Not Safe for Work…or Anywhere Else

Yet my inner 14 year old is feeling calmed and cleansed by this latest offering from Little Big…I can’t stop chanting the chorus. I find it absolutely cathartic. I hope it does the same for you. If not…well, please just unclutch those pearls and click away from ye olde blogge.

This continues to be a strange week and I am on pins and needles along with my US friends. My fervent hope is for a peaceful and safe return to decency, kindness, science-based decision making, and love – instead of fear, lies and hatred. And the end of this 4 year nightmare known as the Trump Presidency.

Rock on,

The WB

41 thoughts on “Not Safe for Work…or Anywhere Else

  1. We are the same. I tell people I voted for kindness and an end to chaos. I live in a battleground state that doesn’t have the final tally yet. Biden is ahead right now. Our state would do it but I’d love to see him get all the remaining ones.

  2. Jean R.

    I’m getting calmer by the hour as the votes come in, but it’s not over until the fat lady sings, so to speak. He is not going to go away quietly but I don’t care as long as he goes away. Fingers crossed.

  3. AJ Blythe

    I’m lucky, I guess, because while the media here is covering all the horror in the US, I’m literally half a world away, so the outcome really doesn’t have any impact on me. It’s probably much easier to switch off when it doesn’t matter.

    I just wish the violence that’s happening would stop. I can’t get my head around why anyone thinks that is the answer.

    1. I’m glad you have some distance, AJ. 💕 It’s too close for comfort here – and the fascism rearing its head in the US is infecting some of our people and politicians too.

      1. AJ Blythe

        Yeah, I bet it is. It’s not really doing much here other than give us all something to talk about (mostly how relieved we all are to not be American and that our election system is nothing like that).

        You can’t get much further away than Australia – turns out when it comes to covid and US elections, that’s a good thing!

  4. I did what I could and now we wait. Even if Biden wins (and right now, it looks like he will) it’s hard to believe that so many voted the other way. We may have to annex ourselves (Washington State, Oregon, and California) to Canada just to carve out our bit of sanity.

  5. Oh, my — trust you to come in with the best remedy for 2020 — Brava! Brava! Brava!
    If the annexation starts going through I’m moving back to CA(lif)… except it really would be CA, wouldn’t it!

  6. Hey, I’m just happy that my state is being lauded ‘a model of efficiency.’ After our ‘hanging chad’ debacle in 2000, we are living proof that election reform works! I am hopeful that others will follow suite and we will never again suffer this insanity.

  7. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – what a fun clip … talk about boxing up the worst of life … ghastly! We have one more in 2021 – beloved Brexit … can’t say I’m enamoured … but luckily of the age when I just get on with things … all the best to you – Hilary

  8. It’s Saturday morning and this Trumpian nonsense continues. I’ve not seen anything like this during a US election and I do not like it. The chasm between those of us who voted for rational thinking + morality versus those who voted for greed + chaos is widening every day. It’s stressful to say the least.

  9. That’s hilarious and really does sum up 2020 quite accurately. Thanks for the chuckle 😀
    All the major U.S. networks have called the election for Biden but Pumpkin Fuhrer is going to keep fighting, presumably to continue doing Uncle Vladdy’s bidding and undermine democracy as much as possible before he’s shown the door.
    Yes, it will be a relief globally to put an end to 4 years of chaos and incompetence. However, my lasting impression of this election is that it was a referendum on basic human decency and seeing how close the results were confirms that many of us have been seriously overestimating the virtues of American society.

    1. Thank you, Norm 💕 I agree with your thoughts. I think the Pumpkin Fuhrer is going to spew nonsense and vitriol for a while longer, then slink out of the White House like a thief in the night. I would pay good money to see him dragged out of office, though…along with his other lickspittles. I wonder how soon before the rats will be fleeing this sinking ship 🤔

  10. Big sigh. Of. Relief today!! OMG, what a week, on top of all my personal stress and loss. Jeez Louise. Celebrations are in order. Yay for Biden and the prevailing of democracy. I hope prison awaits for the other one…

  11. Hard to believe I’m reading this a month and a half after you posted it and the king of Trumpenistan is still saying he won. We really are down the rabbit hole Alice.

    1. Ooooh gurl, you said it! As your next-door neighbour, I am nervous. If your house catches fire, it might torch my house too. Fingers crossed, he eventually goes slithering back under some rock without much more fuss, like the cowardly slimy creature he is. 🤞 Thanks, Rivergirl 💕

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