Turning the Corner

Something happened to me this past week. An inner mental shift happened. I think it had to do with our Prime Minister mentioning that THIS (pandemic situation and all its necessary restrictions) could go on until November or beyond. There was a “click’ (and it wasn’t my still-swollen wonky ankle, either), and just like that, I stopped spending hours agonizing over Twitter et al, and started doing THINGS. Positive things, besides spritzing myself with my favourite scents after every shower… no need to worry about running into the scent-sensitive or -averse, after all!

What’s in rotation…I wish you could smell me this. I smell fabulous. Yes, that is a men’s cologne in the upper right corner. It smells good and I like it on me.

This weekend of all weekends so far, I have every right to be depressed and feeling sorry for myself. My BC daughter was supposed to be here, spending a week with her ol’ Mom. And one of my sisters was supposed to come down for a weekend visit as well. And I was supposed to have a house full of family and friends over for supper today. Instead, I am at home alone. Of course. However, I am not depressed OR feeling sorry for myself. I am surprisingly light-hearted and full of creative energy, instead. Whodathunkit?

I am following Joanne’s lead – and heading back into art. So much for all my neatly boxed up stuff. See here for the Before Picture.

Yup. Every damn box opened up. An explosion of the arty things.

I’m inspired to make “happy” paintings, bursting with flowers. This is my first attempt – inspired by British artist, Yvonne Coomber:

No name yet, although I was thinking of the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, when I painted this: The earth laughs in flowers.

I’ve been gesso-ing up old canvases and already have another painting in progress.

Background done. Going to do some beach grasses and flowers in the foreground.

I’m also excited to report that I tested my ankle out with a yoga session this past week, and it passed the test! Somewhat crankily, and demanding wrapping and other types of baby-ing…but that’s OK. That led me to exploring other types of workouts and I found a new love: Body Groove. I always loved dance-type workouts – a class called DanceFit and belly dancing were some of my favourites, in days past. You’d think then, that Zumba would be right up my alley too, but I never really cottoned to that one.

I’d been seeing the Body Groove “commercials” on Facebook for some time now but just scrolled on by. This week I decided to check it out. And then I signed up for the 30 day trial. I already know I will be getting a year’s subscription.

Usually the ho-hum “muzak” that accompanies most workout videos is my least favourite part, but so far I’ve found all the Body Groove music to be diverse, uplifting, and amazing.
YOU BETTA WERK! If this doesn’t put a smile on your face, check your pulse. You may be dead.

I wish I knew the secret to my change in attitude/behaviour/outlook. My brain probably just got tired of wandering around my place in a lethargic daze, just going through the motions of life. And realizing finally that this is going to be going on for a loooooong time – much longer than any of us want it to – so my brain might as well come up with a more positive, more productive fun, new normal.

Don’t get me wrong. Like everyone else, I still have an undercurrent of stress and worry as my constant companion. But I am now also making it a habit to do stuff that puts a big smile on my face and in my heart every day. Like connecting with friends and family (Virtual happy hour, anyone? I have my favourite cocktail ingredients and wine in good supply, still!). Like daily yoga and dance. Like playing with paint. I even started knitting again.

The start of a sock. Knitting keeps my hands busy so they are not busy bringing snackies to my mouth while watching TV. Win-win!

How about you? Are you managing OK? Have you turned the corner? If so, how and why? Tell all!

Rock on,

The WB

68 thoughts on “Turning the Corner

  1. Deb, it’s just my husband and me for dinner tonight. Our children and other relatives are keeping their distance. It could be a full two years before we get back to some normalcy. They are trying to flatten the curve and that extends it. I think I’m going to make some masks to wear and will probably be wearing them every time I go out. The US government has let big Pharma off the hook for liability should they come up with a vaccine. So there’s no way I’m getting the vaccine.
    Definitely keep up the painting. You do some lovely work.
    Happy Easter.
    Leslie xoxo

    1. Thank you Leslie💕 Yes, I am apprehensive too, about a vaccine being rushed through without the proper testing first. I hope Health Canada keeps to standard protocols.

      1. My cousin got G.B. from flu vaccine and it took a year out of her life not to mention she had other serious, lasting complications the rest of her life. I’ll take my chances with the flu and cover-19.
        Leslie <3

          1. When I went to her husband’s funeral I met another person there who also had acquired G.B. from the flu vaccine. It must have been from the same batch. Nope, I’ll take my chances with the flu.

          2. Guillain-Barré (gee-YAH-buh-RAY) syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your extremities are usually the first symptoms. These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing your whole body. My cousin was out of commission for a year and needed one on one attention for all her needs. Her husband was still alive at the time and was a big help, but she was in hospital for an extended period of time. You can get it from getting the flu too. However, you have to catch the flu first. We haven’t had any colds or flus for year – touch wood.

