The Changing Seasons – December 2018

Hoo boy, it IS mostly dark these December days so I’ve been taking advantage of what daylight there is by hauling my sorry butt outdoors whenever I can.

sunrise in the village
Sun peeking over a riverfront building in ye olde Village on the River.
Sun and shadow painting the path.

I’ve been noticing seed heads and pods and all manner of lovely wintery things on my walks.

Bullrushes caught my eye.
milkweed in the snow
And this: Blown milkweed pods at side of railroad tracks.

When it gets dark, it’s time to head home and throw on as much light as possible.

candlelight, firelight and tree light
Let there be lights!!! Welcoming Yule…

Also: when it gets dark, it’s time to celebrate and visit with friends.

party girls glamming it up
At my friend Mizzus J’s (far right) retirement gala party. Interesting story – Mizzus J and I met at work at a lab many years ago. Mizzus K (middle) and I met at work (another job, another lab) years later. Mizzus J and Mizzus K met for the first time at late hubby JD’s 50th birthday party and hit it off, resulting in Mizzus K working for Mizzus J (who now owned her own lab). Now Mizzus J has retired and Mizzus K has accepted the position of President. I feel proud and happy to have been a part of this!
friends who have become family
Visiting JD’s best man and his wife, who have become “lifers” in the Friends Department. Clearly my selfie game is not strong. Yes, M has been queried about playing Santa and is considering making it a post-retirement hobby, visiting nursing homes and such. And Mrs. M is not averse to becoming Mrs. Claus, and making it a duo.

I am not a night creature, anymore though. It’s damn hard for me to leave the house once the sun goes down, in the winter months. My natural inclination is to slip into jammies and wind down my day as soon as it gets dark. Like 5 pm. Seriously.

So no surprise here: I am ecstatic to welcome back the return of longer days and shorter nights, for my personal productivity if nothing else!

End of night and makeup still on.
Getting too old for all these late winter nights. My eye makeup went the distance, even if I pooped out after several hours of dancing and celebrating.

The Changing Seasons is a monthly blog challenge hosted by Su Leslie, at Zimmerbitch. Check out her blog, to see how it’s done!

Wishing you all a happy New Year and a fantastic 2019!

Rock on,

The WB

35 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – December 2018

  1. Happy New Year Debbie….I too detest the dark long winter nights. It is a cue for me to curl up with a good book to read under a strong light. Summer is my favorite season when it seems to be light out…like, forever! That is really strange how your friends met and melded together over the years to be where you all are now. They do say there is no such thing as coincidence. 😉

  2. Jean R.

    I love that painting over the fireplace and your seed pods shots. I have cat tails by my window and enjoys them year around, especially in the spring when the birds come tear them apart for nesting material.

    Have a good New Years Eve no matter what you end doing.

    1. Thank you, Jean! My New Years Eve will be spent just the way I want it – in quiet contemplation of the past and planning for the future. My days of wild partying are firmly behind me 😜. I hope you have a lovely evening and a stellar 2019. Keep observing and blogging please! I love your voice on ye olde interwebs.

  3. Happy, Happy New Year, Deb!!!! SO looking forward to 2019!!! I’ll be back to blogging on the 1st. (The people have spoken. Hahaha) – May the best of the best find it’s way to your home and grab your umbrella, Missy cuz’ I’m praying for all of the blessings of Heaven to rain down upon that beautiful heart of yours! Cheers!

  4. You are looking mighty fine, Ms Badass! There is absolutely nothing wrong with your selfie skills 🙂

    All in all, I’d say it’s been a great year and December has capped it off nicely. That path wandering through the forest calls to me 🙂
    Bring on the longer days of sunlight! ☀️☀️☀️

    1. Awww, thank you my friend! I hope the call brings us together on many a walk in 2019! I can’t complain about 2018 either and I’m looking forward to more growth and challenges met, for 2019.

      1. Actually, I’m hoping for negative ‘growth’ in 2019. I’ve had too much already in the past and need to seriously work on reversing the process 😉

        You have an epic year planned for 2019 and I hope to there cheering you on!

  5. Your beautiful outdoor photos remind me of the days when I lived in snow country. I sometimes miss the woods and the hikes over crusty-topped snowdrifts, and even the punch-in-the-face cold. By the way, out here we call bullrushes, “cattails”. Although I don’t know what bulls or cats have to do with those fuzzy corndogs on sticks.

    1. We call them that too, TG. Except I forgot the word, so when I created the post only the term bullrushes came to mind 😜. Thanks to you and Jean, I’ll never forget the term cattails again!

  6. Happy New Year, Debbie and I loved your winter photos. We are in the midst of Summer here in Australia, so hot, sunny days. The weather has been gorgeous this year. You looked pretty good after a night of partying – you go girl! Have a great 2019 and look forward to reading more of your posts. xx

  7. Smokin’ smoky eyes, Ms. Badass! I also love the photo of the bull rushes and the milkweed. I too am not a night owl anymore. I doubt I’ll see midnight, although our homebody 21 year old may holler from her room “Happy New Year” and wake us up.

    1. Thanks Susanne. That photo is the result of a temporary obsession with watching YouTube makeup tutorials 😜. Have a happy New Year…even better if you sleep through it and hit the ground running tomorrow! So says I.

  8. Your photos are lovely! I love the seasons because they allow us to wind down at 5 pm in our jammies – guilt free – in the winter and stay out until 10 pm in summer. I’ve begun to honor and embrace the seasons with how I care for myself instead of pushing against them. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Janet! Same to you! I’m with you re: honour and embrace the seasons instead of fighting the natural way. Winter should be a time of rest and recuperation so that we can stay out till 10 in high summer!

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