The Sunday Schnauzer – Dashing Through the Snow

Like a one-dog open sleigh…that was our Bowser the day after the snowfall, when someone had run a truck or quad through the logging roads we like to frequent on our walks. I had already shared these photos on social media, but not everyone follows me there. I hope you don’t mind seeing them again, if you already have seen them.

Stay on the nicely packed down tire ruts? No way, Oma!
Bowser coming back from exploring under the trees.
Just look at me go!
I can do this, Oma!
This is so much fun, Oma! Why don’t you try it?
And I’m baaaaack!

We hope you are enjoying whatever weather you have been given, this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

33 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Dashing Through the Snow

  1. OMG! Bowser is living his very best life!
    I love all the action shots.
    We’re having a lovely weekend here; highs in the 80’s and zero chance of snow.

  2. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – yes he’s great … and brings back memories of family dogs here – though we had cats growing up … not cavorting-jumping dogs! I think Bernadette’s definition for Joyful is just perfect … can’t even use purrfect! Love the pics – cheers Hilary

  3. As usual, adorable photos of an adorable little pup. His reaction to hiking in the snow is the same as mine … except for the wild enthusiasm, leaping and bounding part 😉

    1. Leaping and bounding is best done by the young, I am finding out. Along with sliding and falling 🤣. None of these things are pretty or graceful when done by me now, if they indeed ever were 😉. Thanks, Joanne 💕

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