  2. Yep, the same here. I started knitting again too, to stop eating…though I finished one shawl and need to decide what to do next. And I’m painting again, haven’t done that in years either…I’m doing little watercolor miniatures, and mailing them to people. If this keeps on to November, though, I’ll need to start painting something bigger! Love your work so far! 🙂

    1. Thank you Dawn💕 Who knew everyone’s guilt-inducing yarn stash could come in so handy, eh? Thank goodness the art stores offer online and curbside shopping is all I have to say!😉

  3. Carole Mozuraitis

    What a great perspective Deb. You’re absolutely right. We might have been hanging on for a few weeks to pass, so we could go back to the office, go over to visit family, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. So what now? For the next little while, this is our new normal, this is where we’re going to be for the foreseeable. I’m working from home and one day blurs into the other, hours go by and I’m still working. I’m going to put in place some serious work day restrictions. Haul out the knitting – my socks are half done. Finish unpacking and purging from our recent move. Don’t wait “til this is over”. It won’t be over for quite a while, and we won’t know what the new “normal” will look like.

  4. Sometimes just knowing the end date (however fluid it might be) helps me. I was stressed out near the end of March because our first end date was March 30 and everything was squeezy. Now it’s indefinite so there is a release to do whatever I can because life won’t change anytime soon. Love the videos. I especially love that I could do it at home (without any inhibitions) and let my arms fly! Great post.

  5. Your flower burst painting is really beautiful. I forwarded this post to my wife because she’s been struggling with creativity lately also, so perhaps this will inspire her a bit. Keep painting, and keep up the positivity. – Marty

  6. I love that canvas with the sun and the flowers. It has a lot of life in it.
    I don’t think I’ll turn any corners voluntarily. I feel skeptical about any need to continue with lockdowns, and have joined the Resistance. This is an Underground movement consisting of one person (me), who resists the government’s efforts to keep me in my house all the time.
    On the other hand, since I’m a homebody anyway, my Resistance is fairly weak and sporadic, and only deployed sneakily when I want to get out and do some hiking.

  7. What an inspiring post! Although I haven’t found myself in the dregs of ennui, I do feel that I’d benefit from some art therapy. I love that you and Joanne are refocusing your psyches to embrace your creative sides. Your painting is beautiful and the title is perfect. Keep on creating!

  8. Two thumbs-up, Deb! If we don’t look for silver linings through all of this, we’ll come out the other end a lot worse for it.

    I feel a sense of loss for all the things that haven’t happened because of this crisis, and all the things that aren’t going to happen in the months to come. I’m trying to keep that pity party at bay. Instead I much prefer to focus on the opportunity this has given me to devote my attention to learning and doing.

    When we eventually come out of the other end of this crisis, our creative muscles are going to well tuned!! 😀

  9. HI, Deb – I love your creativity, your positivity and your inspiration!
    So cool about your Yvonne Comber-style painting. My one and only adult attempt at painting was for Canada’s 150th Mural Project. My commuity contributed by putting together four-hundred 4×4 inch tiles individually painted by community members to create an eight-foot square mural which is now installed in our community centre. For my tile, I also did an Yvonne Comber syle sun sinking into a field of wildflowers. You can see the larger mural here. Mine is 5 down and 13 across. https://www.pqbnews.com/news/parksville-unveils-canada-150-mural/
    Stay well and ikeep inspiring!

  10. Jean R.

    Your painting is beautiful, Deb, and you need to steal Emerson’s words (or some form of it) for the title. Perfect!

    I wish I could find that switch you did. I’m wasting so much time it isn’t funny. I know it’s a Jedi mind trick but I haven’t figured it out yet.

    1. Thank you Jean💕 I wish I could tell you how I turned the corner. All my mental nagging did nothing. Then I did one positive thing (yoga) and everything flowed from that one activity, it seemed.

  11. Oh, wow. Your first pic got me. My eye went straight to MAJA!
    I ❤️❤️❤️ that and had forgotten all about it. 🤬
    I frequently worked with people who wouldn’t tolerate normal hair shampoos let alone perfumes, but don’t have to worry about that now. Have been wanting sooo badly to be able to order SOMEthing to spritz on.
    So THANK YOU for this reminder, and I’ll read the rest of your most interesting post after I’ve gotten my order completed. 😘😘 Byeeeee for a tick . . . . .

  12. The funny thing, Deb, is my husband is hearing about your artwork and Joanne’s. He used to sketch and paint and I think he would enjoy and benefit from getting back into it. It has to be his decision, of course. Reading your post does remind me of the stages of grief and the “acceptance” part. You have likely thought about this, too.

