Answering the call: Newfoundland

Way back in March I answered a phone call from blogging (and now real life) buddy, Joanne from My Life Lived Full. “Listen Deb”, she said “I’m going to go to Newfoundland to do some hiking and I thought you might like to join me…no pressure, I’m going regardless but in case you were interested in joining me…”

Well, I gave a qualified YES right away but needed to check if my ever-diminishing stockpile of vacation days would allow it first #workingsuckssometimes. Once that was out of the way, the booking and planning began in earnest!

And almost before we knew it, the day was upon us and we landed in St. Johns’s! I could (and probably will) write so many posts about this wonderful week spent in Canada’s most easterly province, but this one will focus on our adventures outdoors. We hiked most days, and even took a boat trip out to the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve.

The weather: much cooler than in Ontario (and we are having an unseasonably cool spring!). Leaves were just beginning to emerge on the trees when we first came to the island. We had researched this and packed accordingly.

Joanne’s grand plan (now mine too) – to hike parts of the East Coast Trail. Mission accomplished, just about every day of our stay!
First day hike – thankful I was prepared with warm base layers, gloves and wet weather gear. Photo by Joanne Sisco.
Don’t like the foggy weather obscuring the fantastic view? Wait 15 minutes.
That’s better!
Joanne admiring yet another spectacular view.

One of our goals for this trip was to see icebergs. Newfoundland did not disappoint as we spied them on our adventures most days. We got up close and personal with one while heading out to Witless Bay Ecological Preserve with Gatherall’s Boat Tours.

Immediately the boat made for an iceberg, so thoughtfully placed in our path. To say Joanne was thrilled would be the greatest understatement of 2019. 🙂
Joanne sees an iceberg up close. She’s good, I tell ya! Alas, I never saw a single whale on our NFLD trip, despite calling for them from the cliff tops.
One of the islands we passed. SO. MANY. BIRDS.
Millions of sea birds.
Puffin! I had to really blow up this shot as these birds are tiny and fast. Hard to capture.
Birds, birds, birds.

And now, back to hiking!

Apres boat trip, hiking around Witless Bay
Joanne spots an iceberg from the shore. This woman is insatiable! 🙂 Note: The weather improved and we were able to shed some layers.
Another day, another hike. Smiling faces from Holyrood and the Great Trail.
Stop the car!!! Iceberg spotted in Bay Roberts.
Hiking the Beach Trail in Bay Roberts.
Another view of “our” Bay Roberts iceberg.
Last day hike. We started out in Flatrock.
View from the top of our hike. Wall of fog fast approaching.
Joanne watching the fog wall come in. Don’t step back, Joanne!!!!

What an amazing week of stunning vistas, wildlife (sadly, no whales though), and all the weather one could think of. Except snow and ice, thankfully. I can heartily recommend Newfoundland to anyone who loves nature and hiking. Bring along a like-minded adventurer (cough*Joanne*cough), for the best time possible!

Rock on,

The WB

52 thoughts on “Answering the call: Newfoundland

  1. Hey Deb! Looks like you had an amazing adventure. And how cool that you were able to put together a trip with Joanne doing something you both love. It looks a bit on the cold side for my tastes but I loved the stark beauty and the icebergs. We must enjoy and appreciate them while we can. Thanks for sharing. ~Kathy

  2. Your vacation looks and sounds wonderful to me. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a photo of a puffin taken by non-professional photographer, so good job. I like that you were able to be outside so much, taking in the simple [stark?] scenery. It all seems perfect to me. Thanks for sharing it here.

    1. I’m completely I awe that Deb managed a photo of a puffin!! I gave up almost immediately. As she said, they are small, they are fast, and omg so absolutely adorable!!!

  3. Well done Deb, I’ve never been to Newfoundland but my father was born there. I’ll be interested to see more about it so looking forward to your posts.

  4. You know how you take pictures of a “stunning vistas” and they don’t quite have the same impact as in real life? Well, I think you’ve managed to capture some fabulous shots that sure make an impact on me!

