When I was reviewing my progress towards my goals way back in September, I realized that once again I had proclaimed I was going to take better care of myself, and once again, I was not doing the same. So I reflected a lot on why that might be so. I mean, I know what I need to do (lose weight and move more), and I certainly know by this time, how to do it. Yet, nothing was happening. Which means two things, to me:
- It’s a problem with my head more than my body.
- I need help to be accountable to myself, as I have proven over and over again that I can’t stick with it when I try to do it on my own.
I turned to the Tarot for guidance, using my new Simple Tarot deck. I drew a 3 card spread with this question in mind: What do I need to know about starting a weight loss/fitness program?
Card 1 – Do it
Card 2 – Don’t do it
Card 3 – How to decide

As you can see, the cards told me what I already suspected: I could change my fortune by taking better care of myself or I could anticipate unwanted changes in my health; and the way to proceed forward was by using my intellect to strategically analyze the problem and my options.
So I spent a week or more researching differing ways to achieve my goal. I even drew up a little chart, listing all the ways I could do this across the top (on my own, Noom, Weight Watchers, MyFitnessPal, SparkPeople), and the attributes of each down the side (things like cost, syncing with my FitBit, online vs. meeting options, food and exercise diaries, etc.). Setting up this chart helped dramatically, in being able to see and compare all my options.
After this exercise, it was clear to me that Weight Watchers (WW) was the best option for me, in terms of what I considered important (a physical meeting and weigh-in, syncing with my FitBit, an app on my phone etc.). I was able to tap into a 50% off sale, so I signed up for a 6 month’s membership.
I was kinda surprised by this because, going into this exercise, I was against going back to WW. Decades ago, I went to WW for a long, long time – a long time because I could not hit the lifetime goal weight they had set for me. It took me many months to realize that it was unachievable for my body type, and eventually I had to get a doctor’s note to have my goal weight range altered to be one that was suitable and healthy for me. That left a long-standing bitter taste in my mouth about this program.
Going through the strategic exercise and doing the research on what WW was all about NOW made it the obvious choice, despite my lingering feelings about my past experience.
Seven meetings later (6 weeks on the Freestyle program), I am down just over 8 lbs. It has been quite easy so far. I’m enjoying the app, which even comes with a barcode scanner that tells you the point values of a food product. All of the leaner, healthier foods are 0 points (fruits, vegetables, chicken and fish) and there is literally nothing I can’t eat, if I want to. Which makes the program very easy to stick to. Forgot lunch and need to pick up something through the drive-thru? No problem. Want a glass of wine? No problem. Want popcorn and M&Ms to munch on while attending a screening of Bohemian Rhapsody? No problem.
Obviously I need to be making healthier choices on the regular, but it’s nice to know I can do these other things occasionally (and I have) as well, and still be achieving success in working towards my health goals. Because nothing gets my inner rebel activated faster than telling me I CAN’T do something. 😉
I’d like to need to lose more weight in order to be my healthiest, but for now I am just taking it day by day, week by week, month by month. I’m on a learning journey, I have decided. I haven’t set a goal weight yet – although at my last appointment my doc very kindly and without prompting gave me a note stating what SHE thinks is my healthy weight range – she must have run into the same problems with WW, at some point! I’m prepared to unpack any psychological hurdles that come up as I continue on this path. I’m journalling as these things come up.
For fitness, I am exercising every day via YouTube videos (mostly JessicaSmithTV), walking, and hiking.
And best of all, I’m having fun doing all of these things. There is no hardship involved, this time. Not at least so far. 🙂
Rock on,
The WB
You’re doing very well!! Best wishes on this journey, Deb – I know it’s not an easy one but you’re doing it for all the right reasons. You – and you alone.
… now if only I could channel some of that ….
Thank you, Joanne! It took me a long time to get to this point, again.
I’m impressed! I’ve been slowly working up to making the commitment to change my unhealthy eating too. I’m hoping to do that with the new year and I’ve run through the same choices you did. Weight Watchers worked for me a long time ago and Fitbit tracking more recently. I have a friend doing great on Noom which, to me, sounds too much like I can get from the free or nearly free apps.
Congratulations on making the commitment BEFORE the holidays. That’s takes guts and determination. be proud!
Thank you, Jean! I’m more focused on turning 60 next July and on Barbados in February than on Christmas 🎂🏝😜.
Good for you Deb! It sounds like this is working for you – and even if it doesn’t happen overnight, each step in the desired direction counts! Once again — you rock!
