52 Journal Prompts and What I Am Thankful For

Keeping up the time-honoured tradition of stealing borrowing from other bloggers.

Now that I am retired from work I have no more excuses for not blogging regularly (or more regularly) due to lack of time, right? Yet the problem remains of not always knowing what to blog about. So in order to “prime the pump” as the saying goes, writing prompts are an excellent resource. AJ Blythe – a delightful Aussie writer and blogger I follow – recently posted a list of 52 writing prompts that I promptly stole borrowed, after she graciously told me “the more’s the merrier!”

Party on, Wayne! And this is how these things spread. So now I’ve told you about 52 Journal Prompts. Who’s gonna steal from me? ๐Ÿ˜‰

My first prompt – What are you thankful for? – is very apropos and wasn’t even needed as I had planned for a first post-work life post on this very topic.

What am I thankful for? A better wording for me might be “what am I not thankful for?” For I am truly thankful for everything in my life that has brought me to this very day. Even the mistakes, missteps and sorrows have helped make me into the person I am today, and for that I am truly grateful and thankful.

I am fortunate that due to the privilege I was born into (white straight cis-gendered), hard work, and a little bit of luck, I am one of the lucky group of people that even GET to retire, let alone retire at age 60 and in good health.

I wake up every morning (as I did long before I retired) and express gratitude for my life and the people in it, before my feet hit the bedroom floor. That sets the perfect tone for me to start the day, no matter what else is going on or expected to go on that day.

I don’t know if I will continue to use one of these prompts per week for the whole of 2020, but I’d like to. Let’s not call this a resolution though, OK? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy New Year and Rock on,

The WB

30 thoughts on “52 Journal Prompts and What I Am Thankful For

  1. Jean R.

    I have had dry spells in coming up with something to blog about and have found writing prompts helpful. They force you to pick a tiny though and blow it up, fill in details and really explore it. For me, creativity in writing comes from being militant about keeping my schedule of posting twice a week. When you force yourself to keep a schedule, you actually do discover your inner thoughts while staring at a blank computer screen and the more you do it, the easier it gets.

    Love to see you blogging once a week!

  2. I also have the same gratitude that I won the birth lottery; born in Canada to hard working parents who valued education. I worked hard, along with my loving partner, and here we are today enjoying the fruit of all that.

  3. I’m experiencing the usual shenanigans at WP. I can’t *like* posts, and your blog requires me to sign in every.single.time. I’m just shaking my head at how ornery WP has been lately.

    Yes. Blogging. I guess I can’t really comment on the whole topic of frequency of writing. Mine has been non-existent. I like your attitude – take what works and leave the rest. However, I’m sure each one of those prompts would lead to some interesting stories ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m confident you will find ample of inspiration in your days ahead!

    1. Crap! Here I thought Iโ€™d solved the post notification problem and looks like I caused others instead. Maybe I need to become a web designer in my newly found free time ๐Ÿ˜œ. Sorry pal ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

      1. I have to find yours via the email as it doesn’t show up in my feed like other blogs I follow. No problem with comments or likes though. I usually find word press easy to work with across the multiple devices I use.

        1. Have you clicked the โ€œfollow this blogโ€ banner on my website, BernieLynne? I usually find WordPress easy too. I sometimes have problems with people that use Blogger instead, but it is related to the browser – I have trouble commenting using Chrome sometimes, but not with Google. Which is weird because isnโ€™t Chrome a Google product? Anyway, it probably is due to how Iโ€™ve signed into these browsers vs how Iโ€™ve signed onto their blog initially.

  4. There truly is much to be thankful for. I suppose I’m even more privileged than you, being both white and male.
    As for having lots of time, now that you’re retired you might be in for an awakening. I’ve found that life has a way of giving me lots of things to do. I rarely feel bored, and usually feel a little stressed, what with all the things I’ve cooked up to do (and that others sometimes cook up for me).
    Even as a retiree, there still isn’t enough time in the day.

    1. Wise words, TG – thanks ๐Ÿ’• As I was writing that sentence speaking about my privilege I reflected that the only way for me to have more privilege would have been for me to have been born male. I have given myself lots of things to do immediately upon retirement – I have a whole house full of things to sort through and deal with, in anticipation of my move to the West Coast later this year. Iโ€™m going to treat it like a (part-time) job, and still give myself time each day for other, more fun pursuits.

      1. Oh yeah, I’ve been there. Sorting through old stuff, trying to figure out what to get rid of and what to keep. This can be stressful and gut-wrenching.
        But when moving day comes, I’ll bet you’ll be glad you went through that exercise.

  5. Prompts always lead somewhere and I’m not above using them. I like your practice of being thankful even before your feet hit the floor in the morning. Something to consider instead of dreading the workday ahead. And as for resolutions, the best way to not reach your goal is to call it a resolution. Call it anything else but, and you’re sure to get it done. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. hilarymb

    Hiya – Happy New Year … and just blog away as and when you can … you’ll be busier than you think … but it’s good ideas appear as one is out and about … just enjoy the freedom of choice – cheers and good luck for the years ahead – Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary ๐Ÿ’• Freedom of choice – thatโ€™s the most wonderful thing about retirement, isnโ€™t it? Cheers and good luck to you as well, for 2020 and beyond!

  7. You say it well, Deb, everything that has brought me to this day. โ€œGratitudeโ€ never gets old. Happy New Year and Rock on…………borrowed from a very wise woman:)

  8. I love the idea of honouring gratitude before your feet hit the floor! 2020 sounds like a big year of change for you. Hoping it brings wonderful adventures & time to enjoy yourself ๐Ÿ˜˜

  9. Hey – I have a blog idea for you!! Come join our seasonal bucket list series. You can try it on for size this winter and see what you think. And maybe you will want to join us every season in the future. I send out the link up codes and optional graphics and we just share things we would like to do during the season. Fun activities, charitable activities, projects around the house, new restaurants we want to try, crafts, books, whatever. Your list can be as extensive or simple as you like. We will share on 01.21 and then give an update on our progress 02.21 and a final update on 03.21 when we will also share our spring bucket lists.

    These posts have really helped me find direction on the days when I am thinking what should I be doing today? We have discovered that El Paso has restaurants other than McDonald’s. And that we can have a date that doesn’t translate into a cheeseburger and movie!!

    If you are interested, please let me know!! My email is mommyhon333@hotmail.com.

    These journal prompts are so thought provoking. I would like to write on them, too.

    1. Thank you Leslie, for thinking of me! I have a pretty hefty year planned out already though, what with selling my building, a cross-country move and setting up my new life on the West Coast of Canada. So, my plate is already pretty full for 2020. But this would definitely be something I would consider once I am established and in a regular routine again.

  10. AJ Blythe

    Thanks for the shout out, Deb ๐Ÿ™‚ Sometimes it’s the small things that are more meaningful than the big. Today I am thankful for The Hub cooking dinner and the Barbarians cleaning up….without being asked.

  11. A couple of prompts that are missing:
    What made you laugh today?
    Describe what you like/hate about a family member or friend.
    Who made you laugh lately..

  12. Pingback: The Place I Call Home - THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

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