Donna sang me this song as we ate our dogs. Now I can’t get it outta my head. Uhhhh…thanks for nothing, Donna!?!

Hope your Earth Day was as great as mine.
Rock on,
The WB
Donna sang me this song as we ate our dogs. Now I can’t get it outta my head. Uhhhh…thanks for nothing, Donna!?!
Hope your Earth Day was as great as mine.
Rock on,
The WB
Fantastic photos especially of the deer, makes your walk all the more special. Love your new do 🌞
Thank you very much, Alison 💕
An exceptionally beautiful day, Deb, and your photos do it justice. Stunning! The clouds, the blues, the water, deer posing for you, 2 Gorgeous women…love your haircut! Thank you for sharing❤️
Thank you very much, Erica/Erika 💕
I enjoyed a few hikes on Qualicum Beach but I never finished it off with a Big Dog… dang! I love your haircut; spring is a great time to try something new. And, yes, now that song is running through my head. Thanks, Donna (and you for sharing).
Thank you, Janis 💕 Definitely have a Big Dog next time you are here!
It looks like it was a gorgeous day out and the deer were lovely. You look so good with that cut!
Thank you very much, Deborah 💕
OMG! On the exact same day that I posted to the world (aka the small group of people who follow my blog) that I am not typically a LOL kind of gal, your post had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Your photos are awesome — and everyone needs to know that song. It’s simply a classic! 😀
Weenie Wives 4EVAH! Thank you my friend, for another awesome day out 💕
Love that you waited while the deer had their walk. Oh my that is a BiG hot dog.Loved the song and it was the perfect musical accompaniment for your meal. I love your hair cut, really suits you.
Thank you very much 💕
I never heard that weenie song before! Yes, it could stick in your head. Great deer shots! Nice ‘do too. You had a spectacular day!
Yes, I sure did! Thank you, Kate
What interesting situations you two find on your walks! I kept watching those clouds – first on the horizon, then getting closer and bigger. Ominous. Then I watched the deer (and the clouds got puffy & blew over).
Wow – you did get a chop! Sherry did a fabulous job!
Thank you, Del 💕
That haircut really suits you well.
You live in such a heavenly place. Truly beautiful.
Thank you, Jean 💕 I had a very similar cut in the late 90s, and had forgotten all about it (and how much I loved it) until Sherry’s magic scissors went to work!
That header photo is tops as is the hairdo and the wiener. Now I want a hot dog. I actually bought hot dog buns yesterday. I didn’t do anything particular to honor earth day. Isn’t every day earth day? I like the quote from a rancher who said – we don’t live on the land, we live with the land.
I’d like to think of every day as Earth Day. Thank you 💕
Hi Deb – gorgeous photos – and yes it is a glorious land … the new hairdo is fantastic … great job done. Why did I listen to Weenie Man … ghastly but I imagine with Donna singing it – you’d have both been laughing so much – cheers and enjoy the new head!! Hilary
Yes, there was much laughing and singing that day. Thank you, Hilary 💕
You live in such a beautiful place. The beach and deer pics are stunning. As is your hair…I love it! It makes you look ten years younger!.
Thank you very much, Rivergirl 💕 Now I need the rest of me to also feel and look 10 years younger 😜
Gorgeous photos and adorable hair cut!
Thank you, Tracey 💕
I love the blue skies, fluffy cloud formations, and the ‘do! …. But no, I will not listen to the weenie song. I cannot subject my son to 5 hours of my company when I have an ear worm stuck in my head 😆
Any hike that involves a deer sighting is precious to me. But 3!! Jackpot!
I can’t believe you would deprive Micha of 5 hours of your singing like that! 😉 Thank you, my friend 💕
Looks like you had a stellar day to walk the beach & enjoy the sunshine. You are rockin’ that new doo!
Thank you, Lynn 💕
Gorgeous photos of a perfect day, Deb! And that loaded Big Dog is the perfect treat.
Thank you, HG 💕 I thought so too.
Must be the week for earworms. A neighbor of mine complained that he had a song stuck in his head for a full 24 hours after I told him about an album I bought that contained that song. I can safely say I won’t have that weenie song stuck in my ear because I’ve never heard of it before! – Marty
Stay safe, Marty! 😉 Thank you 💕
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of your Earth Day with those of us mortals who don’t live somewhere quite so amazing. Great haircut too 🙂
Thank you, Debs 💕
Oh that blue sky and ocean. And of course my “home” beach from my youth. Love love your hair cut! Looks great. Bernie
Thank you, Bernie 💕