    Glad to see you made it back, intact and grateful for the experience.

  5. Jean R.

    I am so impressed by your sense of adventure! The photos are wonderful and I’m living viciously through you and your friend.

  6. Hi Deb (& Joanne). March was not that long ago. Great preparation. Dressing for the weather can make or break this type of holiday. All of the photos are stunning! Did you use mostly your camera or phone? Can you take photos with gloves on? For this type of holiday it is fun to see a few videos capturing the sounds of the area. Great on the puffin shot. They are small and fast. I am glad you were there with Joanne. Fun to share an experience and I don’t know whether hiking alone is ever a great idea. I look forward to reading more about your Newfoundland adventure:)

  7. Oh how your pictures make my heart go pitty-pat. The first pictures posted – are they of the Sugar Loaf trail? I went to MUN several thousand years ago, so much as changed, but I do get back once in a while because I have a brother who lives and works in Logy Bay at the Marine Lab. Right across from his house is a spectacular headland that makes for glorious walks and meditative ocean viewing. The Sugar Loaf trail is very close by and one I’ve hiked several times when we visit.

    So glad you enjoyed your adventures in this unique place.

  8. OMG – I LOVE this post! Your photos are gorgeous and it’s a great sampler of our week together. There are just so many wonderful memories wrapped into each one of these photos!

  9. AJ Blythe

    Deb, I’ve followed your Insta posts, but getting more of the story behind them is wonderful. It looks like gorgeous territory to hike in. Our trees have jus tfinishe dlosing their leaves so enjoyed seeing the green in your photos.

    1. Thanks AJ! A lot of the Newfoundland “rock” reminded me of parts of my own province. The Canadian Shield-type rocky terrain provides gorgeous scenery, no matter where you hike.

  10. Dreaming of the day I visit Newfoundland. I have yet to meet a single person who has been to the rock & not come back wanting to return. Looks like you gals had an amazing week together!

  11. Awesome pictures and video on this one Deb…yay for you and Joanne getting together to do some hiking and sightseeing! Hubby and I went to Newfoundland for our third anniversary in 2007…yep doing the math makes this years anniversary our 15th! This year we are going to Prescott Ontario, about 5 hours or so from home – nothing like Newfoundland. LOL. Anyway, did you find time seems to sllloooooowwww down when you are down east? It sure did for us. We spent two weeks with friends in Harbor Grace and it felt like a month!!! Most of our time was spent travelling the Loop by car and stopping in quaint little shops along the way with the obligatory posed pictures with various touristy stuff and town signs like “Dildo” 😉 Really great blog Deb…thoroughly enjoyed sharing this adventure with you and Joanne.

    1. Thanks Susan! We spent some time in Harbour Grace as well – lovely place. Nice pace of life there, for sure! Congrats on your anniversary! Joanne and I have planned a trip to Prescott as well, for the fall – to visit a mutual friend who is moving there.

      1. Thanks Deb for the congrats….impressing the heck out of us…15 years and second marriages for both of us when neither of our first marriages never made it that far. We must be doing something right. 🙂 LOL. I think I know who you are referring to. 😉 Hope you and Joanne have a great time when you go.

  12. Pingback: Newfoundland Trip: Food and Drink Edition - THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

  13. Awesome pics and sound like a blast!
    I love puffins!!
    Love how blogging buddies can become real life friends!!
    I was in Canada vacationing too but the opposite direction. Vancouver, BC. So beautiful!

  14. Nancy

    Hey Deb,
    Just now catching up on my blog reading after some adventuring and a weeklong family funeral in RI.
    What amazing pics, and so nice that Joanne brought you along,lol. Newfoundland is kind of a bucket list destination for me…actually wanted to bring the sailboat, but maybe now the trailer instead.

  15. Pingback: (Almost) Wordless But Not Whale-less Wednesday - THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

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