale/beet leaves/spinach from the garden that needs to be used before it’s time to harvest again. It’s awesome that squash lasts so long, but alas, I am long out. My other half isn’t keen on squash but is a good sport about eating it on occasion. I LOVE it, particularly that kabosha one or a Hubbard. Bernie
That is so great that you can grow/locally source so much of your food, Bernie! I would love to do the same and am working towards this goal. Thanks 💕
It’s likely a bit harder where you live compared to our location in rural farm land. Getting some local lamb on Friday. I did the rancher a favour and I know he will show up with a package or two.
I now have a mission to find Lalah’s Madras Curry Powder. We enjoy curries, but have not used this powder. Thanks for the recommendation.
You’re welcome. I have seen it on Amazon (in Canada) but it is much cheaper if you can find an Indian grocery store that stocks it. Good luck, Ally! Thanks 💕
Delish! I’m saving this for later use. I love dal and Indian food, and the ingredients are readily available here, with plentiful Indian markets and the veggies grown on the farms near my home. Thank you for sharing, Deb! ❤️
My pleasure, Natalie! I hope you love the recipe as much as I do. Thanks 💕
I’m a big curry lover and this looks yummy. Thanks for the tip about Lalah’s… I’ll see if I can find it.
Try an Indian grocery store…or if all else fails, probably Amazon. I know I can order it from Canadian Amazon (but much cheaper at a local source!). It’s worth the hunt, that’s for sure. Thanks, Janis 💕
Looks good!
Thanks, Marty 💕
Squash soup is always a good idea and this one looks delicious. Thanks for the recipe.
It’s a little too thick to deserve to be called soup but I suppose you could thin it out. Thanks, Suzanne 💕
Looks really good!
It’s a favourite with my family! Thanks, Barbara 💕
I’m sharing the curry recipe with my son who over the last couple of years has really embraced cooking. I have most of the ingredients and will buy the others to try myself on the weekend. Thanks for hosting #WOYP? Deb! x
You’re very welcome, Sue! Thanks 💕
That looks great – so nourishing and comforting.
Correct on both counts!!! Thanks, Jo 💕
Looks delicious, and will definitely keep the recipe in mind – thanks, Deb!
(Consider this Liked, but mine is – again – not working.)
Consider it considered! 🤣 Thanks, Del 💕
Oooo – it’s working tonight!
Hi Deb – that’s brilliant you’re still using your own garden veg; this is just the sort of recipe I’d use … I won’t post – but I use whatever’s around, just before I need to do a shop (I don’t have a garden to grow things in … I would if I could). Cheers Hilary
That’s an excellent way to do it! Thanks, Hilary 💕
This type of dish is right up my alley. I swear if Himself didn’t cook, I’d live on veggie dishes and loads of dal 🙂
Nothing wrong with that! Millions live just that way 😄. Thanks, Debs 💕
I haven’t used curry much in meals, but this looks amazing. And bravo to you for all your home-grown veggies; that’s the best!
The curry I use is very mild and adds that certain something to all kinds of dishes. Thanks, Suz 💕
Hi Deb, I like the changes you made given what you had available, it all sounds delicious and very easy!
It is both of those things, for sure! Thanks, Debbie 💕
The cold room shelves are laden with canned beans, tomatoes, pineapple zucchini, salsa, tomato sauce, chutney, pickled beets, relish, peaches, raspberries in the fall. Now there are more empty jars than full. It’s so satisfying. There’s usually a pot of soup in the fridge. Right now, it’s tortellini soup laden with red kidney beans, spinach, home canned tomatoes & tortellini.
Yum!!!! That soup sounds amazing. Your cold room shelves are my goal, Mona. Thanks 💕