    In my strange little world, I am almost fully booked up for this coming week with daily Chats/Zoom family and friends and projects. I would prefer to keep things more flexible, although certain sets of friends have set up happy hour visits all in this coming week. I have also started playing again with Painnt app for my photos. I guess, my version of painting. Good for you on all of your creative projects and staying healthy activities.🙂

    1. Thank you Erica💕 Yes, I believe I have moved on to the Acceptance stage of my grief over everything that has happened so far. At least for now. My experience with grief is that I frequently move back and forth between stages. So, I’ll have to see how this goes. I have several Zoom meetings this week too, including ours. If they were all Happy Hours I’m not sure my liver could take it 😜🍸. I make have to make some into coffee dates, or High Tea…😁

  13. I have turned a corner, but in the opposite direction – up until that point, I was managing OK. But three people in my immediate circle are affected by the virus. My sister-in-law’s father died in BC. My best friend’s husband has it and is struggling through it. They are near London, Ontario. My brother, who is in a long-term care facility in Fergus has been exposed to it and has been tested. We are waiting for results.

    It’s grim.

    But your post has been helpful in reminding me that there are ways to get through this. Keep writing and sharing your positive energy. It’s a needed antidote.

    1. Maggie, I am so sorry to hear that you and yours are directly affected by the virus in such a devastating way. I am already committed to staying in and away from people (more so to protect others than concern for myself) and your comment just reinforces how important this is. Thank you for sharing this 💕

  14. I’m finding that keeping physically busy is helping to keep the mind from drifting into negative space. Baking/cooking, exercise, household chores, getting the garden ready, anything that keeps my hands busy also quiets the mind.

  15. Deb, I haven’t turned that corner yet. My writing and painting sit neglected. Thank goodness for hiking on forest trails and gardening.


  16. I like your decision to wear scent all you want. Why not? I only have one scent I wear, so my decision is limited but I figure as long as I can still smell it that is good. I’m happy to read that your ankle is getting with the program. And another person who has turned into a Zoomer! I love that it allows those who want to connect to do so, especially for cocktails. Early in my Twitter days I met with a group at 5 pm for TGIF drinks. It was a hoot, totally ridiculous– so of course we all loved it.

        1. Vanilla Woods is made by a Canadian perfume company called The 7 Virtues. I picked it up at Sephora (back when shopping in person was a thing. Oh, the good ol’ days! 😉). I hope you can source it, Deborah. I think you’d really like it.

          1. Will do! I’m shopping around to see what other goodies are to be had while I’m there…online. 😀 I miss going to the store to try stuff out, and even going through line with all the little goodies to ponder I miss!

  17. AJ Blythe

    Hey Deb, catching up after last week’s slump. I’m so glad you’re in a better mindset. I still love your flower painting (I saw it on insta). Wish you were closer so I could get you to paint me one 🙂

  18. Nice artwork Deb! I have not quite turned the corner on the attitude. My stretch pants are getting tighter by the minute, so I am not super happy about that. Part of it is the Vid and part of it is because of our weather, part of it is me eating everything in sight. Hoping it all turns around soon. I also like how you wear men’s cologne! that made me laugh today – thanks for that!

    1. Thank you Pam💕 My yoga pants are still comfortable but I am sure I would be struggling with real pants – HAH! I do love that particular men’s cologne. Nice and vanilla-y!

  19. debscarey

    I wish to report that I am peeved – peeved I say, that I’m not getting notifications of your new blog posts. I thought I’d signed up – so I’ve done it (either again or for the first time, depending on the ole memory). Second, I love your painting of flowers & am looking forward to seeing your beach scene when it’s finished. Third, I am delighted to have such a great review of Body Groove. The ads have been appearing on my Facebook too & I’ve sampled a few sessions. Knowing I needed to up the old metabolism, I was waiting for the knee to be at the right stage of recovery before signing up, when the old back started to complain (not unexpectedly as it’s missing its regular chiropractic ministrations). But it’s slowly improving and my digit is hoovering over the sign up button, so will soon be joining you in these dance sessions. I particularly love that you can do your own thing & just work in a way suitable for your own age/fitness level/around injuries. Finally, I’m ignoring any mention of baking due to being on a weightloss regime 😉

    1. Hi Deb, sorry to hear that you are not getting notifications! I think it is a 2 part process – you sign up and then you get an email asking you to confirm. Maybe check your spam folder to see if that comfirmation email went there? I’ll see if there is anything I can do on my end, in the meantime. I’ve finished my painting (for now), and repacked my art supplies for their journey west. The paintings are going to go to their new homes so I’ll have to take some pictures for ye olde blogge!
      Thank you💕

      1. debscarey

        I got that confirmatory email & did the necessary. Hopefully, all solved now. I suspect it was me all along … you know, good intentions, old memory banks 🙂

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