Thank you, Janet! Slow and steady is my game plan.
I went through something similar a few weeks ago and decided that I only maintain a healthy weight when I track using WW, but I hate their new program (I eat too many of the non-zero points foods for it to be useful for me) so I’m using Points Plus. Glad WW is working for you!
I also found the tarot cards interesting–especially the middle one–because I realized I treat my weight as a crisis. Once it gets to a certain point, I do something about it and then once I get it under control I figure I’m fine…until it creeps back up to crisis point again. So I was using my old problem solving methods instead of treating it as something that requires maintenance so it doesn’t get to crisis point.
Thanks for the comment, Akilah. I know I have a lot to unpack on my journey – such as why I am nervous about losing weight, and also triggers that cause me to eat my feelings. I see The Tower and it reminds me not to take my current good health for granted.
Exercising daily, walking, hiking and having fun?!! That sounds like a winning combination to me. Congratulations, Deb!
Thank you, Donna! I have a ways to go yet, but I am loving the journey. After what seems like an entire lifetime of being on “diets”, what I am doing now seems almost effortless. Which means I was finally ready and this particular combo of mindful eating and exercise is the right one for me.
You’ve found a plan that works for you and that’s really what counts. The numbers on the scale are only random numbers, but a way of doing things that makes you happy is beyond numbers. Rock on, indeed.
Thank you, Ally! I am taking time to enjoy non-number related discoveries/happiness as well, like my pants fitting better! 😁
Good for you!
Thank you, Susanne!
If you are moving every day, I think you are doing very well! I know I will never be the same size I was 30 years ago, so I focus on things like strength and endurance and it feels good to meet those types of goals (and still enjoy some wine and chocolate!)
Thank you, Tracey! I’m not so much focused on getting to a certain size as I am preventing any more health crises. I’ve had 2 mini- strokes and am on meds for high blood pressure. So I’d like to bring that down (and also still enjoy some wine 😁).
Well done, you! I think we all have to find what is right for us in living a healthy lifestyle Deb and if WW does it for you that is great! I’ve been using YouTube lately and doing a 30 days of Yoga with Adrienne. I love it! There are so many videos you can try at home to maintain a variety of exercise.Keep going – you’ve got this!! x
Thank you, Sue! I’ve heard good things about yoga with Adrienne and saved a couple of her videos but have yet to try one. I really do love working out at home to these YouTube stars as well. So convenient!
It’s so hard losing weight when you’re a real food lover but sometimes it’s just got to be done for health reasons. I know from personal experience how hard it is, so well done.
Thank you! Yep, I do love food. I work with someone who doesn’t and she is happy to drink a protein shake a couple of times a day instead of eat. I could never be that person!
Yup, similar goals here. And battle is mental, nothing else – always a challenge. Great approach and sounds like it is paying off. Yay, Deb.
Thank you, AJ! Good luck with your journey 😀
I love this post and I am so happy for you! Congratulations on hitting your health head on and losing 8lbs.! Fantastic. I have been all over the map on weight loss and I always come back to WW because for me it is the closest thing to “real” eating that most people do. Also, I love your use of the Tarot. What a great confirmation to what your spirit already knew. 🙂 It’s amazing when the Universe agrees with us. MUCH continued success on this journey of yours, Deb. I’m on a journey as well. You may have noticed the signs. 🙂 Can’t wait to read more. You may just get me back into the blogging world. 🙂
Thank you, Mimi! You’re dealing with a lot still, I suspect, so I hope you are being kind to yourself, AND that you’ll come back to the blogging world when ready 💕.
I’m here for you whenever you need it. If WW works for you go for it. It’s really the system that speaks to you , that clicks that is helpful. I’m still using Spark – but mostly for the community support as I’ve moved my calorie counter over to My Fitness Pal. Husband uses the Nutritionix app which has an amazing HUGE database of foods – probably the best I’ve seen.
On the mental side, yes there’s always those little fears that sometimes become big fears or roadblocks to what we want to achieve. I know you’ll work through this too as you have the tools in the toolbox to get it done.
Thank you, Becky! The main thing that sold me on WW was the accountability of standing on that scale and having someone other than just me record my progress every week. If I could do that through SparkPeople, I would’ve done that instead.
Thank you for sharing this part of your journey so openly Debbie – you give us hope as we struggle with something or other. Cheering you on as you continue to sculpt a healthier you!
Thank you, Ju-Lyn!