It’s that time of year when the weather is almost always nice, and that means a whole lot less time is spent indoors. Especially in the kitchen. A wonderful excuse to break out a sheet pan dinner! And luckily I have 2 pans because I needed the other for a crafty thing I was MacGyver-ing in preparation for future camping adventures: homemade fire starters. Very useful to starting fires here on the Wet Coast, where wood and tinder are sometimes too damp to facilitate a quick and satisfying campfire. Hey, those S’mores ain’t gonna roast themselves, ya know?
As usual, I came across something on Ye Olde YouTube that sparked my interest. The video is here:
I watched the video and gathered my supplies. Then I got to work.

These fire starters turned out great, and they burn heartily for more than 10 minutes after being lit with a single match.

The same afternoon I made these, I also made a delicious sheet pan dinner, inspired by this YouTube video:
The actual recipe to be printed off can be found here.
I hustled off to my little local grocery store and was disappointed that they didn’t have any fresh green beans in stock. They did however have some delectable-looking bundles of asparagus in the veggie section, so I made that swap. I think it turned out at least as good, if not better.

Have you ever made a sheet pan dinner? Chime in, in the Comments below!
And, as always: please feel free to let my co-host Donna (she is dishing up some food for thought, this month!) or myself know what’s on your plate at your house, in the Comments of either Donna’s or my post. And remember if you decide to blog or Facebook or Instagram about it, to use the tag #whatsonyourplateblogchallenge so we can find you out on ye olde interwebbs!
Rock on,
The WB