Because You Asked – A Snack Trip to South Korea

I really thought that this box would be our last one, for the subscription. But then, another box showed up in the mail. So here is the review of the now next-to-last box – South Korea! Once again, Donna’s husband Richard was able to join us as our extra special guest judge insert favourite RuPaul’s Drag Race meme here.

This box looked quite promising, and it did not disappoint!

First on the list of snacks to be evaluated: the choco pie.

We all agreed we have tasted this confection in another form. Apparently this treat was given as a bonus to North Korean workers. It got so popular that the buzz-kill evil dictatorship government banned them. No happy moments for you! So South Korean activists sent thousands over the border using balloons. There, now you know!

Next up: spicy chicken flavoured corn puffs!

Also known as KFC – Korean Fried Chicken! American KFC used to be a special occasion treat for Koreans, but now they can eat it whenever they want (in South Korea only, that is). And they have spiced things up, including with this snack.

Then it was on to some marscapone shortbreads (What a lovely combination of 2 yummy things!)

Individually wrapped cookies – lovely!
And lovely to look at, too! This might be one of my favourite snacks; at least top 5.

These cookies have a weird (to us Westerners) backstory. Apparently Valentine’s Day in South Korea is the day for women to treat the men. And then came the sequel: White Day (March 14)…where men give white gifts to the women, including these cookies. Apparently this tradition originated in Japan – in 1978 – and spread to South Korea. Although LGBTQ+ folks appear to be left out of this celebrating, never fear Singletons! April 14 is Black Day, when you dress in black and go eat your feelings with all your single friends. Black-bean-sauce-smothered noodles is the preferred comfort nosh. All of this info according to the literature that came with the snack box!

Now onto some candy! Sweet and sour grape-flavoured chews.

Check out those super cool grapes 😎. Very flavourful!

Back to savoury snacks with the next on the list: Shrimp Chips.

I’ve eaten a lot of shrimp chips with Indonesian dishes. In fact, we used to have to deep fry them ourselves. It was exciting for me as a kid to watch the tiny hard chips expand into these airy delights when fried. I found the South Korean version quite “shrimpy” though…stronger flavour than what I am used to.

Last but not least were a bag of Peach Flavoured Gummies, to sample.

These were delicious!
Isn’t the peach also known as the butt emoji, in social media? I can see the resemblance 😄.

I think this was my favourite box to date. So did Donna. Here is our scoring.

As usual, Donna treated us to a fabulous lunch afterwards. She wrote all about it on her latest WOYPBC post, here.

Yeah, you could say we were pretty excited about those cookies 🤣.

One more box to go! Stay tuned – we’re going to Italy next.

Rock on,

The WB

32 thoughts on “Because You Asked – A Snack Trip to South Korea

  1. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – what a fun box … and like Sheree … the back stories are interesting to read up on … great … and last possibly – Italy … cheers Hilary

  2. Just love learning about all the foreign snacks. As for those shrimp chips, I watched a friend make them –utterly scrumptious! But she was cooking inside a tent camper, on a cookstove and the grease splashed on the canvas — caught the whole RV on fire and she barely made it out with her life. LESSON LEARNED — never fry things in oil in a tent camper!

  3. What a fun post! I’m giggling at all your fun facts: I know a lot of people who eat their feelings all the time, not just on April 14! How fun that the surprise box was your favorite!

    Italy? Oh, that’s gotta be good, right?

  4. This definitely was my favourite box so far.
    I’m hoping that we have two boxes left – Unviersal Yums Italy and our DIYS Canadian Snack Box. I’m greatly looking forward to both.
    BTW- I can never again look at a peach gummy without laughing!

    1. Oh yeah, I didn’t include our version of a snack box…I was just talking about the subscription. If you think peach gummies are funny, wait till you learn about eggplants 🍆 😉. Thanks, Donna 💕

  5. Oh, this is hilarious. We go to a lot of ethnic markets, and I’m constantly seeing these types of packaged products — sweet, savory, crunchy, etc. I’m always tempted but am too intimidated to try. Now I don’t have to because you have for us! Well done, all of you. – Marty

  6. Who would have guessed this would be a favourite box- interesting. Also interesting is that you ate sweet and then went back to savory and then had lunch!! Like everyone else I have enjoyed these posts.

    1. Thank you, Monch – for the compliment and that additional information about the Choco Pie 💕. We have a similar snack in Canada – it’s called a Wagon Wheel, and was a favourite in my bagged school lunch as a kid.

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