Giving Thanks Today

For witnessing sunrises like these
For clouds reflected in lakes
For warm, comfortable footwear
For views from the path
For the sun lighting up the changing leaves
For experiencing new hikes
For finding new trails
For beautiful wooded pathways
For big trees and moss-covered branches
For someone to share the mysterious woods with
For visiting my first hatchery
For beautiful, musical spawning streams and rivers
For witnessing the annual chum salmon run
For learning more about the salmonid species that inhabit the rivers and seas
For gorgeous views everywhere I look
For fish tacos and Jarritos at Tidal Tacos
For sneaky, cheeky birds eyeing our lunch
For friends, both near and far
For the beauty of a Vancouver Island autumn
For Thanksgiving gatherings with family and friends

For life and for health; for everything!

Rock on gratefully,

The WB

52 Journal Prompts and What I Am Thankful For

Keeping up the time-honoured tradition of stealing borrowing from other bloggers.

Now that I am retired from work I have no more excuses for not blogging regularly (or more regularly) due to lack of time, right? Yet the problem remains of not always knowing what to blog about. So in order to “prime the pump” as the saying goes, writing prompts are an excellent resource. AJ Blythe – a delightful Aussie writer and blogger I follow – recently posted a list of 52 writing prompts that I promptly stole borrowed, after she graciously told me “the more’s the merrier!”

Party on, Wayne! And this is how these things spread. So now I’ve told you about 52 Journal Prompts. Who’s gonna steal from me? 😉

My first prompt – What are you thankful for? – is very apropos and wasn’t even needed as I had planned for a first post-work life post on this very topic.

What am I thankful for? A better wording for me might be “what am I not thankful for?” For I am truly thankful for everything in my life that has brought me to this very day. Even the mistakes, missteps and sorrows have helped make me into the person I am today, and for that I am truly grateful and thankful.

I am fortunate that due to the privilege I was born into (white straight cis-gendered), hard work, and a little bit of luck, I am one of the lucky group of people that even GET to retire, let alone retire at age 60 and in good health.

I wake up every morning (as I did long before I retired) and express gratitude for my life and the people in it, before my feet hit the bedroom floor. That sets the perfect tone for me to start the day, no matter what else is going on or expected to go on that day.

I don’t know if I will continue to use one of these prompts per week for the whole of 2020, but I’d like to. Let’s not call this a resolution though, OK? 😉

Happy New Year and Rock on,

The WB